You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
namespace app\admin\logic;
use PDOStatement;
use think\Collection;
use think\Db;
class PoolConfigLogic
public $error = '操作失败!';
* 公海配置列表
* @param array $param page 页码limit 每页条数
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-03-30
* @return array
public function getPoolList($param)
$page = !empty($param['page']) ? $param['page'] : 1;
$limit = !empty($param['limit']) ? $param['limit'] : 15;
$count = db('crm_customer_pool')->count();
# 公海列表
$list = db('crm_customer_pool')->field([
'pool_id', 'pool_name', 'admin_user_ids', 'user_ids', 'department_ids', 'status'
])->limit(($page - 1) * $limit, $limit)->select();
# 统计公海下的客户数量
$customerData = [];
$customerList = db('crm_customer_pool_relation')->field(['pool_id', 'count(customer_id) AS customer_count'])->group('pool_id')->select();
foreach ($customerList AS $key => $value) {
$customerData[$value['pool_id']] = $value['customer_count'];
foreach ($list AS $key => $value) {
# 公海管理员
$adminUserIds = trim($value['admin_user_ids'], ',');
$adminUserNames = db('admin_user')->whereIn('id', $adminUserIds)->column('realname');
# 公海成员
$userIds = trim($value['user_ids'], ',');
$userNames = db('admin_user')->whereIn('id', $userIds)->column('realname');
# 部门
$structureIds = trim($value['department_ids'], ',');
$structureNames = db('admin_structure')->whereIn('id', $structureIds)->column('name');
# 公海成员
$poolMembers = array_merge($structureNames, $userNames);
$list[$key]['admin_user_names'] = implode(',', $adminUserNames);
$list[$key]['user_names'] = implode(',', array_unique($poolMembers));
$list[$key]['customer_count'] = !empty($customerData[$value['pool_id']]) ? $customerData[$value['pool_id']] : 0;
return ['count' => $count, 'list' => !empty($list) ? $list : []];
* 设置多公海配置
* @param $param
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-03-30
* @return bool
public function setPoolConfig($param)
if (empty($param['pool_name'])) {
$this->error = '请填写公海名称!';
return false;
if (!empty($param['pool_name']) && mb_strlen($param['pool_name']) > 100) {
$this->error = '公海名称最多只能输入100个字符';
return false;
if (empty($param['admin_user_ids'])) {
$this->error = '请选择公海管理员!';
return false;
if (empty($param['user_ids']) && empty($param['department_ids'])) {
$this->error = '请选择公海成员!';
return false;
if (!empty($param['recycle_conf']) && empty($param['rule'])) {
$this->error = '请设置回收规则!';
return false;
$repeatWhere['pool_name'] = $param['pool_name'];
if (!empty($param['pool_id'])) $repeatWhere['pool_id'] = ['neq', $param['pool_id']];
if (db('crm_customer_pool')->where($repeatWhere)->value('pool_id')) {
$this->error = '公海名称重复';
return false;
$poolData = [
'pool_name' => $param['pool_name'],
'admin_user_ids' => ',' . $param['admin_user_ids'] . ',',
'user_ids' => ',' . $param['user_ids'] . ',',
'department_ids' => !empty($param['department_ids']) ? ',' . $param['department_ids'] . ',' : '',
'status' => 1,
'before_owner_conf' => $param['before_owner_conf'],
'before_owner_day' => $param['before_owner_day'],
'receive_conf' => $param['receive_conf'],
'receive_count' => $param['receive_count'],
'remind_conf' => $param['remind_conf'],
'remain_day' => $param['remain_day'],
'recycle_conf' => $param['recycle_conf'],
'create_user_id' => $param['user_id'],
'create_time' => time()
try {
if (!empty($param['pool_id'])) {
# 编辑
$poolId = $param['pool_id'];
Db::name('crm_customer_pool')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->update($poolData);
} else {
# 创建
$poolId = Db::name('crm_customer_pool')->insert($poolData, false, true);
# 公海字段
$fieldData = $this->getPoolField($param['field'], $poolId);
if (!empty($fieldData)) {
Db::name('crm_customer_pool_field_setting')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->delete();
# 公海规则
$ruleData = $this->getPoolRule($param['rule'], $poolId);
if (!empty($ruleData)) {
Db::name('crm_customer_pool_rule')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->delete();
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->error = '创建公海失败!';
return false;
* 公海配置详情
* @param int $poolId 公海ID
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-03-30
* @return array|bool
public function readPool($poolId)
