You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

846 lines
36 KiB

4 years ago
* 活动逻辑类
* @author qifan
* @date 2020-12-09
namespace app\crm\logic;
4 years ago
use app\admin\controller\ApiCommon;
4 years ago
use app\admin\model\Group;
4 years ago
use app\crm\model\Activity;
use think\Db;
class ActivityLogic
# 活动类型 1 线索 2 客户 3 联系人 4 产品 5 商机 6 合同 7 回款 8 日志 9 审批 10 日程 11 任务 12 发邮件
private $activityType = [
1 => ['en' => 'crm_leads', 'cn' => '线索'],
2 => ['en' => 'crm_customer', 'cn' => '客户'],
3 => ['en' => 'crm_contacts', 'cn' => '联系人'],
4 => ['en' => 'crm_product', 'cn' => '产品'],
5 => ['en' => 'crm_business', 'cn' => '商机'],
6 => ['en' => 'crm_contract', 'cn' => '合同'],
7 => ['en' => 'crm_receivables', 'cn' => '回款'],
8 => ['en' => 'oa_log', 'cn' => '日志'],
9 => ['en' => 'oa_examine', 'cn' => '审批'],
10 => ['en' => 'oa_event', 'cn' => '日程'],
11 => ['en' => 'oa_task', 'cn' => '任务'],
12 => ['en' => 'mail', 'cn' => '发邮件']
private $moduleToNumber = [
'leads' => 1,
'customer' => 2,
'contacts' => 3,
'product' => 4,
'business' => 5,
'contract' => 6,
'receivables' => 7,
'log' => 8,
'examine' => 9,
'event' => 10,
'task' => 11,
'email' => 12
* 活动列表
* @param $param
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function index($param)
$userId = $param['user_id'];
$param['limit'] = !empty($param['limit']) ? $param['limit'] : 15;
$param['page'] = !empty($param['page']) ? $param['page'] : 1;
$recordWhere = [];
$commonWhere = [];
$leadsWhere = [];
$customerWhere = function () {};
$contactsWhere = function () {};
$businessWhere = function () {};
$contractWhere = function () {};
$dateGroupWhere = function () {};
# 跟进记录权限判断
if (!checkPerByAction('crm', 'activity', 'index')) {
$recordWhere['type'] = ['neq', 1];
4 years ago
# 处理公共查询参数
if (!empty($param['interval_day'])) {
$commonWhere['update_time'] = ['egt', time() - 86400 * $param['interval_day']];
$commonWhere['update_time'] = ['elt', time()];
if (!empty($param['start_date']) && !empty($param['end_date'])) {
$commonWhere['update_time'] = ['egt', strtotime($param['start_date'].' 00:00:00')];
$commonWhere['update_time'] = ['elt', strtotime($param['end_date'].' 23:59:59')];
if (!empty($param['search'])) {
$commonWhere['content'] = ['like', '%' . $param['search'] . '%'];
if (!empty($param['activity_type'])) {
$commonWhere['activity_type'] = $param['activity_type'];
# 客户模块的额外查询条件
$contactsData = [];
$businessData = [];
$contractData = [];
$receivablesData = [];
# 联系人ID串
$contacts = Db::name('crm_contacts')->field(['contacts_id'])->where('customer_id', $param['activity_type_id'])->select();
if (!empty($contacts)) {
$contactsData['activity_type'] = 3;
$contactsData['activity_type_id'] = array_reduce($contacts, function ($result, $value) {
return array_merge($result, array_values($value));
}, []);
# 商机ID串
$business = Db::name('crm_business')->field(['business_id'])->where('customer_id', $param['activity_type_id'])->select();
if (!empty($business)) {
$businessData['activity_type'] = 5;
$businessData['activity_type_id'] = array_reduce($business, function ($result, $value) {
return array_merge($result, array_values($value));
}, []);
# 合同ID串
$contract = Db::name('crm_contract')->field(['contract_id'])->where('customer_id', $param['activity_type_id'])->select();
if (!empty($contract)) {
$contractData['activity_type'] = 6;
$contractData['activity_type_id'] = array_reduce($contract, function ($result, $value) {
return array_merge($result, array_values($value));
}, []);
# 回款ID串
$receivables = Db::name('crm_receivables')->field(['receivables_id'])->where('customer_id', $param['activity_type_id'])->select();
if (!empty($receivables)) {
$receivablesData['activity_type'] = 7;
