You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

425 lines
9.5 KiB

6 years ago
import 'flutter_icon_data.dart';
class Entypo {
static getIconData(String iconName){
return FlutterIconData.entypo(_entypo[iconName]);
static hasIconData(iconName)=>_entypo.containsKey(iconName);
static const glyphMaps = _entypo;
6 years ago
6 years ago
const Map<String,int> _entypo ={
"500px": 61696,
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"add-user": 61699,
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"chevron-small-left": 61765,
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"chevron-thin-left": 61769,
"chevron-thin-right": 61770,
"chevron-thin-up": 61771,
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"chevron-with-circle-right": 61775,
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"classic-computer": 61783,
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"controller-fast-forward": 61792,
"controller-jump-to-start": 61793,
"controller-next": 61794,
"controller-paus": 61795,
"controller-play": 61796,
"controller-record": 61797,
"controller-stop": 61798,
"controller-volume": 61799,
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"creative-commons-public-domain": 61807,
"creative-commons-remix": 61808,
"creative-commons-share": 61809,
"creative-commons-sharealike": 61810,
"credit": 61811,
"credit-card": 61812,
"crop": 61813,
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"cw": 61816,
"cycle": 61817,
"database": 61818,
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"dots-two-horizontal": 61827,
"dots-two-vertical": 61828,
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"erase": 61842,
"eraser": 61843,
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"flat-brush": 61855,
"flattr": 61856,
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"flow-branch": 61859,
"flow-cascade": 61860,
"flow-line": 61861,
"flow-parallel": 61862,
"flow-tree": 61863,
"flower": 61864,
"folder": 61865,
"folder-images": 61866,
"folder-music": 61867,
"folder-video": 61868,
"forward": 61869,
"foursquare": 61870,
"funnel": 61871,
"game-controller": 61872,
"gauge": 61873,
"github": 61874,
"github-with-circle": 61875,
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"google-": 61877,
"google--with-circle": 61878,
"google-drive": 61879,
"google-hangouts": 61880,
"google-play": 61881,
"graduation-cap": 61882,
"grid": 61883,
"grooveshark": 61884,
"hair-cross": 61885,
"hand": 61886,
"heart": 61887,
"heart-outlined": 61888,
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"help-with-circle": 61890,
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"houzz": 61893,
"icloud": 61894,
"image": 61895,
"image-inverted": 61896,
"images": 61897,
"inbox": 61898,
"infinity": 61899,
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"instagram-with-circle": 61903,
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"login": 61931,
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"magnet": 61933,
"magnifying-glass": 61934,
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"power-plug": 61980,
"price-ribbon": 61981,
"price-tag": 61982,
"print": 61983,
"progress-empty": 61984,
"progress-full": 61985,
"progress-one": 61986,
"progress-two": 61987,
"publish": 61988,
"qq": 61989,
"qq-with-circle": 61990,
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"vk-with-circle": 62094,
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"youko-with-circle": 62104,
"youtube": 62105,
"youtube-with-circle": 62106