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package main

import (

func main() {
	// 初始化配置
	if err := pay.InitWxpay(pay.Config{
		MchID:                      "mchID",                      // 支付商户号
		MchAPIv3Key:                "mchAPIv3Key",                // apiV3密钥
		PrivateKey:                 "privateKey",                 // 私钥证书密钥
		PrivateCert:                "privateCert",                // 私钥证书
	}); err != nil {
		log.Panicln("微信支付错误:", err)

	// app支付
	apiService := app.AppApiService{Client: pay.Wxpay.Client}
	result, _, err := apiService.PrepayWithRequestPayment(context.Background(), app.PrepayRequest{
		Appid:       core.String("appid"),
		Mchid:       core.String("mchID"),
		Description: core.String("subject"),
		OutTradeNo:  core.String("payNo"),
		TimeExpire:  core.Time(time.Now().Add(time.Minute * time.Duration(15))),
		NotifyUrl:   core.String("notifyURL"),
		Amount: &app.Amount{
			Total:    core.Int64(int64(0.01 * 100)),
			Currency: core.String("CNY"),
	log.Println(result, err)

	// 小程序/微信公众号支付
	apiService := jsapi.JsapiApiService{Client: pay.Wxpay.Client}
	result, _, err = apiService.PrepayWithRequestPayment(context.Background(), jsapi.PrepayRequest{
		Appid:       core.String("appid"),
		Mchid:       core.String("mchID"),
		Description: core.String("subject"),
		OutTradeNo:  core.String("payNo"),
		TimeExpire:  core.Time(time.Now().Add(time.Minute * time.Duration(15))),
		NotifyUrl:   core.String("notifyURL"),
		Amount: &jsapi.Amount{
			Total:    core.Int64(int64(0.01 * 100)),
			Currency: core.String("CNY"),
		Payer: &jsapi.Payer{
			Openid: core.String("openId"),
	log.Println(result, err)
	// 详细使用文档见