$receivablesData['activity_type_id'] = array_reduce($receivables, function ($result, $value) {
return array_merge($result, array_values($value));
}, []);
4 years ago
# 设置时间分组查询条件,第一页就是当天的数据,第二页就是下一天的数据
$datetime = Db::name('crm_activity')
->where('status', 1)
4 years ago
->where(function ($query) use ($param, $contactsData, $businessData, $contractData, $receivablesData) {
4 years ago
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($param) {
$query->where('activity_type_id', $param['activity_type_id']);
$query->where('activity_type', $this->moduleToNumber[$param['module']]);
4 years ago
$query->whereOr('customer_ids', 'like', '%,'.$param['activity_type_id'].',%');
$query->whereOr('contacts_ids', 'like', '%,'.$param['activity_type_id'].',%');
$query->whereOr('contract_ids', 'like', '%,'.$param['activity_type_id'].',%');
$query->whereOr('business_ids', 'like', '%,'.$param['activity_type_id'].',%');
$query->whereOr('leads_ids', 'like', '%,'.$param['activity_type_id'].',%');
if (!empty($contactsData)) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($contactsData) {
$query->where('activity_type', $contactsData['activity_type']);
$query->whereIn('activity_type_id', $contactsData['activity_type_id']);
if (!empty($businessData)) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($businessData) {
$query->where('activity_type', $businessData['activity_type']);
$query->whereIn('activity_type_id', $businessData['activity_type_id']);
if (!empty($contractData)) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($contractData) {
$query->where('activity_type', $contractData['activity_type']);
$query->whereIn('activity_type_id', $contractData['activity_type_id']);
if (!empty($receivablesData)) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($receivablesData) {
$query->where('activity_type', $receivablesData['activity_type']);
$query->whereIn('activity_type_id', $receivablesData['activity_type_id']);
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
->order('update_time', 'desc')
4 years ago
$dateGroup = [0 => '']; // 加一个占位page从1开始
$dateWhere = [0 => []]; // 加一个占位page从1开始
4 years ago
foreach ($datetime AS $key => $value) {
$date = date('Y-m-d', $value['update_time']);
if (!in_array($date, $dateGroup)) {
$dateGroup[] = $date;
$dateWhere[] = [
'start_time' => strtotime($date . ' 00:00:00'),
'end_time' => strtotime($date . ' 23:59:59')
if (!empty($dateWhere[$param['page']])) {
$dateGroupWhere = function ($query) use ($param, $dateWhere) {
$query->where('update_time', '>=', $dateWhere[$param['page']]['start_time']);
$query->where('update_time', '<=', $dateWhere[$param['page']]['end_time']);
if (empty($dateWhere[$param['page']])) {
return ['lastPage' => true, 'list' => [], 'time' => ''];
# 组织线索、客户、联系人、商机、合同下的查询条件
switch ($param['module']) {
case 'leads' :
$leadsWhere = function ($query) use ($param) {
$query->where('activity_type', 1);
$query->where('activity_type_id', $param['activity_type_id']);
case 'customer' :
# 客户模块查询条件
$customerWhere = function ($query) use ($param, $contactsData, $businessData, $contractData, $receivablesData) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($param) {
$query->where('activity_type', 2);
$query->where('activity_type_id', $param['activity_type_id']);
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($param) {
4 years ago
$query->where('customer_ids', 'like', '%,' . $param['activity_type_id'] . ',%');
$query->whereIn('activity_type', [8, 9, 11]);
4 years ago
if (!empty($contactsData)) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($contactsData) {
$query->where('activity_type', $contactsData['activity_type']);
