You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

780 lines
34 KiB

4 years ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: CRM工作台
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: Michael_xu |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\crm\controller;
use app\admin\controller\ApiCommon;
use think\Hook;
use think\Request;
use app\bi\model\Common;
use app\crm\model\Contract as CrmContractModel;
use app\crm\model\Receivables as ReceivablesModel;
use app\crm\logic\IndexLogic;
use app\crm\model\Customer as CustomerModel;
use think\Db;
class Index extends ApiCommon
* 用于判断权限
* @permission 无限制
* @allow 登录用户可访问
* @other 其他根据系统设置
public function _initialize()
$action = [
'permission' => [''],
'allow' => [
4 years ago
4 years ago
Hook::listen('check_auth', $action);
$request = Request::instance();
$a = strtolower($request->action());
if (!in_array($a, $action['permission'])) {
protected $monthName = [
'01' => 'january',
'02' => 'february',
'03' => 'march',
'04' => 'april',
'05' => 'may',
'06' => 'june',
'07' => 'july',
'08' => 'august',
'09' => 'september',
'10' => 'october',
'11' => 'november',
'12' => 'december',
* CRM工作台销售简报
* @param
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function index()
$param = $this->param;
$indexModel = new IndexLogic;
$data = $indexModel->index($param);
// Db::query('COMMIT;');
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 业绩指标
* @param
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function achievementData()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$adminModel = new \app\admin\model\Admin();
$status = $param['label'] ?: 1; //1合同目标2回款目标
2 years ago
$userWhere['type'] = 3;
$userWhere['status'] = $param['label'];
4 years ago
$userIds = [];
if ($param['dataType'] == 3 || $param['dataType'] == 4) {
$param['structure_id'] = $userInfo['structure_id'];
2 years ago
$userWhere['type'] = 2;
4 years ago
$whereArr = $adminModel->getWhere($param, 1, '');
2 years ago
if ($param['user_id']) {
$userWhere['type'] = 3;
} elseif ($param['structure_id']) {
$userWhere['type'] = 2;
4 years ago
$param['user_id'] = $param['user_id'] ?: $userInfo['id'];
if ($param['dataType'] == 1) {
$userIds[] = $param['user_id'];
} else {
$userIds = $whereArr['userIds'];
$where['owner_user_id'] = array('in', $userIds);
if (!empty($param['type'])) {
$between_time = getTimeByType($param['type']);
$start_time = $between_time[0];
$end_time = $between_time[1];
} else {
2 years ago
$start_time = $param['start_time'] ? strtotime($param['start_time'] . '00:00:00') : strtotime(date('Y-01-01', time()));
$end_time = $param['end_time'] ? strtotime($param['end_time'] . '23:59:59') : strtotime(date('Y-m-01', time()) . ' +1 month -1 day');
4 years ago
$between_time = array($start_time, $end_time);
2 years ago
if ($param['label'] == 1) {
4 years ago
$where_contract = $where;
$where_contract['order_date'] = array('between', [date('Y-m-d', $between_time[0]), date('Y-m-d', $between_time[1])]);
$sql = CrmContractModel::field([
'SUM(CASE WHEN check_status = 2 THEN money ELSE 0 END) as money'
$contractMoney = queryCache($sql, 200);
2 years ago
} else {
4 years ago
$where_receivables = $where;
$where_receivables['return_time'] = array('between', [date('Y-m-d', $between_time[0]), date('Y-m-d', $between_time[1])]);
$where_receivables['check_status'] = 2; //审核通过
$sql1 = db('crm_receivables')->field([
'SUM(CASE WHEN check_status = 2 THEN money ELSE 0 END) as money'
$receivablesMoney = queryCache($sql1, 200);
if (!isset($param['user_id'])) {
$userWhere['obj_id'] = $param['user_id'];
} else {
$userWhere['obj_id'] = ['in', $userIds];
$year = getYearByTime($start_time, $end_time);
$achievement = db('crm_achievement')->where($userWhere)->select();
$achievementMoney = 0.00;
$month = getmonthByTime($start_time, $end_time);
foreach ($achievement as $k => $v) {
foreach ($month as $key => $val) {
if ($v['year'] == $key) {
foreach ($val as $key1 => $val1) {
$achievementMoney += $v[$this->monthName[$val1]];
$data = [];
$rate = 0.00;
if ($status == 1) {
$rate = $achievementMoney ? $contractMoney[0]['money'] / $achievementMoney : 0.00;
$data['contractMoney'] = $contractMoney[0]['money'] ?: '0.00';
$data['achievementMoney'] = $achievementMoney ?: '0.00';
$data['money'] = $contractMoney[0]['money'] ?: '0.00';
$data['rate'] = round($rate * 100, 2);
} else {