$data = db('crm_customer_pool')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->find();
if (empty($data['pool_id'])) {
$this->error = '没有查询到数据!';
return false;
# 时间格式
$data['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['create_time']);
# 公海管理员
$adminUserIds = trim($data['admin_user_ids'], ',');
$data['admin_user_ids'] = $adminUserIds;
$data['admin_user_info'] = db('admin_user')->field(['id', 'realname', 'thumb_img'])->whereIn('id', $adminUserIds)->select();
foreach ($data['admin_user_info'] AS $key => $value) {
$data['admin_user_info'][$key]['thumb_img'] = getFullPath($value['thumb_img']);
# 公海成员
$userIds = trim($data['user_ids'], ',');
$data['user_ids'] = $userIds;
$data['user_info'] = db('admin_user')->field(['id', 'realname', 'thumb_img'])->whereIn('id', $userIds)->select();
foreach ($data['user_info'] AS $key => $value) {
$data['user_info'][$key]['thumb_img'] = getFullPath($value['thumb_img']);
# 公海部门
$departmentIds = trim($data['department_ids'], ',');
$data['department_ids'] = $departmentIds;
$data['department_info'] = db('admin_structure')->field(['id', 'name'])->whereIn('id', $departmentIds)->select();
# 公海字段
$data['field'] = db('crm_customer_pool_field_setting')->where('pool_id', $data['pool_id'])->select();
# 公海规则
$data['rule'] = db('crm_customer_pool_rule')->where('pool_id', $data['pool_id'])->select();
foreach ($data['rule'] AS $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value['level'])) {
$data['rule'][$key]['level'] = json_decode($value['level'], true);
$data['rule'][$key]['level_setting'] = json_decode($value['level'], true);
# 客户数量
$data['customer_count'] = db('crm_customer_pool_relation')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->count();
return $data;
* 变更公海配置状态
* @param array $param pool_id 公海ID, status 状态1启用、0停用
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-03-30
* @return false|int|string
public function changePoolStatus($param)
$poolId = $param['pool_id'];
$status = $param['status'];
if ($status == 0 && db('crm_customer_pool_relation')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->count() > 0) {
$this->error = '公海内有客户,不能停用!';
return false;
if ($status == 0 && db('crm_customer_pool')->where(['pool_id' => ['neq', $poolId], 'status' => 1])->count() < 1) {
$this->error = '至少要开启一个公海!';
return false;
return db('crm_customer_pool')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->update(['status' => $status]);
* 删除公海配置
* @param int $poolId 公海ID
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-03-30
* @return bool
public function deletePool($poolId)
if (db('crm_customer_pool_relation')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->count() > 0) {
$this->error = '公海内有客户,不能删除!';
return false;
if (db('crm_customer_pool')->where(['pool_id' => ['neq', $poolId], 'status' => 1])->count() < 1) {
$this->error = '至少要保留一个开启的公海!';
return false;
try {
# 删除公海规则数据
Db::name('crm_customer_pool_rule')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->delete();
# 删除公海字段数据
Db::name('crm_customer_pool_field_setting')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->delete();
# 删除用户保存的公海字段数据
Db::name('crm_customer_pool_field_style')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->delete();
4 years ago
# 删除公海操作记录数据
Db::name('crm_customer_pool_record')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->delete();
4 years ago
# 删除公海数据
Db::name('crm_customer_pool')->where('pool_id', $poolId)->delete();
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->error = '删除公海配置失败!';
return false;
* 转移公海客户
* @param array $param source_pool_id 源公海IDtarget_pool_id 目标公海ID
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-03-30
* @return bool
public function transferPool($param)
if (empty($param['source_pool_id']) || empty($param['target_pool_id'])) {
$this->error = '缺少源ID或目标ID';
return false;
# 源
$sourceCustomerIds = Db::name('crm_customer_pool_relation')->where('pool_id', $param['source_pool_id'])->column('customer_id');
# 目标
$targetCustomerIds = Db::name('crm_customer_pool_relation')->where('pool_id', $param['target_pool_id'])->column('customer_id');
# 差异
$diffCustomerIds = array_diff($sourceCustomerIds, $targetCustomerIds);
$data = [];
foreach ($diffCustomerIds AS $key => $value) {
