lmy 6 years ago
commit c18f7728eb

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Customizable Icons for Flutter,Inspired by [react-native-vector-icons](https://g
* [`Octicons`](http://octicons.github.com) by Github, Inc. (v8.0.0, **177** icons)
* [`Zocial`](http://zocial.smcllns.com/) by Sam Collins (v1.0, **100** icons)
* [`SimpleLineIcons`](https://simplelineicons.github.io/) by Sabbir & Contributors (v2.4.1, **189** icons)
* [`Weather Icons`](https://erikflowers.github.io/weather-icons/) by erikflowers (v2.0.10, **596** icons)
## Usage
To use this plugin, add `flutter_icons` as a [dependency in your pubspec.yaml file](https://flutter.io/platform-plugins/).
@ -52,6 +53,15 @@ To use this plugin, add `flutter_icons` as a [dependency in your pubspec.yaml fi
| **`getIconData`** | Returns the IconData object,eg : ```IconData iconData = AntDesign.getIconData("stepforward")``` |
| **`hasIconData`** | Checks if the name is valid in current icon set.eg: ```bool isNameValid = AntDesign.hasIconData("stepforward")```|
## IconExplorer
Try to run the `example` project Or download [apk](https://github.com/flutter-studio/flutter-icons/tree/master/example/apk/app-release.apk), there you can also search for any icon.
<div align=start>
<img src="https://github.com/flutter-studio/flutter-icons/blob/master/example/Screenshot_1568714360.png" width = "200" alt="图片名称" align=center />
## Example
``` dart