$rate = $achievementMoney ? $receivablesMoney[0]['money'] / $achievementMoney : 0.00;
$data['receivablesMoney'] = $receivablesMoney[0]['money'] ?: '0.00';
$data['money'] = $receivablesMoney[0]['money'] ?: '0.00';
$data['achievementMoney'] = $achievementMoney ?: '0.00';
$data['rate'] = round($rate * 100, 2);
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 销售漏斗
* @param
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function funnel()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$param['user_id'] = $param['user_id'] ?: $userInfo['id'];;
$businessModel = new \app\crm\model\Business();
$param['merge'] = 1;
2 years ago
if ($param['start_time'] && $param['end_time']) {
$param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
$param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$list = $businessModel->getFunnel($param);
2 years ago
$list['list'][] = [
"name" => "赢单",
"status_id" => "10000",
"status_name" => "赢单",
$list['list'][] = [
"name" => "输单",
"status_id" => "10001",
"status_name" => "输单",
4 years ago
return resultArray(['data' => $list]);
* 销售趋势
* @return
public function saletrend()
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$adminModel = new \app\admin\model\Admin();
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
2 years ago
$userWhere['status'] = $param['label'];
4 years ago
if ($param['dataType'] == 3 || $param['dataType'] == 4) {
2 years ago
$userWhere['type'] = 2;
} else {
$userWhere['type'] = 3;
4 years ago
if ($param['type']) {
$last_where_contract = getTimeByType($param['type']);
2 years ago
$userWhere['year'] = date('Y', $last_where_contract[0]);
4 years ago
$time = getTimeArray();
} else {
2 years ago
$param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] ? $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00' : 0;
$param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
$time = getTimeArray(strtotime($param['start_time']), strtotime($param['end_time']));
4 years ago
$whereArr = $adminModel->getWhere($param, 1, '');
2 years ago
if ($param['user_id']) {
$userWhere['type'] = 3;
} elseif ($param['structure_id']) {
$userWhere['type'] = 2;
4 years ago
4 years ago
$userIds = $whereArr['userIds'];
if (!empty($param['user_id'])) {
4 years ago
$userWhere['obj_id'] = $param['user_id'];
} else {
$userWhere['obj_id'] = ['in', $userIds];
$ax = 7;
if ($time['time_format'] == '%Y-%m-%d') {
$ax = 10;
$auth_customer_user_ids = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'contract', 'index');
$auth_customer_user_ids = $auth_customer_user_ids ? array_intersect($userIds, $auth_customer_user_ids) : []; //取交集
$between_time = [date('Y-m-d', $whereArr['between_time'][0]), date('Y-m-d', $whereArr['between_time'][1])];
2 years ago
if ($param['label'] == 1) {
4 years ago
$field_contract["SUBSTR(`order_date`, 1, " . $ax . ")"] = 'type';
$field_contract['SUM(`money`)'] = 'sum';
$achievementData = CrmContractModel::field($field_contract)
'owner_user_id' => ['IN', $auth_customer_user_ids],
'check_status' => 2,
'order_date' => ['BETWEEN', $between_time]
$res_contract = queryCache($achievementData, 200);
$res_money = array_column($res_contract, null, 'type');
2 years ago
} else {
4 years ago
$field_receivables["SUBSTR(`return_time`, 1, " . $ax . ")"] = 'type';
$field_receivables['SUM(`money`)'] = 'sum';
$sql_receivables = ReceivablesModel::field($field_receivables)
'owner_user_id' => ['IN', $auth_customer_user_ids],
'check_status' => 2,
'return_time' => ['BETWEEN', $between_time]
$res_receivables = queryCache($sql_receivables, 200);
$res_money = array_column($res_receivables, null, 'type');
$list = array();
$money = '0.00';
2 years ago
4 years ago
foreach ($time['list'] as $val) {
$item = [];
2 years ago
$item['type'] = date('m-d', strtotime($val['type']));
4 years ago
$item['money'] = $res_money[$val['type']]['sum'] ?: 0;
$money += $item['money'];
2 years ago
$achievement = Db::name('crm_achievement')->where($userWhere)->select();
$data_time = date('m', strtotime($val['type']));
$num = '';
if ($achievement) {
foreach ($achievement as $val) {
$num += (int)$val[$this->monthName[$data_time]];
$item['achievement'] = $num;
4 years ago
2 years ago
} else {
$item['achievement'] = 0;
4 years ago
$list[] = $item;
$data['list'] = $list;
$data['money'] = $money ?: '0.00';
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 回款计划提醒
* @param day 最近7天 15天...
