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4 years ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: 客户扩展设置
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: Michael_xu |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\crm\model;
4 years ago
use app\admin\controller\ApiCommon;
4 years ago
use think\Db;
use app\admin\model\Common;
use think\Request;
use think\Validate;
class CustomerConfig extends Common
* 为了数据库的整洁同时又不影响Model和Controller的名称
* 我们约定每个模块的数据表都加上相同的前缀比如CRM模块用crm作为数据表前缀
protected $name = 'crm_customer_config';
protected $createTime = 'create_time';
protected $updateTime = 'update_time';
protected $autoWriteTimestamp = true;
* 列表数据
* @param $request
* @return array
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function getDataList($request)
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$structureModel = new \app\admin\model\Structure();
$request = $this->fmtRequest( $request );
$map = $request['map'] ? : [];
$order = 'update_time desc'; //排序
$list = $this
->page($request['page'], $request['limit'])
foreach ($list as $k=>$v) {
$list[$k]['user_ids_info'] = $userModel->getListByStr($v['user_ids']);
$list[$k]['structure_ids_info'] = $structureModel->getListByStr($v['structure_ids']);
$dataCount = $this->where($map)->count('id');
$data = [];
$data['list'] = $list;
$data['dataCount'] = $dataCount ? : 0;
return $data;
* 保存/编辑相关信息 todo 创建和编辑走一个接口,前端非要这么搞
* @param array $param
* @return array|bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function createData($param)
$id = !empty($param['id']) ? $param['id'] : 0;
if ($param['value'] <= 0) {
$this->error = '数量上限必须大于0';
return false;
# 验证重复
if ($this->checkRepeat($param['types'], $param['user_ids'], $param['structure_ids'], $id)) {
$this->error = '有员工或部门包含在其他的规则里!';
return false;
$param['types'] = !empty($param['types']) ? $param['types'] : 1; # 1拥有客户上限2锁定客户上限
$param['user_ids'] = !empty($param['user_ids']) ? arrayToString($param['user_ids']) : ''; # 处理user_id
$param['structure_ids'] = !empty($param['structure_ids']) ? arrayToString($param['structure_ids']) : ''; # 处理structure_id
if ($this->allowField(true)->isUpdate(empty($id) ? false : true)->save($param, !empty($id) ? ['id' => $id] : [])) {
$data['id'] = $this->id;
4 years ago
# 系统操作日志
4 years ago
SystemActionLog($param['user_id'], 'crm_customer','customer', $this->id, $action,$content , '', '',$content);
4 years ago
return $data;
4 years ago
} else {
$this->error = '创建失败';
return false;
* 编辑相关信息
* @param $param
* @param string $id
* @return array|bool
public function updateDataById($param, $id = '')
if (!$id) {
$this->error = '参数错误';
return false;
if ($param['value'] <= 0) {
$this->error = '数量上限必须大于0';
return false;
$param['user_ids'] = is_array($param['user_ids']) ? arrayToString($param['user_ids']) : $param['user_ids']; //处理user_id
$param['structure_ids'] = is_array($param['structure_ids']) ? arrayToString($param['structure_ids']) : ''; //处理structure_id
if ($this->allowField(true)->isUpdate(true)->save($param, ['id' => $id])) {
$data['id'] = $id;
return $data;
} else {
$this->error = '编辑失败';
return false;
* 相关信息数据
* @param string $id
* @return Common|array|bool|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function getDataById($id = '')
$map['id'] = $id;
$dataInfo = $this->where($map)->find();
return $dataInfo ? : [];
4 years ago
* 验证是否可以持有或锁定客户
4 years ago
4 years ago
* @param int $userId 用户id
* @param int $types 类型类型1 拥有客户数2 锁定客户数
* @param int $isUpdate 是否是更新
* @param int $addCount 多公海分配或领取使用的参数,代表要领取或分配的客户数量
* @return bool|int|mixed
4 years ago
4 years ago
public function checkData($userId, $types, $isUpdate = 0, $addCount = 0)
