You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

190 lines
4.0 KiB

import 'flutter_icon_data.dart';
class Octicons {
static getIconData(String iconName){
return FlutterIconData.octicons(_octicons[iconName]);
static hasIconData(iconName)=>_octicons.containsKey(iconName);
static const glyphMaps = _octicons;
const Map<String,int> _octicons ={
"alert": 61696,
"archive": 61697,
"arrow-down": 61698,
"arrow-left": 61699,
"arrow-right": 61700,
"arrow-small-down": 61701,
"arrow-small-left": 61702,
"arrow-small-right": 61703,
"arrow-small-up": 61704,
"arrow-up": 61705,
"beaker": 61706,
"bell": 61707,
"bold": 61708,
"book": 61709,
"bookmark": 61710,
"briefcase": 61711,
"broadcast": 61712,
"browser": 61713,
"bug": 61714,
"calendar": 61715,
"check": 61716,
"checklist": 61717,
"chevron-down": 61718,
"chevron-left": 61719,
"chevron-right": 61720,
"chevron-up": 61721,
"circle-slash": 61722,
"circuit-board": 61723,
"clippy": 61724,
"clock": 61725,
"cloud-download": 61726,
"cloud-upload": 61727,
"code": 61728,
"comment": 61729,
"comment-discussion": 61730,
"credit-card": 61731,
"dash": 61732,
"dashboard": 61733,
"database": 61734,
"desktop-download": 61735,
"device-camera": 61736,
"device-camera-video": 61737,
"device-desktop": 61738,
"device-mobile": 61739,
"diff": 61740,
"diff-added": 61741,
"diff-ignored": 61742,
"diff-modified": 61743,
"diff-removed": 61744,
"diff-renamed": 61745,
"ellipsis": 61746,
"eye": 61747,
"file": 61748,
"file-binary": 61749,
"file-code": 61750,
"file-directory": 61751,
"file-media": 61752,
"file-pdf": 61753,
"file-submodule": 61754,
"file-symlink-directory": 61755,
"file-symlink-file": 61756,
"file-zip": 61757,
"flame": 61758,
"fold": 61759,
"gear": 61760,
"gift": 61761,
"gist": 61762,
"gist-secret": 61763,
"git-branch": 61764,
"git-commit": 61765,
"git-compare": 61766,
"git-merge": 61767,
"git-pull-request": 61768,
"globe": 61769,
"grabber": 61770,
"graph": 61771,
"heart": 61772,
"history": 61773,
"home": 61774,
"horizontal-rule": 61775,
"hubot": 61776,
"inbox": 61777,
"info": 61778,
"issue-closed": 61779,
"issue-opened": 61780,
"issue-reopened": 61781,
"italic": 61782,
"jersey": 61783,
"kebab-horizontal": 61784,
"kebab-vertical": 61785,
"key": 61786,
"keyboard": 61787,
"law": 61788,
"light-bulb": 61789,
"link": 61790,
"link-external": 61791,
"list-ordered": 61792,
"list-unordered": 61793,
"location": 61794,
"lock": 61795,
"logo-gist": 61796,
"logo-github": 61797,
"mail": 61798,
"mail-read": 61799,
"mark-github": 61800,
"markdown": 61801,
"megaphone": 61802,
"mention": 61803,
"milestone": 61804,
"mirror": 61805,
"mortar-board": 61806,
"mute": 61807,
"no-newline": 61808,
"note": 61809,
"octoface": 61810,
"organization": 61811,
"package": 61812,
"paintcan": 61813,
"pencil": 61814,
"person": 61815,
"pin": 61816,
"plug": 61817,
"plus": 61818,
"plus-small": 61819,
"primitive-dot": 61820,
"primitive-square": 61821,
"project": 61822,
"pulse": 61823,
"question": 61824,
"quote": 61825,
"radio-tower": 61826,
"reply": 61827,
"repo": 61828,
"repo-clone": 61829,
"repo-force-push": 61830,
"repo-forked": 61831,
"repo-pull": 61832,
"repo-push": 61833,
"report": 61834,
"rocket": 61835,
"rss": 61836,
"ruby": 61837,
"screen-full": 61838,
"screen-normal": 61839,
"search": 61840,
"server": 61841,
"settings": 61842,
"shield": 61843,
"sign-in": 61844,
"sign-out": 61845,
"smiley": 61846,
"squirrel": 61847,
"star": 61848,
"stop": 61849,
"sync": 61850,
"tag": 61851,
"tasklist": 61852,
"telescope": 61853,
"terminal": 61854,
"text-size": 61855,
"three-bars": 61856,
"thumbsdown": 61857,
"thumbsup": 61858,
"tools": 61859,
"trashcan": 61860,
"triangle-down": 61861,
"triangle-left": 61862,
"triangle-right": 61863,
"triangle-up": 61864,
"unfold": 61865,
"unmute": 61866,
"unverified": 61867,
"verified": 61868,
"versions": 61869,
"watch": 61870,
"x": 61871,
"zap": 61872