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function receivablesPlan()
$param = $this->param;
$adminModel = new \app\admin\model\Admin();
2 years ago
if ($param['start_time'] && $param['end_time']) {
$param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . '00:00:00';
$param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . '23:59:59';
4 years ago
4 years ago
$whereArr = $adminModel->getWhere($param, '', ''); //统计条件
$userIds = $whereArr['userIds'];
$where = [];
$where['owner_user_id'] = array('in', $userIds);
$return_date = array('< time', date('Y-m-d', time()));
$where['status'] = 0;
if ($param['day']) {
$return_date = array('between time', array(date('Y-m-d', time()), date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time())) + 86399 + (86400 * (int)$param['day']))));
$where['return_date'] = $return_date;
$planList = db('crm_receivables_plan')->where($where)->select();
return resultArray(['data' => $planList]);
* 待跟进客户
* @param day 最近3天 7天...
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function noFollowUp()
$param = $this->param;
$adminModel = new \app\admin\model\Admin();
2 years ago
4 years ago
$whereArr = $adminModel->getWhere($param, '', ''); //统计条件
$userIds = $whereArr['userIds'];
$where = [];
$where['owner_user_id'] = array('in', $userIds);
$day = (int)$param['day'] ?: 3;
$where['next_time'] = array('between', array(strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time())), strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time())) + 86399 + (86400 * (int)$param['day'])));
$customerList = db('crm_customer')->where($where)->select();
return resultArray(['data' => $customerList]);
* 客户名称、联系人姓名、联系人手机号查询
* @param
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function search()
$param = $this->param;
$page = $param['page'] ?: 1;
$limit = $param['limit'] ?: 15;
$types = $param['types'] ?: '';
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$address_arr = array('北京', '天津', '河北', '山西', '内蒙古自治区', '辽宁', '吉林', '黑龙江', '上海', '江苏', '浙江', '安徽', '福建', '江西', '山东', '河南', '湖北', '湖南', '广东', '广西壮族自治区', '海南', '重庆', '四川', '贵州', '云南', '西藏自治区', '陕西', '甘肃', '青海', '宁夏回族自治区', '新疆维吾尔自治区', '台湾', '香港特别行政区', '澳门特别行政区',);
$addr_arr = array('北京', '天津', '河北省', '山西省', '内蒙古自治区', '辽宁省', '吉林省', '黑龙江省', '上海', '江苏省', '浙江省', '安徽省', '福建省', '江西省', '山东省', '河南省', '湖北省', '湖南省', '广东省', '广西壮族自治区', '海南省', '重庆', '四川省', '贵州省', '云南省', '西藏自治区', '陕西省', '甘肃省', '青海省', '宁夏回族自治区', '新疆维吾尔自治区', '台湾省', '香港特别行政区', '澳门特别行政区',);
$city_arr = array('石家庄', '唐山', '秦皇岛', '邯郸', '邢台', '保定', '张家口', '承德', '沧州', '廊坊', '衡水', '太原', '大同', '阳泉', '长治', '晋城', '朔州', '晋中', '运城', '忻州', '临汾', '吕梁', '呼和浩特', '包头', '乌海', '赤峰', '通辽', '鄂尔多斯', '呼伦贝尔', '巴彦淖尔', '乌兰察布', '兴安盟', '锡林郭勒盟', '阿拉善盟', '沈阳', '大连', '鞍山', '抚顺', '本溪', '丹东', '锦州', '营口', '阜新', '辽阳', '盘锦', '铁岭', '朝阳', '葫芦岛', '长春', '吉林', '四平', '辽源', '通化', '白山', '松原', '白城', '延边朝鲜族自治州', '哈尔滨', '齐齐哈尔', '鸡西', '鹤岗', '双鸭山', '大庆', '伊春', '佳木斯', '七台河', '牡丹江', '黑河', '绥化', '大兴安岭', '南京', '无锡', '徐州', '常州', '苏州', '南通', '连云港', '淮安', '盐城', '扬州', '镇江', '泰州', '宿迁', '杭州', '宁波', '温州', '嘉兴', '湖州', '绍兴', '金华', '衢州', '舟山', '台州', '丽水', '合肥', '芜湖', '蚌埠', '淮南', '马鞍山', '淮北', '铜陵', '安庆', '黄山', '滁州', '阜阳', '宿州', '巢湖', '六安', '亳州', '池州', '宣城', '福州', '厦门', '莆田', '三明', '泉州', '漳州', '南平', '龙岩', '宁德', '南昌', '景德镇', '萍乡', '九江', '新余', '鹰潭', '赣州', '吉安', '宜春', '抚州', '上饶', '济南', '青岛', '淄博', '枣庄', '东营', '烟台', '潍坊', '济宁', '泰安', '威海', '日照', '莱芜', '临沂', '德州', '聊城', '滨州', '荷泽', '郑州', '开封', '洛阳', '平顶山', '安阳', '鹤壁', '新乡', '焦作', '濮阳', '许昌', '漯河', '三门峡', '南阳', '商丘', '信阳', '周口', '驻马店', '武汉', '黄石', '十堰', '宜昌', '襄樊', '鄂州', '荆门', '孝感', '荆州', '黄冈', '咸宁', '随州', '恩施土家族苗族自治州', '长沙', '株洲', '湘潭', '衡阳', '邵阳', '岳阳', '常德', '张家界', '益阳', '郴州', '永州', '怀化', '娄底', '湘西土家族苗族自治州', '广州', '韶关', '深圳', '珠海', '汕头', '佛山', '江门', '湛江', '茂名', '肇庆', '惠州', '梅州', '汕尾', '河源', '阳江', '清远', '东莞', '中山', '潮州', '揭阳', '云浮', '南宁', '柳州', '桂林', '梧州', '北海', '防城港', '钦州', '贵港', '玉林', '百色', '贺州', '河池', '来宾', '崇左', '海口', '三亚', '成都', '自贡', '攀枝花', '泸州', '德阳', '绵阳', '广元', '遂宁', '内江', '乐山', '南充', '眉山', '宜宾', '广安', '达州', '雅安', '巴中', '资阳', '阿坝藏族羌族自治州', '甘孜藏族自治州', '凉山彝族自治州', '贵阳', '六盘水', '遵义', '安顺', '铜仁', '黔西南布依族苗族自治州', '毕节', '黔东南苗族侗族自治州', '黔南布依族苗族自治州', '昆明', '曲靖', '玉溪', '保山', '昭通', '丽江', '思茅', '临沧', '楚雄彝族自治州', '红河哈尼族彝族自治州', '文山壮族苗族自治州', '西双版纳傣族自治州', '大理白族自治州', '德宏傣族景颇族自治州', '怒江傈僳族自治州', '迪庆藏族自治州', '拉萨', '昌都', '山南', '日喀则', '那曲', '阿里', '林芝', '西安', '铜川', '宝鸡', '咸阳', '渭南', '延安', '汉中', '榆林', '安康', '商洛', '兰州', '嘉峪关', '金昌', '白银', '天水', '武威', '张掖', '平凉', '酒泉', '庆阳', '定西', '陇南', '临夏回族自治州', '甘南藏族自治州', '西宁', '海东', '海北藏族自治州', '黄南藏族自治州', '海南藏族自治州', '果洛藏族自治州', '玉树藏族自治州', '海西蒙古族藏族自治州', '银川', '石嘴山', '吴忠', '固原', '中卫', '乌鲁木齐', '克拉玛依', '吐鲁番', '哈密', '昌吉回族自治州', '博尔塔拉蒙古自治州', '巴音郭楞蒙古自治州', '阿克苏', '克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州', '喀什', '和田', '伊犁哈萨克自治州', '塔城', '阿勒泰', '省直辖行政
$un_arr = ['中国', '公司', '有限公司', '有限责任公司', '股份有限公司'];
$name = $param['name'] ? trim($param['name']) : '';
if (in_array($name, $address_arr) || in_array($name, $addr_arr) || in_array($name, $city_arr) || in_array($name, $un_arr)) {
return resultArray(['error' => '查询条件不符合规则']);
if ($types == 'crm_customer') {
if (!$param['name'] && !$param['mobile'] && !$param['telephone']) return resultArray(['error' => '查询条件不能为空']);
$resWhere = '';
if ($param['name']) {
$resWhere .= " `name` like '%" . $param['name'] . "%' ";
} elseif ($param['mobile']) {
if ($resWhere) $resWhere .= 'OR';
$resWhere .= " `mobile` = '" . $param['mobile'] . "'";
} elseif ($param['telephone']) {
if ($resWhere) $resWhere .= 'OR';
$resWhere .= " `telephone` = '" . $param['telephone'] . "' ";
$dataList = db('crm_customer')
->limit(($page - 1) * $limit, $limit)
$dataCount = db('crm_customer')
$customerModel = model('Customer');
$wherePool = $customerModel->getWhereByPool();
foreach ($dataList as $k => $v) {
$dataList[$k]['name'] = $v['name'] ?: '查看详情';
if ($v['owner_user_id'] > 0) {
$pool = $customerModel->alias('customer')
->where(['customer_id' => $v['customer_id']])
// 是客户池
if ($pool) {
$dataList[$k]['owner_user_id_info'] = [];
} else {
$dataList[$k]['owner_user_id_info'] = isset($v['owner_user_id']) ? $userModel->getUserById($v['owner_user_id']) : [];
} else {
$dataList[$k]['owner_user_id_info'] = [];
