->where(['user.id' => ['in', $id]])->field('user.id,username,img,thumb_img,realname,parent_id,structure.name as structure_name,structure.id as structure_id')->select();
->where(['user.id' => ['in', $ids]])->field('user.id,username,img,thumb_img,realname,parent_id,structure.name as structure_name,structure.id as structure_id')->select();
if ($v['type'] == 2) $result[$v['pool_id']] = array_merge($result[$v['pool_id']], $this->getBusinessQueryResult($v['level_conf'], $v['level'], $v['deal_handle']));
if ($v['type'] == 3) $result[$v['pool_id']] = array_merge($result[$v['pool_id']], $this->getDealQueryResult($v['level_conf'], $v['level'], $v['business_handle']));
return $result;
* N天内无新建跟进记录的客户
* @param int $type 类型:1 所有用户,不分级别,2 根据用户级别区分
* @param Json $levels 级别数据
* @param int $dealStatus 是否排除成交用户:1 排除,0 不排除
* @param int $businessStatus 是否排除有商机用户:1 排除,0 不排除
* @author fanqi
* @since 2021-04-01
* @return array
private function getFollowUpQueryResult($type, $levels, $dealStatus, $businessStatus)
# 转换格式
$levels = json_decode($levels, true);
# 默认条件
$where = "`customer`.`owner_user_id` > 0";
# 所有用户,不区分级别
if ($type == 1) {
foreach ($levels AS $k1 => $v1) {
if (!empty($v1['limit_day'])) {
$time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day'];
$where .= " AND ((`customer`.`last_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`last_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `customer`.`last_time`) OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND ISNULL(`customer`.`last_time`)))";
# 根据用户级别设置条件
if ($type == 2) {
foreach ($levels AS $k1 => $v1) {
if (!empty($v1['level']) && !empty($v1['limit_day'])) {
$where .= " AND ( ((`customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."' AND `customer`.`last_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`last_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) OR (`customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."' AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `customer`.`last_time`) OR (`customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."' AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND ISNULL(`customer`.`last_time`)))";
} else {
$where .= " OR ((`customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."' AND `customer`.`last_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`last_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) OR (`customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."' AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `customer`.`last_time`) OR (`customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."' AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND ISNULL(`customer`.`last_time`)))";
# 获取最小天数,对于没有设置级别的客户数据使用
$minLimit = $this->getMinDay($levels);
$minTime = (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $minLimit);
$where .= " OR ((!`customer`.`level` AND `customer`.`last_time` < ".$minTime." AND `customer`.`last_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) OR (!`customer`.`level` AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$minTime." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `customer`.`last_time`) OR (!`customer`.`level` AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$minTime." AND ISNULL(`customer`.`last_time`))) )";
# 选择不进入公海的客户(已成交客户)
if (!empty($dealStatus)) $where .= " AND (`customer`.`deal_status` <> '已成交' OR ISNULL(`customer`.`deal_status`))";
# 选择不进入公海的客户(有商机客户)
if (!empty($businessStatus)) $where .= " AND ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`)";
private function getBusinessQueryResult($type, $levels, $dealStatus)
# 转换格式
$levels = json_decode($levels, true);
# 默认条件
$where = "`customer`.`owner_user_id` > 0";
# 所有用户,不区分级别
if ($type == 1) {
foreach ($levels AS $k1 => $v1) {
if (!empty($v1['limit_day'])) {
$time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day'];
$where .= " AND ( (ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time.") OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `business`.`create_time`) OR (`business`.`create_time` < ".$time." AND `business`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) )";
# 根据用户级别设置条件
if ($type == 2) {
foreach ($levels AS $k1 => $v1) {
if (!empty($v1['level']) && !empty($v1['limit_day'])) {
$time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day'];
if ($k1 == 0) {
$where .= " AND ( ((ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."') OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `business`.`create_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."') OR (`business`.`create_time` < ".$time." AND `business`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."'))";
} else {
$where .= " OR ((ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."') OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `business`.`create_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."') OR (`business`.`create_time` < ".$time." AND `business`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."'))";
# 获取最小天数,对于没有设置级别的客户数据使用
$minLimit = $this->getMinDay($levels);
$minTime = (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $minLimit);
$where .= " OR ((ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$minTime." AND !`customer`.`level`) OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$minTime." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `business`.`create_time` AND !`customer`.`level`) OR (`business`.`create_time` < ".$minTime." AND `business`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND !`customer`.`level`)) )";
# 选择不进入公海的客户(已成交客户)
if (!empty($dealStatus)) $where .= " AND (`customer`.`deal_status` <> '已成交' OR ISNULL(`customer`.`deal_status`))";
private function getDealQueryResult($type, $levels, $businessStatus)
# 转换格式
$levels = json_decode($levels, true);
# 默认条件
$where = "`customer`.`owner_user_id` > 0";
# 所有用户,不区分级别
if ($type == 1) {
foreach ($levels AS $k1 => $v1) {
if (!empty($v1['limit_day'])) {
$time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day'];
$where .= " AND ( (ISNULL(`contract`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time.") OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `contract`.`create_time`) OR (`contract`.`create_time` < ".$time." AND `contract`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) )";
# 根据用户级别设置条件
if ($type == 2) {
foreach ($levels AS $k1 => $v1) {
if (!empty($v1['level']) && !empty($v1['limit_day'])) {
$time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day'];
if ($k1 == 0) {
