@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
# bytedesk_demo
# 萝卜丝客服SDK
A new Flutter project.
萝卜丝(bytedesk) flutter 客服SDK
## Getting Started
## Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
### 第一步
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
- [注册账号](https://www.bytedesk.com/antv/user/login)
- 获取appkey,登录后台->客服管理->渠道管理->添加应用->appkey
- 获取subDomain,也即企业号:登录后台->客服管理->客服账号->企业号
- 获取技能组workGroupWid
- [Lab: Write your first Flutter app](https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/codelab)
### 第二步:匿名登录
- [Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples](https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook)
For help getting started with Flutter, view our
- BytedeskKefu.anonymousLogin(appKey, subDomain);
[online documentation](https://flutter.dev/docs), which offers tutorials,
samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
### 第三步:联系客服
- BytedeskKefu.startWorkGroupChat(context, workGroupWid, "技能组客服");
### 集成完毕
<img src="./home.jpeg" width="25%" height="25%"/>
<img src="./chat.jpeg" width="25%" height="25%"/>