} elseif ($types == 'crm_contacts') {
if (!$param['name'] && !$param['customer_name'] && !$param['telephone'] && !$param['mobile']) return resultArray(['error' => '查询条件不能为空']);
if (in_array($param['customer_name'], $address_arr) || in_array($param['customer_name'], $addr_arr) || in_array($param['customer_name'], $city_arr) || in_array($param['customer_name'], $un_arr)) {
return resultArray(['error' => '查询条件不符合规则']);
$resWhere = '';
if ($param['name']) {
$resWhere .= " `contacts`.`name` like '%" . $param['name'] . "%' ";
} elseif ($param['mobile']) {
if ($resWhere) $resWhere .= 'OR';
$resWhere .= " `contacts`.`mobile` = '" . $param['mobile'] . "' ";
} elseif ($param['telephone']) {
if ($resWhere) $resWhere .= 'OR';
$resWhere .= " `contacts`.`telephone` = '" . $param['telephone'] . "' ";
} elseif ($param['customer_name']) {
if ($resWhere) $resWhere .= 'OR';
$resWhere .= " `customer`.`name` like '%" . $param['customer_name'] . "%'";
$dataList = db('crm_contacts')
->join('__CRM_CUSTOMER__ customer', 'contacts.customer_id = customer.customer_id', 'LEFT')
->field(',contacts.contacts_id,contacts.customer_id,contacts.owner_user_id, as customer_name')
->page($page, $limit)
$dataCount = db('crm_contacts')
->join('__CRM_CUSTOMER__ customer', 'contacts.customer_id = customer.customer_id', 'LEFT')
foreach ($dataList as $k => $v) {
$dataList[$k]['name'] = $v['name'] ?: '查看详情';
$dataList[$k]['owner_user_id_info'] = isset($v['owner_user_id']) ? $userModel->getUserById($v['owner_user_id']) : [];
} elseif ($types == 'crm_leads') {
if (!$param['name'] && !$param['telephone'] && !$param['mobile']) return resultArray(['error' => '查询条件不能为空']);
$resWhere = '';
if ($param['name']) {
$resWhere .= " `name` like '%" . $param['name'] . "%' ";
} elseif ($param['mobile']) {
if ($resWhere) $resWhere .= 'OR';
$resWhere .= " `mobile` = '" . $param['mobile'] . "'";
} elseif ($param['telephone']) {
if ($resWhere) $resWhere .= 'OR';
$resWhere .= " `telephone` = '" . $param['telephone'] . "'";
$dataList = db('crm_leads')
->page($page, $limit)
$dataCount = db('crm_leads')
foreach ($dataList as $k => $v) {
$dataList[$k]['name'] = $v['name'] ?: '查看详情';
$dataList[$k]['owner_user_id_info'] = isset($v['owner_user_id']) ? $userModel->getUserById($v['owner_user_id']) : [];
$data = [];
$data['dataList'] = $dataList ?: [];
$data['dataCount'] = $dataCount ?: 0;
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 查重(客户、公海、线索)
* @param \app\crm\model\Index $index
* @return \think\response\Json
public function queryRepeat(\app\crm\model\Index $index)
if (empty($this->param['type'])) return resultArray(['error' => '请选择查重类型!']);
if (empty($this->param['content'])) return resultArray(['error' => '请填写查重内容!']);
$type = $this->param['type'];
$content = $this->param['content'];
$data = $index->getQueryRepeat($type, $content);
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* CRM工作台跳转销售简报
* @param
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function indexList()
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$adminModel = new \app\admin\model\Admin();