$query->whereIn('activity_type_id', $contactsData['activity_type_id']);
if (!empty($businessData)) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($businessData) {
$query->where('activity_type', $businessData['activity_type']);
$query->whereIn('activity_type_id', $businessData['activity_type_id']);
if (!empty($contractData)) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($contractData) {
$query->where('activity_type', $contractData['activity_type']);
$query->whereIn('activity_type_id', $contractData['activity_type_id']);
if (!empty($receivablesData)) {
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($receivablesData) {
$query->where('activity_type', $receivablesData['activity_type']);
$query->whereIn('activity_type_id', $receivablesData['activity_type_id']);
case 'contacts' :
# 联系人模块查询条件
4 years ago
$contactsWhere = function ($query) use ($param) {
4 years ago
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($param) {
$query->where('activity_type', 3);
$query->where('activity_type_id', $param['activity_type_id']);
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($param) {
4 years ago
$query->where('contacts_ids', 'like', '%,' . $param['activity_type_id'] . ',%');
$query->whereIn('activity_type', [8, 9, 11]);
4 years ago
case 'business' :
# 商机模块查询条件
4 years ago
$businessWhere = function ($query) use ($param) {
4 years ago
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($param) {
$query->where('activity_type', 5);
$query->where('activity_type_id', $param['activity_type_id']);
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($param) {
4 years ago
$query->where('business_ids', 'like', '%,' . $param['activity_type_id'] . ',%');
$query->whereIn('activity_type', [8, 9, 11]);
4 years ago
case 'contract' :
# 合同模块查询条件
4 years ago
$contractWhere = function ($query) use ($param) {
4 years ago
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($param) {
$query->where('activity_type', 6);
$query->where('activity_type_id', $param['activity_type_id']);
$query->whereOr(function ($query) use ($param) {
4 years ago
$query->where('contract_ids', 'like', '%,' . $param['activity_type_id'] . ',%');
$query->whereIn('activity_type', [8, 9, 11]);
4 years ago
$field = [
$dataArray = Db::name('crm_activity')->field($field)
->where('status', 1)
->order('update_time', 'desc')
4 years ago
4 years ago
$fileModel = new \app\admin\model\File();
foreach ($dataArray AS $key => $value) {
4 years ago
# 用户信息
4 years ago
$realname = Db::name('admin_user')->where('id', $dataArray[$key]['create_user_id'])->find();
$dataArray[$key]['create_user_name'] = $realname['realname'];
$dataArray[$key]['thumb_img'] = $realname['thumb_img'] ? getFullPath($realname['thumb_img']) : '';;
4 years ago
# 附件信息
if ($value['type'] = 1) {
$files = [];
$images = [];
$fileList = $fileModel->getDataList(['module' => 'crm_activity', 'module_id' => $dataArray[$key]['activity_id']], 'all');
if (!empty($fileList['list'])) {
foreach ($fileList['list'] AS $k => $v) {
if ($v['types'] == 'file') {
$files[] = $v;
} else {
$images[] = $v;
$dataArray[$key]['fileList'] = $files ? : [];
$dataArray[$key]['imgList'] = $images ? : [];
# 判断是不是本人添加的,如果不是将禁止删除修改
$dataArray[$key]['auth'] = false;
if ($dataArray[$key]['type'] == 1 && $dataArray[$key]['create_user_id'] == $userId) {
$dataArray[$key]['auth'] = true;
# 查询联系人信息
4 years ago
$dataArray[$key]['contacts_list'] = [];
4 years ago
if ($dataArray[$key]['type'] == 1 && !empty($dataArray[$key]['contacts_ids'])) {
4 years ago
$res = Db::name('crm_contacts')->where('contacts_id', trim($dataArray[$key]['contacts_ids'], ','))->value('name');
$dataArray[$key]['contacts_list'][] = [
