## 0.2.0 * Upgrade `minSdk` to 23 * Upgrade `targetSdk` to 31 * Upgrade min dart sdk to 2.15.1 * Fix SmsMethodCallHandler error. * Added Service Center field in SmsMessage ## 0.1.4 * Fix SmsType parsing (Contributor: https://github.com/Mabsten) * Remove SmsMethodCallHandler trailing comma. ## 0.1.3 * Fix background execution (Contributor: https://github.com/meomap) ## 0.1.2 * Change invokeMethod call type for getSms methods to List? (No change to telephony API) ## 0.1.1 * Added background instance for executing telephony methods in background. * Fix type cast issues. ## 0.1.0 * Feature equivalent of v0.0.9 * Enabled null-safety ## 0.0.9 * Fix sendSms Future never completes. ## 0.0.8 * Upgrade platform version. ## 0.0.7 * Fix build error when plugin included in iOS project. ## 0.0.6 * Multipart messages are grouped as one single SMS so that listenSms functions only get triggered once. ## 0.0.5 * Fix background execution error due to FlutterLoader.getInstance() deprecation. ## 0.0.4 #### New Features: * Start phone calls from default dialer or directly from the app. ## 0.0.3 #### Changes: * Fix unresponsive foreground methods after starting background isolate. ## 0.0.2 #### Possible breaking changes: * sendSms functions are now async. #### Other changes: * Adding documentation. * Fix conflicting class name (Column --> TelephonyColumn). * Update plugin description. ## 0.0.1 * First release of telephony