$param = $this->param;
// 2客户 3联系人 5商机 6合同 7回款 ''跟进记录
$label = $param['label'];
$types = $param['types'];
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
2 years ago
$user_id = $param['user_id'] ?: $userInfo['id'];
if ($param['start_time'] && $param['end_time']) {
$param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
$param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
4 years ago
$whereArr = $adminModel->getWhere($param, 1, ''); //统计条件
$userIds = $whereArr['userIds'];
2 years ago
$between_time = $whereArr['between_time'];
4 years ago
$start_time = $between_time[0];
$end_time = $between_time[1];
$where = [];
$where['page'] = $param['page'];
$where['limit'] = $param['limit'];
$where['search'] = $param['search'];
$typesArr = ['crm_customer', 'crm_contacts', 'crm_business', 'crm_contract', 'crm_receivables', 'crm_activity'];
if (!in_array($types, $typesArr)) {
return resultArray(['error' => '参数错误']);
$m = 'crm';
$a = 'index';
switch ($types) {
case 'crm_customer' :
$c = 'customer';
$model = new \app\crm\model\Customer();
case 'crm_contacts' :
$c = 'contacts';
$model = new \app\crm\model\Contacts();
case 'crm_business' :
case 'crm_business_status' :
$c = 'business';
$model = new \app\crm\model\Business();
case 'crm_contract' :
$c = 'contract';
$model = new \app\crm\model\Contract();
case 'crm_receivables' :
$c = 'receivables';
$model = new \app\crm\model\Receivables();
case 'crm_activity' :
$c = 'activity';
$model = new \app\crm\model\Activity();
$scene_id = db('admin_scene')->where(['types' => $types, 'bydata' => 'all'])->value('scene_id');
$where['scene_id'] = $scene_id ?: '';
$where['create_time']['start'] = $start_time;
$where['create_time']['end'] = $end_time;
$auth_user_ids = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', $c, 'index');
$auth_user_ids = $auth_user_ids ? array_intersect($userIds, $auth_user_ids) : []; //取交集
if ($c != 'activity') {
$where['owner_user_id']['value'] = $auth_user_ids;
2 years ago
if ($types == 'crm_contract' || $types == 'crm_receivables') {
$where['check_status'] = 2;
4 years ago
4 years ago
$data = $model->getDataList($where);
} else {
$typesList = ['1', '2', '3', '5', '6'];
$arr = [];
$where1['create_time'] = ['between', [$start_time, $end_time]];
$where1['create_user_id'] = ['in', $auth_user_ids]; //跟进记录查询条件
$where1['type'] = 1;
$where1['status'] = 1;
foreach ($typesList as $k => $v) {
$where1['activity_type'] = $v;
$dataCount = db('crm_activity')->where($where1)->count();
2 years ago
if ($v == 1) {
$arr[$k]['types'] = 'crm_leads';
$arr[$k]['activity_type'] = 1;
} elseif ($v == 2) {
$arr[$k]['types'] = 'crm_customer';
$arr[$k]['activity_type'] = 2;
} elseif ($v == 3) {
$arr[$k]['types'] = 'crm_contacts';
$arr[$k]['activity_type'] = 3;
} elseif ($v == 5) {
$arr[$k]['types'] = 'crm_business';
$arr[$k]['activity_type'] = 5;
} elseif ($v == 6) {
$arr[$k]['types'] = 'crm_contract';
$arr[$k]['activity_type'] = 6;
4 years ago
$arr[$k]['dataCount'] = $dataCount;
$arr[$k]['create_user_id'] = implode(',', $userIds);
$arr[$k]['create_time'] = implode(',', $where['create_time']); //查询条件返回