'contacts_id' => (int)trim($dataArray[$key]['contacts_ids'], ','),
'name' =>empty($res)? null : $res,
4 years ago
# 时间格式处理
$dataArray[$key]['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value['update_time']);
$dataArray[$key]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value['create_time']);
$dataArray[$key]['next_time'] = !empty($value['next_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value['next_time']) : '';
# 获取类型名称
$dataArray[$key]['activity_type_name'] = $this->getActivityName($value['activity_type'], $value['activity_type_id']);
# 客户模块跟进记录关联的商机
$dataArray[$key]['business_list'] = $value['activity_type'] == 2 ? $this->getBusinessInfo($value['business_ids']) : [];
4 years ago
# 去掉客户模块跟进记录联系人ID两端的逗号
if ($value['type'] == 1 && $value['activity_type'] == 2) {
$dataArray[$key]['contacts_ids'] = !empty($value['contacts_ids']) ? trim($value['contacts_ids'], ',') : '';
4 years ago
# 是否是最后一页
$lastPage = !empty($dateGroup[$param['page']]) && $param['page'] < count($dateGroup) - 1 ? false : true;
return ['lastPage' => $lastPage, 'list' => $dataArray, 'time' => !empty($dateGroup[$param['page']]) ? $dateGroup[$param['page']] : ''];
* 活动详情【跟进记录】
* @param $activityId
* @return array|bool|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function read($activityId)
# 查询跟进记录信息
$field = ['activity_id', 'category', 'activity_type', 'activity_type_id', 'content', 'next_time', 'customer_ids', 'contacts_ids', 'contract_ids', 'business_ids'];
$activityData = Activity::field($field)->where('type', 1)->where('activity_id', $activityId)->where('status', 1)->find();
if (empty($activityData)) return [];
# 查询与跟进记录关联的客户信息
$customerData = Db::name('crm_customer')->field(['customer_id', 'name'])->whereIn('customer_id', $activityData['customer_ids'])->select();
$activityData['customerInfo'] = $customerData;
# 查询与跟进记录关联的联系人信息
$contactsData = Db::name('crm_contacts')->field(['contacts_id', 'name'])->whereIn('contacts_id', $activityData['contacts_ids'])->select();
$activityData['contactsInfo'] = $contactsData;
# 查询与跟进记录关联的合同信息
$contractData = Db::name('crm_contract')->field(['contract_id', 'name'])->whereIn('contract_id', $activityData['contract_ids'])->select();
$activityData['contractInfo'] = $contractData;
# 查询与跟进记录关联的商机信息
$businessData = Db::name('crm_business')->field(['business_id', 'name'])->whereIn('business_id', $activityData['business_ids'])->select();
$activityData['businessInfo'] = $businessData;
# 查询与跟进记录关联的附件
$fileData = (new \app\admin\model\File())->getDataList(['module' => 'crm_activity', 'module_id' => $activityId], 'all');
$activityData['fileInfo'] = $fileData;
return $activityData;
* 创建活动【跟进记录】
* @param $param
* @return bool
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function save($param)
$userId = $param['user_id'];
$isEvent = !empty($param['is_event']) ? $param['is_event'] : 0;
$fileIds = !empty($param['file_id']) ? $param['file_id'] : [];
$param['create_user_id'] = $userId;
$param['type'] = 1;
4 years ago
$param['next_time'] = !empty($param['next_time']) ? strtotime($param['next_time']) : 0;
$param['business_ids'] = !empty($param['business_ids']) ? arrayToString($param['business_ids']) : '';
4 years ago
4 years ago
$param['update_time'] = time();
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['contacts_ids'])) $param['contacts_ids'] = ',' . $param['contacts_ids'] . ',';
4 years ago
$param['create_time'] = $param['create_time'];
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
$activityJson = Activity::create($param);
if (empty($activityJson)) return false;
$activityArray = json_decode($activityJson, true);
if (empty($activityArray['activity_id'])) return false;