$where .= " AND ( ((ISNULL(`contract`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."') OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `contract`.`create_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."') OR (`contract`.`create_time` < ".$time." AND `contract`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."'))";
} else {
$where .= " OR ((ISNULL(`contract`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."') OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$time." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `contract`.`create_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."') OR (`contract`.`create_time` < ".$time." AND `contract`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '".$v1['level']."'))";
# 获取最小天数,对于没有设置级别的客户数据使用
$minLimit = $this->getMinDay($levels);
$minTime = (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $minLimit);
$where .= " OR ((ISNULL(`contract`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$minTime." AND !`customer`.`level`) OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < ".$minTime." AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `contract`.`create_time` AND !`customer`.`level`) OR (`contract`.`create_time` < ".$minTime." AND `contract`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND !`customer`.`level`)) )";
# 选择不进入公海的客户(有商机客户)
if (!empty($businessStatus)) $where .= " AND ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`)";
@ -162,9 +162,8 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
count(1) count1,
0 count2
FROM 5kcrm_crm_customer
WHERE create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . "
WHERE (create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . " OR obtain_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . ")
and owner_user_id IN (" . implode(',', $param['customer_auth_user_ids']) . ")
and (( ( deal_time > ".$data['deal_time']." ) or (update_time > ".$data['follow_time']." and deal_time > ".$data['deal_time']."))or deal_status = '已成交' or is_lock = 1 )
count(1) AS count1,
@ -173,7 +172,6 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
LEFT JOIN 5kcrm_crm_customer customer ON contacts.customer_id=customer.customer_id
WHERE contacts.create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . "
and contacts.owner_user_id IN (" . implode(',', $param['contacts_auth_user_ids']) . ")
and (( ( customer.deal_time > ".$data['deal_time']." ) or (customer.update_time > ".$data['follow_time']." and customer.deal_time > ".$data['deal_time']."))or customer.deal_status = '已成交' or customer. is_lock = 1 )
count(1) AS count1,
@ -183,7 +181,7 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
and owner_user_id IN (" . implode(',', $param['business_auth_user_ids']) . ")
count(1) AS count1,
count( CASE WHEN check_status = 2 THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS count1,
SUM( CASE WHEN check_status = 2 THEN money ELSE 0 END) AS count2
FROM 5kcrm_crm_contract
WHERE create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . "
@ -208,7 +206,7 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
and create_user_id IN (" . implode(',', $param['record_auth_user_ids']) . ")";
return $countSql;
public function getProportion($now, $last)
@ -224,8 +222,8 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
return $res;
* 遗忘数据统计
* @return mixed
@ -246,14 +244,14 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
@ -607,7 +608,7 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
return $resDataArr;
* [数据汇总sql]
* @return
@ -629,19 +630,17 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
count(1) allCustomer,
COUNT(CASE WHEN deal_status = '已成交' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS dealCustomer
FROM 5kcrm_crm_customer
WHERE create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . "
AND owner_user_id IN (" . implode(',', $param['customer_auth_user_ids']) . ")
and (( ( deal_time > ".$data['deal_time']." ) or (update_time > ".$data['follow_time']." and deal_time > ".$data['deal_time']."))or deal_status = '已成交' or is_lock = 1 )
WHERE (create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . " OR obtain_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . ")
AND owner_user_id IN (" . implode(',', $param['customer_auth_user_ids']) . ")";
case 2 :
$countSql = "SELECT
COUNT(distinct CASE WHEN b.activity_type_id in (SELECT customer_id FROM 5kcrm_crm_customer
WHERE create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . "
AND owner_user_id IN (" . implode(',', $param['customer_auth_user_ids']) . ") AND next_time is not null
WHERE (create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . " OR obtain_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . ")
AND owner_user_id IN (" . implode(',', $param['customer_auth_user_ids']) . ") AND next_time is not null
) THEN b.activity_type_id ELSE NULL END) as activityNum
FROM 5kcrm_crm_activity AS b
WHERE create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . "
WHERE b.create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . "
AND b.type = '1'
AND b.activity_type = '2'
AND b.status = '1'
@ -669,14 +668,15 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
SUM( CASE WHEN r.check_status = 2 THEN r.money ELSE 0 END) AS receivablesMoney,
SUM(CASE WHEN p.money > 0 THEN p.money ELSE 0 END) AS planMoney
FROM 5kcrm_crm_receivables as r
LEFT JOIN 5kcrm_crm_receivables_plan AS p ON p.receivables_id = r.receivables_id
LEFT JOIN 5kcrm_crm_receivables_plan AS p ON p.receivables_id = r.receivables_id
WHERE r.create_time BETWEEN " . $param['start_time'] . " AND " . $param['end_time'] . "
AND r.owner_user_id IN (" . implode(',', $param['business_auth_user_ids']) . ")";
return $countSql;
* 赢单输单查看
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
$data['businesslist'] = $businessList;
return $data;
* 仪表盘布局列表
@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ class IndexLogic extends Common
->field('customer.customer_id,customer.name,customer.deal_status,customer.create_time,user.realname as owner_user_name,customer.last_time')
->field('customer.customer_id,customer.level,customer.name,customer.deal_status,customer.create_time,user.realname as owner_user_name,customer.last_time,customer.next_time')
->field('business.business_id,business.name,status.name as status_name,business.create_time,user.realname as owner_user_name,business.last_time')
->field('business.business_id,business.money,business.status_id,business.type_id,business.name,status.name as status_name,business.create_time,user.realname as owner_user_name,business.last_time,business.deal_date')