You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

202 lines
4.3 KiB

import 'flutter_icon_data.dart';
class SimpleLineIcons {
static getIconData(String iconName){
return FlutterIconData.simpleLineIcons(_simpleLineIcons[iconName]);
static hasIconData(iconName)=>_simpleLineIcons.containsKey(iconName);
static const glyphMaps = _simpleLineIcons;
const Map<String,int> _simpleLineIcons = {
"user": 57349,
"people": 57345,
"user-female": 57344,
"user-follow": 57346,
"user-following": 57347,
"user-unfollow": 57348,
"login": 57446,
"logout": 57445,
"emotsmile": 57377,
"phone": 58880,
"call-end": 57416,
"call-in": 57415,
"call-out": 57414,
"map": 57395,
"location-pin": 57494,
"direction": 57410,
"directions": 57409,
"compass": 57413,
"layers": 57396,
"menu": 58881,
"list": 57447,
"options-vertical": 58882,
"options": 58883,
"arrow-down": 58884,
"arrow-left": 58885,
"arrow-right": 58886,
"arrow-up": 58887,
"arrow-up-circle": 57464,
"arrow-left-circle": 57466,
"arrow-right-circle": 57465,
"arrow-down-circle": 57467,
"check": 57472,
"clock": 57473,
"plus": 57493,
"minus": 58901,
"close": 57474,
"event": 58905,
"exclamation": 58903,
"organization": 58902,
"trophy": 57350,
"screen-smartphone": 57360,
"screen-desktop": 57361,
"plane": 57362,
"notebook": 57363,
"mustache": 57364,
"mouse": 57365,
"magnet": 57366,
"energy": 57376,
"disc": 57378,
"cursor": 57454,
"cursor-move": 57379,
"crop": 57380,
"chemistry": 57382,
"speedometer": 57351,
"shield": 57358,
"screen-tablet": 57359,
"magic-wand": 57367,
"hourglass": 57368,
"graduation": 57369,
"ghost": 57370,
"game-controller": 57371,
"fire": 57372,
"eyeglass": 57373,
"envelope-open": 57374,
"envelope-letter": 57375,
"bell": 57383,
"badge": 57384,
"anchor": 57385,
"wallet": 57386,
"vector": 57387,
"speech": 57388,
"puzzle": 57389,
"printer": 57390,
"present": 57391,
"playlist": 57392,
"pin": 57393,
"picture": 57394,
"handbag": 57397,
"globe-alt": 57398,
"globe": 57399,
"folder-alt": 57401,
"folder": 57481,
"film": 57402,
"feed": 57403,
"drop": 57406,
"drawer": 57407,
"docs": 57408,
"doc": 57477,
"diamond": 57411,
"cup": 57412,
"calculator": 57417,
"bubbles": 57418,
"briefcase": 57419,
"book-open": 57420,
"basket-loaded": 57421,
"basket": 57422,
"bag": 57423,
"action-undo": 57424,
"action-redo": 57425,
"wrench": 57426,
"umbrella": 57427,
"trash": 57428,
"tag": 57429,
"support": 57430,
"frame": 57400,
"size-fullscreen": 57431,
"size-actual": 57432,
"shuffle": 57433,
"share-alt": 57434,
"share": 57435,
"rocket": 57436,
"question": 57437,
"pie-chart": 57438,
"pencil": 57439,
"note": 57440,
"loop": 57444,
"home": 57449,
"grid": 57450,
"graph": 57451,
"microphone": 57443,
"music-tone-alt": 57441,
"music-tone": 57442,
"earphones-alt": 57404,
"earphones": 57405,
"equalizer": 57452,
"like": 57448,
"dislike": 57453,
"control-start": 57455,
"control-rewind": 57456,
"control-play": 57457,
"control-pause": 57458,
"control-forward": 57459,
"control-end": 57460,
"volume-1": 57503,
"volume-2": 57504,
"volume-off": 57505,
"calendar": 57461,
"bulb": 57462,
"chart": 57463,
"ban": 57468,
"bubble": 57469,
"camrecorder": 57470,
"camera": 57471,
"cloud-download": 57475,
"cloud-upload": 57476,
"envelope": 57478,
"eye": 57479,
"flag": 57480,
"heart": 57482,
"info": 57483,
"key": 57484,
"link": 57485,
"lock": 57486,
"lock-open": 57487,
"magnifier": 57488,
"magnifier-add": 57489,
"magnifier-remove": 57490,
"paper-clip": 57491,
"paper-plane": 57492,
"power": 57495,
"refresh": 57496,
"reload": 57497,
"settings": 57498,
"star": 57499,
"symbol-female": 57500,
"symbol-male": 57501,
"target": 57502,
"credit-card": 57381,
"paypal": 58888,
"social-tumblr": 57354,
"social-twitter": 57353,
"social-facebook": 57355,
"social-instagram": 58889,
"social-linkedin": 58890,
"social-pinterest": 58891,
"social-github": 58892,
"social-google": 58893,
"social-reddit": 58894,
"social-skype": 58895,
"social-dribbble": 57357,
"social-behance": 58896,
"social-foursqare": 58897,
"social-soundcloud": 58898,
"social-spotify": 58899,
"social-stumbleupon": 58900,
"social-youtube": 57352,
"social-dropbox": 57356,
"social-vkontakte": 58904,
"social-steam": 58912