# 设置最后跟进记录
$this->setFollowRecord($param['activity_type'], $param['activity_type_id'], $param['content']);
# 下次联系时间
$this->updateNextTime($this->activityType[$param['activity_type']]['en'], $param['activity_type_id'], $param['next_time'],false);
# 处理附件关系
if (!empty($fileIds)) {
$fileModel = new \app\admin\model\File();
$fileModel->createDataById($fileIds, 'crm_activity', $activityArray['activity_id']);
# 同时创建日程
if ($isEvent) {
$eventModel = new \app\oa\model\Event();
$data['title'] = trim($param['content']);
$data['content'] = trim($param['content']);
$data['start_time'] = !empty($param['next_time']) ? $param['next_time'] : time();
$data['end_time'] = $param['next_time'] + 86399;
$data['create_user_id'] = $param['create_user_id'];
$data['business_ids'] = $param['business_ids'];
$data['contacts_ids'] = $param['contacts_ids'];
$data['is_live'] = true;
if ($param['activity_type'] == 'crm_customer') $data['customer_ids'] = $param['activity_type_id'];
4 years ago
$activity=[1 =>'线索', 2=> '客户', 3 =>'联系人' ,4 =>'产品', 5 =>'商机', 6 =>'合同' ,7=>'回款' ,8=>'日志' ,9=>'审批' ,10=>'日程' ,11=>'任务' ,12 =>'发邮件'];
4 years ago
return true;
* 修改活动【跟进记录】
* @param $param
* @return bool
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function update($param)
$isEvent = !empty($param['is_event']) ? $param['is_event'] : 0;
$fileIds = !empty($param['file_id']) ? $param['file_id'] : [];
$param['type'] = 1;
$param['next_time'] = strtotime($param['next_time']);
4 years ago
$param['business_ids'] = !empty($param['business_ids']) ? arrayToString($param['business_ids']) : '';
4 years ago
$param['update_time'] = time();
4 years ago
4 years ago
if (!Activity::update($param)) return false;
# 设置最后跟进记录
$this->setFollowRecord($param['activity_type'], $param['activity_type_id'], $param['content']);
# 下次联系时间
$this->updateNextTime($this->activityType[$param['activity_type']]['en'], $param['activity_type_id'], $param['next_time'],false);
# 处理附件关系
$fileModel = new \app\admin\model\File();
if (!empty($fileIds)) {
# 删除
$fileModel->delRFileByModule('crm_activity', $param['activity_id']);
# 添加
$fileModel->createDataById($fileIds, 'crm_activity', $param['activity_id']);
} else {
# 删除
$fileModel->delRFileByModule('crm_activity', $param['activity_id']);
# 同时创建日程
if ($isEvent) {
$eventModel = new \app\oa\model\Event();
$data['title'] = trim($param['content']);
$data['content'] = trim($param['content']);
$data['start_time'] = !empty($param['next_time']) ? $param['next_time'] : time();
$data['end_time'] = $param['next_time'] + 86399;
$data['create_user_id'] = $param['create_user_id'];
$data['business_ids'] = $param['business_ids'];
$data['contacts_ids'] = $param['contacts_ids'];
if ($param['activity_type'] == 2) $data['customer_ids'] = $param['activity_type_id'];
return true;
* 删除活动【跟进记录】
* @param $activityId
* @return Activity
4 years ago
public function delete($activityId,$userId)
4 years ago
$activityInfo = Db::name('crm_activity')->where(['activity_id' => $activityId])->find();
if (Activity::update(['activity_id' => $activityId, 'status' => 0])) {
$this->updateNextTime($this->activityType[$activityInfo['activity_type']]['en'], $activityInfo['activity_type_id'], '', true);
4 years ago
# 删除附件
$fileIds = db('crm_activity_file')->where('activity_id', $activityId)->column('file_id');
if (!empty($fileIds)) {
db('crm_activity_file')->where('activity_id', $activityId)->delete();
db('admin_file')->whereIn('file_id', $fileIds)->delete();
if ($activityInfo['activity_type'] == 3) db('crm_contacts_file')->whereIn('file_id', $fileIds)->delete();
if ($activityInfo['activity_type'] == 5) db('crm_business_file')->whereIn('file_id', $fileIds)->delete();
