You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
279 lines
5.8 KiB
279 lines
5.8 KiB
import 'flutter_icon_data.dart';
class Feather {
static getIconData(String iconName){
return FlutterIconData.feather(_feather[iconName]);
static hasIconData(iconName)=>_feather.containsKey(iconName);
static const glyphMaps = _feather;
const Map<String,int> _feather ={
"activity": 59648,
"airplay": 59649,
"alert-circle": 59650,
"alert-octagon": 59651,
"alert-triangle": 59652,
"align-center": 59653,
"align-justify": 59654,
"align-left": 59655,
"align-right": 59656,
"anchor": 59657,
"aperture": 59658,
"archive": 59659,
"arrow-down": 59660,
"arrow-down-circle": 59661,
"arrow-down-left": 59662,
"arrow-down-right": 59663,
"arrow-left": 59664,
"arrow-left-circle": 59665,
"arrow-right": 59666,
"arrow-right-circle": 59667,
"arrow-up": 59668,
"arrow-up-circle": 59669,
"arrow-up-left": 59670,
"arrow-up-right": 59671,
"at-sign": 59672,
"award": 59673,
"bar-chart": 59674,
"bar-chart-2": 59675,
"battery": 59676,
"battery-charging": 59677,
"bell": 59678,
"bell-off": 59679,
"bluetooth": 59680,
"bold": 59681,
"book": 59682,
"book-open": 59683,
"bookmark": 59684,
"box": 59685,
"briefcase": 59686,
"calendar": 59687,
"camera": 59688,
"camera-off": 59689,
"cast": 59690,
"check": 59691,
"check-circle": 59692,
"check-square": 59693,
"chevron-down": 59694,
"chevron-left": 59695,
"chevron-right": 59696,
"chevron-up": 59697,
"chevrons-down": 59698,
"chevrons-left": 59699,
"chevrons-right": 59700,
"chevrons-up": 59701,
"chrome": 59702,
"circle": 59703,
"clipboard": 59704,
"clock": 59705,
"cloud": 59706,
"cloud-drizzle": 59707,
"cloud-lightning": 59708,
"cloud-off": 59709,
"cloud-rain": 59710,
"cloud-snow": 59711,
"code": 59712,
"codepen": 59713,
"command": 59714,
"compass": 59715,
"copy": 59716,
"corner-down-left": 59717,
"corner-down-right": 59718,
"corner-left-down": 59719,
"corner-left-up": 59720,
"corner-right-down": 59721,
"corner-right-up": 59722,
"corner-up-left": 59723,
"corner-up-right": 59724,
"cpu": 59725,
"credit-card": 59726,
"crop": 59727,
"crosshair": 59728,
"database": 59729,
"delete": 59730,
"disc": 59731,
"dollar-sign": 59732,
"download": 59733,
"download-cloud": 59734,
"droplet": 59735,
"edit": 59736,
"edit-2": 59737,
"edit-3": 59738,
"external-link": 59739,
"eye": 59740,
"eye-off": 59741,
"facebook": 59742,
"fast-forward": 59743,
"feather": 59744,
"file": 59745,
"file-minus": 59746,
"file-plus": 59747,
"file-text": 59748,
"film": 59749,
"filter": 59750,
"flag": 59751,
"folder": 59752,
"folder-minus": 59753,
"folder-plus": 59754,
"gift": 59755,
"git-branch": 59756,
"git-commit": 59757,
"git-merge": 59758,
"git-pull-request": 59759,
"github": 59760,
"gitlab": 59761,
"globe": 59762,
"grid": 59763,
"hard-drive": 59764,
"hash": 59765,
"headphones": 59766,
"heart": 59767,
"help-circle": 59768,
"home": 59769,
"image": 59770,
"inbox": 59771,
"info": 59772,
"instagram": 59773,
"italic": 59774,
"layers": 59775,
"layout": 59776,
"life-buoy": 59777,
"link": 59778,
"link-2": 59779,
"linkedin": 59780,
"list": 59781,
"loader": 59782,
"lock": 59783,
"log-in": 59784,
"log-out": 59785,
"mail": 59786,
"map": 59787,
"map-pin": 59788,
"maximize": 59789,
"maximize-2": 59790,
"menu": 59791,
"message-circle": 59792,
"message-square": 59793,
"mic": 59794,
"mic-off": 59795,
"minimize": 59796,
"minimize-2": 59797,
"minus": 59798,
"minus-circle": 59799,
"minus-square": 59800,
"monitor": 59801,
"moon": 59802,
"more-horizontal": 59803,
"more-vertical": 59804,
"move": 59805,
"music": 59806,
"navigation": 59807,
"navigation-2": 59808,
"octagon": 59809,
"package": 59810,
"paperclip": 59811,
"pause": 59812,
"pause-circle": 59813,
"percent": 59814,
"phone": 59815,
"phone-call": 59816,
"phone-forwarded": 59817,
"phone-incoming": 59818,
"phone-missed": 59819,
"phone-off": 59820,
"phone-outgoing": 59821,
"pie-chart": 59822,
"play": 59823,
"play-circle": 59824,
"plus": 59825,
"plus-circle": 59826,
"plus-square": 59827,
"pocket": 59828,
"power": 59829,
"printer": 59830,
"radio": 59831,
"refresh-ccw": 59832,
"refresh-cw": 59833,
"repeat": 59834,
"rewind": 59835,
"rotate-ccw": 59836,
"rotate-cw": 59837,
"rss": 59838,
"save": 59839,
"scissors": 59840,
"search": 59841,
"send": 59842,
"server": 59843,
"settings": 59844,
"share": 59845,
"share-2": 59846,
"shield": 59847,
"shield-off": 59848,
"shopping-bag": 59849,
"shopping-cart": 59850,
"shuffle": 59851,
"sidebar": 59852,
"skip-back": 59853,
"skip-forward": 59854,
"slack": 59855,
"slash": 59856,
"sliders": 59857,
"smartphone": 59858,
"speaker": 59859,
"square": 59860,
"star": 59861,
"stop-circle": 59862,
"sun": 59863,
"sunrise": 59864,
"sunset": 59865,
"tablet": 59866,
"tag": 59867,
"target": 59868,
"terminal": 59869,
"thermometer": 59870,
"thumbs-down": 59871,
"thumbs-up": 59872,
"toggle-left": 59873,
"toggle-right": 59874,
"trash": 59875,
"trash-2": 59876,
"trending-down": 59877,
"trending-up": 59878,
"triangle": 59879,
"truck": 59880,
"tv": 59881,
"twitter": 59882,
"type": 59883,
"umbrella": 59884,
"underline": 59885,
"unlock": 59886,
"upload": 59887,
"upload-cloud": 59888,
"user": 59889,
"user-check": 59890,
"user-minus": 59891,
"user-plus": 59892,
"user-x": 59893,
"users": 59894,
"video": 59895,
"video-off": 59896,
"voicemail": 59897,
"volume": 59898,
"volume-1": 59899,
"volume-2": 59900,
"volume-x": 59901,
"watch": 59902,
"wifi": 59903,
"wifi-off": 59904,
"wind": 59905,
"x": 59906,
"x-circle": 59907,
"x-square": 59908,
"youtube": 59909,
"zap": 59910,
"zap-off": 59911,
"zoom-in": 59912,
"zoom-out": 59913
}; |