part of 'telephony.dart'; const _FOREGROUND_CHANNEL = ''; const _BACKGROUND_CHANNEL = ''; const HANDLE_BACKGROUND_MESSAGE = "handleBackgroundMessage"; const BACKGROUND_SERVICE_INITIALIZED = "backgroundServiceInitialized"; const GET_ALL_INBOX_SMS = "getAllInboxSms"; const GET_ALL_SENT_SMS = "getAllSentSms"; const GET_ALL_DRAFT_SMS = "getAllDraftSms"; const GET_ALL_CONVERSATIONS = "getAllConversations"; const SEND_SMS = "sendSms"; const SEND_MULTIPART_SMS = "sendMultipartSms"; const SEND_SMS_INTENT = "sendSmsIntent"; const IS_SMS_CAPABLE = "isSmsCapable"; const GET_CELLULAR_DATA_STATE = "getCellularDataState"; const GET_CALL_STATE = "getCallState"; const GET_DATA_ACTIVITY = "getDataActivity"; const GET_NETWORK_OPERATOR = "getNetworkOperator"; const GET_NETWORK_OPERATOR_NAME = "getNetworkOperatorName"; const GET_DATA_NETWORK_TYPE = "getDataNetworkType"; const GET_PHONE_TYPE = "getPhoneType"; const GET_SIM_OPERATOR = "getSimOperator"; const GET_SIM_OPERATOR_NAME = "getSimOperatorName"; const GET_SIM_STATE = "getSimState"; const IS_NETWORK_ROAMING = "isNetworkRoaming"; const GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH = "getSignalStrength"; const GET_SERVICE_STATE = "getServiceState"; const REQUEST_SMS_PERMISSION = "requestSmsPermissions"; const REQUEST_PHONE_PERMISSION = "requestPhonePermissions"; const REQUEST_PHONE_AND_SMS_PERMISSION = "requestPhoneAndSmsPermissions"; const OPEN_DIALER = "openDialer"; const DIAL_PHONE_NUMBER = "dialPhoneNumber"; const ON_MESSAGE = "onMessage"; const SMS_SENT = "smsSent"; const SMS_DELIVERED = "smsDelivered"; /// /// Possible parameters that can be fetched during a SMS query operation. class _SmsProjections { // static const String COUNT = "_count"; static const String ID = "_id"; static const String ORIGINATING_ADDRESS = "originating_address"; static const String ADDRESS = "address"; static const String MESSAGE_BODY = "message_body"; static const String BODY = "body"; static const String SERVICE_CENTER_ADDRESS = "service_center"; // static const String CREATOR = "creator"; static const String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; static const String DATE = "date"; static const String DATE_SENT = "date_sent"; // static const String ERROR_CODE = "error_code"; // static const String LOCKED = "locked"; // static const int MESSAGE_TYPE_ALL = 0; // static const int MESSAGE_TYPE_DRAFT = 3; // static const int MESSAGE_TYPE_FAILED = 5; // static const int MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX = 1; // static const int MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTBOX = 4; // static const int MESSAGE_TYPE_QUEUED = 6; // static const int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT = 2; // static const String PERSON = "person"; // static const String PROTOCOL = "protocol"; static const String READ = "read"; // static const String REPLY_PATH_PRESENT = "reply_path_present"; static const String SEEN = "seen"; // static const String SERVICE_CENTER = "service_center"; static const String STATUS = "status"; // static const int STATUS_COMPLETE = 0; // static const int STATUS_FAILED = 64; // static const int STATUS_NONE = -1; // static const int STATUS_PENDING = 32; static const String SUBJECT = "subject"; static const String SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "sub_id"; static const String THREAD_ID = "thread_id"; static const String TYPE = "type"; } /// /// Possible parameters that can be fetched during a Conversation query operation. class _ConversationProjections { static const String SNIPPET = "snippet"; static const String THREAD_ID = "thread_id"; static const String MSG_COUNT = "msg_count"; } abstract class _TelephonyColumn { const _TelephonyColumn(); String get _name; } /// Represents all the possible parameters for a SMS class SmsColumn extends _TelephonyColumn { final String _columnName; const SmsColumn._(this._columnName); static const ID = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.ID); static const ADDRESS = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.ADDRESS); static const SERVICE_CENTER_ADDRESS = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.SERVICE_CENTER_ADDRESS); static const BODY = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.BODY); static const DATE = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.DATE); static const DATE_SENT = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.DATE_SENT); static const READ = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.READ); static const SEEN = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.SEEN); static const STATUS = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.STATUS); static const SUBJECT = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.SUBJECT); static const SUBSCRIPTION_ID = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.SUBSCRIPTION_ID); static const THREAD_ID = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.THREAD_ID); static const TYPE = SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.TYPE); @override String get _name => _columnName; } /// Represents all the possible parameters for a Conversation class ConversationColumn extends _TelephonyColumn { final String _columnName; const ConversationColumn._(this._columnName); static const SNIPPET = ConversationColumn._(_ConversationProjections.SNIPPET); static const THREAD_ID = ConversationColumn._(_ConversationProjections.THREAD_ID); static const MSG_COUNT = ConversationColumn._(_ConversationProjections.MSG_COUNT); @override String get _name => _columnName; } const DEFAULT_SMS_COLUMNS = [ SmsColumn.ID, SmsColumn.ADDRESS, SmsColumn.BODY, SmsColumn.DATE ]; const INCOMING_SMS_COLUMNS = [ SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.ORIGINATING_ADDRESS), SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.MESSAGE_BODY), SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.TIMESTAMP), SmsColumn._(_SmsProjections.SERVICE_CENTER_ADDRESS), SmsColumn.STATUS ]; const DEFAULT_CONVERSATION_COLUMNS = [ ConversationColumn.SNIPPET, ConversationColumn.THREAD_ID, ConversationColumn.MSG_COUNT ]; /// Represents types of SMS. enum SmsType { MESSAGE_TYPE_ALL, MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX, MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT, MESSAGE_TYPE_DRAFT, MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTBOX, MESSAGE_TYPE_FAILED, MESSAGE_TYPE_QUEUED } /// Represents states of SMS. enum SmsStatus { STATUS_COMPLETE, STATUS_FAILED, STATUS_NONE, STATUS_PENDING } /// Represents data connection state. enum DataState { DISCONNECTED, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, SUSPENDED, UNKNOWN } /// Represents state of cellular calls. enum CallState { IDLE, RINGING, OFFHOOK, UNKNOWN } /// Represents state of cellular network data activity. enum DataActivity { NONE, IN, OUT, INOUT, DORMANT, UNKNOWN } /// Represents types of networks for a device. enum NetworkType { UNKNOWN, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, CDMA, EVDO_0, EVDO_A, TYPE_1xRTT, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA, IDEN, EVDO_B, LTE, EHRPD, HSPAP, GSM, TD_SCDMA, IWLAN, LTE_CA, NR, } /// Represents types of cellular technology supported by a device. enum PhoneType { NONE, GSM, CDMA, SIP, UNKNOWN } /// Represents state of SIM. enum SimState { UNKNOWN, ABSENT, PIN_REQUIRED, PUK_REQUIRED, NETWORK_LOCKED, READY, NOT_READY, PERM_DISABLED, CARD_IO_ERROR, CARD_RESTRICTED, LOADED, PRESENT } /// Represents state of cellular service. enum ServiceState { IN_SERVICE, OUT_OF_SERVICE, EMERGENCY_ONLY, POWER_OFF, UNKNOWN } /// Represents the quality of cellular signal. enum SignalStrength { NONE_OR_UNKNOWN, POOR, MODERATE, GOOD, GREAT } /// Represents sort order for [OrderBy]. enum Sort { ASC, DESC } extension Value on Sort { String get value { switch (this) { case Sort.ASC: return "ASC"; case Sort.DESC: default: return "DESC"; } } } /// Represents the status of a sms message sent from the device. enum SendStatus { SENT, DELIVERED }