if ($activityInfo['activity_type'] == 6) db('crm_contract_file')->whereIn('file_id', $fileIds)->delete();
4 years ago
4 years ago
return true;
} else {
return false;
* 相关模块下次联系时间
* @param $types
* @param $types_id
* @param string $next_time
* @return bool
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
private function updateNextTime($types, $types_id, $next_time = '', $is_del = false)
switch ($types) {
case 'crm_customer' : $dbName = db('crm_customer'); $dbId = 'customer_id'; $activity_type = 2; break;
case 'crm_leads' : $dbName = db('crm_leads'); $dbId = 'leads_id'; $activity_type = 1; break;
case 'crm_contacts' : $dbName = db('crm_contacts'); $dbId = 'contacts_id'; $activity_type = 3; break;
case 'crm_business' : $dbName = db('crm_business'); $dbId = 'business_id'; $activity_type = 5; break;
default : break;
if (!$dbName || !$dbId) return true;
$data = [];
$data['update_time'] = time();
if (!empty($next_time)) {
$data['next_time'] = $next_time;
} else {
if ($is_del) {
# 查找最近一条下次联系时间补上,如果没有就置空
$resActivity = Db::name('crm_activity')->where(['type'=>1, 'activity_type'=>$activity_type, 'activity_type_id' => $types_id,'status'=>['neq',0]])->order('activity_id desc')->find();
$data['next_time'] = $resActivity['next_time'] ? : 0;
} else {
# 如果未填写下次联系时间,并且 原下次联系时间为当天,则把下次联系时间置空
$next_time = $dbName->where([$dbId => $types_id])->value('next_time');
list($start, $end) = getTimeByType();
if ($next_time >= $start && $next_time <= $end) {
$data['next_time'] = 0;
if (!$is_del && in_array($types, ['crm_customer', 'crm_leads'])) {
$data['follow'] = '已跟进';
4 years ago
# 设置今日需联系线索、客户、商机
if (!$is_del && in_array($types, ['crm_customer', 'crm_leads', 'crm_business'])) {
if (!empty($next_time) && $next_time >= strtotime('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) $data['is_dealt'] = 0;
4 years ago
$dbName->where([$dbId => $types_id])->update($data);
return true;
* 获取常用语
* @return mixed
public function getPhrase()
$dataJson = Db::name('crm_config')->where('name', 'activity_phrase')->value('value');
return !empty($dataJson) ? unserialize($dataJson) : [];
* 设置常用语
* @param $param
* @return int|string
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function setPhrase($param)
if (!Db::name('crm_config')->where('name', 'activity_phrase')->value('value')) {
return Db::name('crm_config')->insert(['name' => 'activity_phrase', 'value' => serialize($param), 'description' => '跟进记录常用语']);
Db::name('crm_config')->where('name', 'activity_phrase')->update(['value' => serialize($param)]);
return true;
* 获取修改过的跟进记录信息
* @param $activityId
* @param $userId
* @return array|bool|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function getFollowData($activityId, $userId)
$field = [
$data = db('crm_activity')->where('activity_id', $activityId)->field($field)->find();
$fileModel = new \app\admin\model\File();
$realname = Db::name('admin_user')->where('id', $data['create_user_id'])->value('realname');
$data['create_user_name'] = $realname;
# 附件信息
if ($data['type'] = 1) {
$files = [];
$images = [];
$fileList = $fileModel->getDataList(['module' => 'crm_activity', 'module_id' => $activityId], 'all');
if (!empty($fileList['list'])) {
foreach ($fileList['list'] AS $k => $v) {
if ($v['types'] == 'file') {
$files[] = $v;
} else {
$images[] = $v;
$data['fileList'] = $files ? : [];
$data['imgList'] = $images ? : [];
# 判断是不是本人添加的,如果不是将禁止删除修改
$data['auth'] = false;
if ($data['type'] == 1 && $data['create_user_id'] == $userId) {
$data['auth'] = true;
# 查询联系人信息
$data['contacts_name'] = '';
if ($data['type'] == 1 && !empty($data['contacts_ids'])) {
$data['contacts_name'] = Db::name('crm_contacts')->where('contacts_id', $data['contacts_ids'])->value('name');