$data = $arr;
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 遗忘提醒
* @return \think\response\Json
public function forgottenCustomerCount()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$param['user_id'] = $param['user_id'] ?: $userInfo['id'];
$indexModel = new IndexLogic;
$customerList = $indexModel->getDataList($param);
return resultArray(['data' => $customerList]);
* 遗忘提醒列表
* @return \think\response\Json
public function forgottenCustomerPageList()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$param['user_id'] = $param['user_id'] ?: $userInfo['id'];
$indexModel = new IndexLogic;
$customerList = $indexModel->forgottenCustomerPageList($param);
return resultArray(['data' => $customerList]);
* 排行榜
public function ranking()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
2 years ago
$param['user_id'] = $param['user_id'] ?: $userInfo['id'];
4 years ago
$indexModel = new IndexLogic;
$data = $indexModel->ranking($param);
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
public function queryDataInfo()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
2 years ago
$param['user_id'] = $param['user_id'] ?: $userInfo['id'];
4 years ago
$indexModel = new IndexLogic;
$data = $indexModel->queryDataInfo($param);
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
4 years ago
* 销售漏斗点击查看
4 years ago
public function businessList()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$param['user_id'] = $param['user_id'] ?: $userInfo['id'];
$indexModel = new IndexLogic;
2 years ago
if ($param['status_id'] == "10000" || $param['status_id'] == "10001") {
2 years ago
$param['funnel'] = $param['status_id'];
2 years ago
4 years ago
$data = $indexModel->businessList($param);
2 years ago
4 years ago
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 查询自动编号是否开启
* @return \think\response\Json
public function autoNumberStatus()
$type = $this->param['type'];
$typeArray = ['crm_contract' => 1, 'crm_receivables' => 2, 'crm_visit' => 3, 'crm_invoice' => 4];
$status = Db::name('crm_number_sequence')->where('number_type', $typeArray[$type])->where('status', 0)
return resultArray(['data' => ['status' => !empty($status) ? true : false]]);
* 仪表盘布局
public function dashboard()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$param['user_id'] = $userInfo['id'];
$dashboard = new IndexLogic;
$data = $dashboard->dashboard($param);
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 修改仪表盘布局
* @return mixed
public function updateDashboard()
$param = $this->param;
$param['dashboard'] = $param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$param['user_id'] = $userInfo['id'];
$dashboard = new IndexLogic;
$data = $dashboard->updateDashboard($param);
return resultArray(['data' => '修改成功']);
* 跟进详情
* @return \think\response\Json
2 years ago
public function activityList()
4 years ago
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
2 years ago
$param['id'] = $userInfo['id'];
$indexLogic = new IndexLogic();
$data = $indexLogic->activityList($param);
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
4 years ago