$data[] = [
'customer_id' => $value,
'pool_id' => $param['target_pool_id']
try {
Db::name('crm_customer_pool_relation')->where('pool_id', $param['source_pool_id'])->delete();
if (!empty($data)) Db::name('crm_customer_pool_relation')->insertAll($data);
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->error = '转移失败!';
return false;
* 获取客户级别列表
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-04-22
* @return array
public function getCustomerLevel()
$setting = db('admin_field')->where(['types' => 'crm_customer', 'field' => 'level'])->value('setting');
$data = explode(chr(10), $setting);
return !empty($data) ? $data : [];
* 获取公海字段列表
* @param array $param pool_id 公海ID
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-04-29
* @return bool|PDOStatement|string|Collection
public function getPoolFieldList($param)
if (!empty($param['pool_id'])) {
4 years ago
return db('crm_customer_pool_field_setting')->field(['field_name AS field', 'name', 'form_type', 'is_hidden', 'is_null', 'is_unique'])->where('pool_id', $param['pool_id'])->select();
4 years ago
} else {
4 years ago
$data = db('admin_field')->field(['field', 'name', 'form_type', 'is_hidden', 'is_null', 'is_unique'])->where(['types' => 'crm_customer'])->select();
4 years ago
$address = [
'field' => 'address',
'name' => '省、市、区/县',
'form_type' => 'customer_address',
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'is_null' => 0,
'is_unique' => 0,
4 years ago
$detailAddress = [
'field' => 'detail_address',
'name' => '详细地址',
'form_type' => 'text',
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'is_null' => 0,
'is_unique' => 0,
4 years ago
$lastRecord = [
'field' => 'last_record',
'name' => '最后跟进记录',
'form_type' => 'text',
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'is_null' => 0,
'is_unique' => 0,
4 years ago
$lastTime = [
'field' => 'last_time',
'name' => '最后跟进时间',
'form_type' => 'datetime',
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'is_null' => 0,
'is_unique' => 0,
4 years ago
$beforeOwnerUser = [
'field' => 'before_owner_user_id',
'name' => '前负责人',
'form_type' => 'user',
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'is_null' => 0,
'is_unique' => 0,
4 years ago
$intoPoolTime = [
'field' => 'into_pool_time',
'name' => '进入公海时间',
'form_type' => 'datetime',
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'is_null' => 0,
'is_unique' => 0,
4 years ago
$createTime = [
'field' => 'create_time',
'name' => '创建时间',
'form_type' => 'datetime',
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'is_null' => 0,
'is_unique' => 0,
4 years ago
$updateTime = [
'field' => 'update_time',
'name' => '更新时间',
'form_type' => 'datetime',
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'is_null' => 0,
'is_unique' => 0,
4 years ago
$createUser = [
'field' => 'create_user_id',
'name' => '创建人',
'form_type' => 'user',
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'is_null' => 0,
'is_unique' => 0,
4 years ago
array_push($data, $address, $detailAddress, $lastRecord, $lastTime, $createTime, $updateTime, $createUser, $beforeOwnerUser, $intoPoolTime);
return $data;
* 处理公海规则数据
* @param array $rules 规则数据
* @param int $poolId 公海ID
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-03-30
* @return array
private function getPoolRule($rules, $poolId)
$result = [];
foreach ($rules AS $key => $value) {
$result[] = [
'pool_id' => $poolId,
'type' => $value['type'],
'deal_handle' => $value['deal_handle'],
'business_handle' => $value['business_handle'],
'level_conf' => $value['level_conf'],
'level' => json_encode($value['level']),
'limit_day' => !empty($value['limit_day']) ? $value['limit_day'] : 0
return $result;
* 处理公海字段数据
* @param array $fields 字段列表
* @param int $poolId 公海ID
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-03-30
* @return array
private function getPoolField($fields, $poolId)
$result = [];
foreach ($fields AS $key => $value) {
$result[] = [
4 years ago
'pool_id' => $poolId,
'name' => $value['name'],
4 years ago
'field_name' => $value['field'],
4 years ago
'form_type' => $value['form_type'],
'is_hidden' => $value['is_hidden'],
'is_null' => $value['is_null'],
'is_unique' => $value['is_unique']
4 years ago
return $result;