$data['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['update_time']);
$data['next_time'] = !empty($data['next_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['next_time']) : null;
# 关联商机
$data['business_list'] = $data['activity_type'] == 2 ? $this->getBusinessInfo($data['business_ids']) : [];
return $data;
* 获取活动类型名称
* @param $activityType
* @param $activityTypeId
* @return float|mixed|string|\think\db\Query
private function getActivityName($activityType, $activityTypeId)
$activityTypeName = '';
# 线索
if ($activityType == 1) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('crm_leads')->where('leads_id', $activityTypeId)->value('name');
# 客户
if ($activityType == 2) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('crm_customer')->where('customer_id', $activityTypeId)->value('name');
# 联系人
if ($activityType == 3) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('crm_contacts')->where('contacts_id', $activityTypeId)->value('name');
# 产品
if ($activityType == 4) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('crm_product')->where('product_id', $activityTypeId)->value('name');
# 商机
if ($activityType == 5) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('crm_business')->where('business_id', $activityTypeId)->value('name');
# 合同
if ($activityType == 6) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('crm_contract')->where('contract_id', $activityTypeId)->value('name');
# 回款
if ($activityType == 7) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('crm_receivables')->where('receivables_id', $activityTypeId)->value('number');
# 日志
if ($activityType == 8) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('oa_log')->where('log_id', $activityTypeId)->value('title');
# 审批
if ($activityType == 9) {
$categoryId = Db::name('oa_examine')->where('examine_id', $activityTypeId)->value('category_id');
4 years ago
$activityTypeName = Db::name('oa_examine_category')->where('category_id', $categoryId)->value('title');
4 years ago
# 日程
if ($activityType == 10) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('oa_event')->where('event_id', $activityTypeId)->value('title');
# 任务
if ($activityType == 11) {
$activityTypeName = Db::name('task')->where('task_id', $activityTypeId)->value('name');
return $activityTypeName;
* 获取客户跟进记录关联的商机
* @param $businessIds
* @return bool|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Collection
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
private function getBusinessInfo($businessIds)
return Db::name('crm_business')->field(['business_id', 'name'])->whereIn('business_id', $businessIds)->select();
* 设置跟进记录
* @param $type
* @param $typeId
* @param $content
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
private function setFollowRecord($type, $typeId, $content)
$model = null;
$primaryKey = null;
switch ($type) {
case 1 : $model = db('crm_leads'); $primaryKey = 'leads_id'; break;
case 2 : $model = db('crm_customer'); $primaryKey = 'customer_id'; break;
case 3 : $model = db('crm_contacts'); $primaryKey = 'contacts_id'; break;
case 5 : $model = db('crm_business'); $primaryKey = 'business_id'; break;
case 6 : $model = db('crm_contract'); $primaryKey = 'contract_id'; break;
$model->where($primaryKey, $typeId)->update(['last_time' => time(), 'last_record' => $content]);
4 years ago
* 跟进记录导出
* @param $field_list
* @param $data
* @author alvin guogaobo
* @version 1.0 版本号
* @since 2021/4/21 0021 09:35
public function excelExport($field_list,$data){
$excelModel = new \app\admin\model\Excel();
$excelModel->taskExportCsv($file_name, $field_list, $title, $data);
4 years ago