# 用户信息
$userinfo = db('admin_user')->field(['realname', 'structure_id'])->where('id', $userId)->find();
$username = $userinfo['realname'];
$structureId = $userinfo['structure_id'];
# 查询客户配置(拥有,锁定),以用户配置优先
$customerConfig = db('crm_customer_config')->field(['value', 'is_deal'])->where(['types' => $types, 'user_ids' => ['like', '%,' . $userId . ',%']])->find();
if (!$customerConfig) $customerConfig = db('crm_customer_config')->field(['value', 'is_deal'])->where(['types' => $types, 'structure_ids' => ['like', '%,' . $structureId . ',%']])->find();
# 提示标题
$title = '';
if ($types == 1) $title = '拥有的客户数量';
if ($types == 2) $title = '锁定的客户数量';
if ($customerConfig) {
if (empty($customerConfig['value'])) {
$this->error = $title . '超出限制,最大:' . $customerConfig['value'] . ' 个';
return false;
# 成交用户是否暂用数量
$isDeal = !empty($customerConfig['is_deal']) ? 1 : 0;
# 获取目前拥有或锁定的客户数量
$customerModel = new Customer();
$count = $customerModel->getCountByHave($userId, $isDeal, $types);
$error = false;
if (empty($addCount)) {
# 多公海以外的地方调用
if ($count >= $customerConfig['value']) {
$error = true;
if ($isUpdate == 1 && $types == 1 && $customerConfig['is_deal'] == 1) {
if ($count = $customerConfig['value']) {
$error = false;
if ($error == true) {
$this->error = $username.','.$title.'超出限制:'.$customerConfig['value'].'个';
return false;
} else {
# 多公海中的领取、分配调用,返回超出的个数
if ($count + $addCount > $customerConfig['value']) {
return ($count + $addCount) - $customerConfig['value'];
return true;
// public function checkData($user_id, $types, $is_update = '')
// {
// $userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
// $customerModel = new \app\crm\model\Customer();
// $userInfo = $userModel->getUserById($user_id);
// $dataInfo = $this->where(['types' => $types,'user_ids' => ['like','%,'.$user_id.',%']])->order('update_time desc')->find();
// if (!$dataInfo) {
// $dataInfo = $this->where(['types' => $types,'structure_ids' => ['like','%,'.$userInfo['structure_id'].',%']])->find();
// }
// switch ($types) {
// case '1' : $types_title = '拥有的客户数量'; break;
// case '2' : $types_title = '锁定的客户数量'; break;
// }
// if ($dataInfo) {
// $is_deal = $dataInfo['is_deal'] ? : 0;
// if (!$dataInfo['value']) {
// $this->error = $types_title.'超出限制:'.$dataInfo['value'].'个';
// return false;
// }
// //拥有数、锁定数
// $count = $customerModel->getCountByHave($user_id,$is_deal,$types);
// $error = false;
// if ($count >= $dataInfo['value']) {
// $error = true;
// }
// if ($is_update == 1 && $types == 1 && $dataInfo['is_deal'] == 1) {
// //更改成交状态
// if ($count = $dataInfo['value']) {
// $error = false;
// }
// }
// if ($error == true) {
// $this->error = $userInfo['realname'].','.$types_title.'超出限制:'.$dataInfo['value'].'个';
// return false;
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
4 years ago
* 验证拥有/锁定客户数中的员工或部门是否重复添加
* @param $types
* @param $users
* @param $structures
* @param $id
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
private function checkRepeat($types, $users, $structures, $id)
$userArray = [];
$structureArray = [];
$where['types'] = $types;
if (!empty($id)) $where['id'] = ['neq', $id];
$data = db('crm_customer_config')->field(['user_ids', 'structure_ids'])->where($where)->select();
foreach ($data AS $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value['user_ids'])) {
$userArray = array_merge($userArray, explode(',', trim($value['user_ids'], ',')));
if (!empty($value['structure_ids'])) {
$structureArray = array_merge($structureArray, explode(',', trim($value['structure_ids'], ',')));
if (array_intersect($users, $userArray) || array_intersect($structures, $structureArray)) {
return true;
return false;