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4 years ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: CRM相关设置
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: Michael_xu |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\crm\model;
use app\admin\controller\ApiCommon;
use think\Db;
use app\admin\model\Common;
use think\Exception;
class Setting extends Common
* 为了数据库的整洁同时又不影响Model和Controller的名称
* 我们约定每个模块的数据表都加上相同的前缀比如CRM模块用crm作为数据表前缀
* 团队成员
* @author Michael_xu
* @param types 类型
* @param types_id 类型ID数组
* @param type 权限 1只读2读写
* @param user_id [array] 协作人
* @param is_del 1 移除操作
* @return
public function createTeamData($param)
if (!is_array($param['user_id'])) {
$param['user_id'] = [intval($param['user_id'])];
if (!is_array($param['types_id'])) {
$param['types_id'] = [intval($param['types_id'])];
4 years ago
$res = teamUserId($param,$param['types'], $param['types_id'], $param['type'], $param['user_id'], $param['is_del'], $param['owner_user_id']);
4 years ago
if ($res == '1') {
if (is_array($param['module']) && $param['types'] == 'crm_customer') {
foreach ($param['module'] as $v) {
$where = [];
$where['customer_id'] = array('in',$param['types_id']);
// $where['owner_user_id'] = $param['owner_user_id'];
$moduleList = db($v)->where($where)->select();
switch ($v) {
case 'crm_contacts' : $module_id = 'contacts_id'; break;
case 'crm_business' : $module_id = 'business_id'; break;
case 'crm_contract' : $module_id = 'contract_id'; break;
4 years ago
case 'crm_leads' : $module_id = 'leads_id'; break;
case 'crm_receivables' : $module_id = 'receivables_id'; break;
4 years ago
foreach ($moduleList as $val) {
4 years ago
teamUserId($param,$v, $val[$module_id], $param['type'], $param['user_id'], $param['is_del'], $param['owner_user_id'], 0);
4 years ago
return true;
} else {
return $res;
* 设置回访提醒
* @param $status
* @param $day
* @return bool
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
4 years ago
public function setVisitDay($status, $day,$userId)
4 years ago
$status = intval($status);
$day = intval($day);
# 是否开启回访提醒
if (Db::name('crm_config')->where('name', 'visit_config')->value('id')) {
Db::name('crm_config')->where('name', 'visit_config')->update(['value' => $status]);
} else {
'name' => 'visit_config',
'value' => $status,
'description' => '是否开启回访提醒1开启0不开启'
# 客户回访提醒天数
if (!empty($day)) {
if (Db::name('crm_config')->where('name', 'visit_day')->value('id')) {
Db::name('crm_config')->where('name', 'visit_day')->update(['value' => $day]);
} else {
'name' => 'visit_day',
'value' => $day,
'description' => '客户回访提醒天数'
4 years ago
# 系统操作日志
4 years ago
SystemActionLog($userId, 'crm_config','customer', 1, 'update','客户回访提醒' , '', '','设置了客户回访提醒');
4 years ago
return true;
* 获取回访提醒
* @return array
public function getVisitDay()
$status = Db::name('crm_config')->where('name', 'visit_config')->value('value');
$day = Db::name('crm_config')->where('name', 'visit_day')->value('value');
return ['status' => !empty($status) ? 1 : 0, 'day' => !empty($day) ? intval($day) : 0];
* 设置自动编号
* @param $param
* @return bool
4 years ago
public function setNumber($param,$userId)
4 years ago
$apiCommon = new ApiCommon();
try {
foreach ($param AS $key => $value) {
# 前端传来的status值为1代表启用后端保存的status值为0代表启用这里执行以下取反操作
$status = $value['status'] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
$sort = 0;
# 删除未提交过来的数据先查出某一类型的全部ID数据
$sequenceIds = Db::name('crm_number_sequence')->where('number_type', $value['number_type'])->column('number_sequence_id');
# 记录提交的ID用于删除没有提交过来的就是要删除的
$updateIds = [];
foreach ($value['setting'] AS $k => $v) {
$v['status'] = $status;
if (!empty($v['sort'])) $sort = $v['sort'];
# 编辑
if (!empty($v['number_sequence_id'])) {
$updateIds[] = $v['number_sequence_id'];
# 新增
if (empty($v['number_sequence_id'])) {
$increaseNumber = !empty($v['increase_number']) ? $v['increase_number'] : 1;
$reset = !empty($v['reset']) ? $v['reset'] : 0;
$insertData =[
'sort' => $sort + 1,
'type' => $v['type'],
'value' => $v['value'],
'increase_number' => $v['type'] == 3 ? $increaseNumber : null,
'reset' => $v['type'] == 3 ? $reset : null,
'create_time' => time(),
'create_user_id' => $apiCommon->userInfo['id'],
'status' => $v['status'],
'number_type' => $value['number_type']
# 删除
$sequenceIds = array_diff($sequenceIds, $updateIds);
if (!empty($sequenceIds)) Db::name('crm_number_sequence')->whereIn('number_sequence_id', $sequenceIds)->delete();
4 years ago
# 系统操作日志
4 years ago
SystemActionLog($userId, 'crm_number_sequence','customer', 1, 'update','编号规则设置' , '', '','设置了编号规则');
4 years ago
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
4 years ago
* 导航列表
* @param $param
* @author alvin guogaobo
* @version 1.0 版本号
* @since 2021/6/22 0022 11:39
public function appMenuConfig($param)
$data = db('app_navigation')->where('create_user_id', $param)->value('data');
$data = unserialize($data);
return $data?:[];
* 修改导航信息
* @param $param
* @param $userId
* @author alvin guogaobo
* @version 1.0 版本号
* @since 2021/6/22 0022 14:49
public function setMenuConfig($param,$userId){
$data = db('app_navigation')->where('create_user_id', $userId)->value('data');
$list=db('app_navigation')->where('create_user_id', $userId)->update($res);
return $list;
4 years ago