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package client
import (
var mClient = sync.Map{}
var mutex = sync.Mutex{}
// GetClient @Title 获取RPC客户的
func GetClient(s interface{}) client.XClient {
key := reflect.ValueOf(s).Elem().Type().String()
xClient, ok := mClient.Load(key)
if !ok {
xClient, ok = mClient.Load(key)
if !ok {
split := strings.Split(reflect.ValueOf(s).Elem().Type().String(), ".")
servicePath := strings.ToUpper(split[1][0:1]) + split[1][1:]
d, err := client.NewConsulDiscovery(split[0], servicePath, config.RpcConfig.RegistryServer, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil
option := client.DefaultOption
option.Retries = 3
option.GenBreaker = func() client.Breaker {
return client.NewConsecCircuitBreaker(2, 30*time.Second)
xClient = client.NewXClient(servicePath, client.Failover, client.RoundRobin, d, option)
mClient.Store(key, xClient)
return xClient.(client.XClient)