import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/model/answer.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/model/thread.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/model/user.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/util/bytedesk_constants.dart'; import 'package:sp_util/sp_util.dart'; import 'category.dart'; // import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; class Message { // String? mid; String? content; String? imageUrl; String? voiceUrl; String? videoUrl; String? fileUrl; String? nickname; String? avatar; String? type; String? topic; String? timestamp; String? status; int? isSend; String? currentUid; String? client; // Thread? thread; User? user; // List? answers; String? answersJson; // List? categories; String? categoriesJson; Message( {this.mid, this.content, this.imageUrl, this.voiceUrl, this.videoUrl, this.fileUrl, this.nickname, this.avatar, this.type, this.topic, this.timestamp, this.isSend, this.thread, this.user, this.status, this.currentUid, this.client, this.answers, this.answersJson, this.categories, this.categoriesJson}) : super(); // static Message fromJsonThread(dynamic json) { // // String? content = json['content']; List robotQaList = []; if (json['type'] == BytedeskConstants.MESSAGE_TYPE_ROBOT) { robotQaList = json['answers'] == null ? [] : (json['answers'] as List) .map((item) => Answer.fromJson(item)) .toList(); // for (var i = 0; i < robotQaList.length; i++) { // Answer answer = robotQaList[i]; // content += '\n\n' + answer.aid + ':' + answer.question; // } } // return Message( mid: json['mid'], content: json['content'], imageUrl: json['imageUrl'], voiceUrl: json['voiceUrl'], fileUrl: json['fileUrl'], videoUrl: json['videoOrShortUrl'], nickname: json['user']['nickname'], avatar: json['user']['avatar'], type: json['type'], timestamp: json['createdAt'], status: 'stored', isSend: 0, currentUid: SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.uid), client: json['client'], thread: Thread.fromVisitorJson(json['thread']), user: User.fromJson(json['user']), answers: robotQaList, answersJson: json['answers'].toString()); } // static Message fromJsonThreadWorkGroupV2(dynamic json) { // List categoriesList = []; if (json['type'] == BytedeskConstants.MESSAGE_TYPE_ROBOT_V2) { categoriesList = json['categories'] == null ? [] : (json['categories'] as List) .map((item) => Category.fromJson(item)) .toList(); } // return Message( mid: json['mid'], content: json['content'], imageUrl: json['imageUrl'], voiceUrl: json['voiceUrl'], fileUrl: json['fileUrl'], videoUrl: json['videoOrShortUrl'], nickname: json['user']['nickname'], avatar: json['user']['avatar'], type: json['type'], timestamp: json['createdAt'], status: 'stored', isSend: 0, currentUid: SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.uid), client: json['client'], thread: Thread.fromVisitorJson(json['thread']), user: User.fromJson(json['user']), categories: categoriesList, categoriesJson: json['categories'].toString()); } // static Message fromJsonRobotQuery(dynamic json) { // // String? content = json['content']; List robotQaList = []; if (json['type'] == BytedeskConstants.MESSAGE_TYPE_ROBOT) { robotQaList = json['answers'] == null ? [] : (json['answers'] as List) .map((item) => Answer.fromJson(item)) .toList(); // for (var i = 0; i < robotQaList.length; i++) { // Answer answer = robotQaList[i]; // content += '\n\n' + answer.aid + ':' + answer.question; // } } // return Message( mid: json['mid'], content: json['content'], imageUrl: json['imageUrl'], voiceUrl: json['voiceUrl'], fileUrl: json['fileUrl'], videoUrl: json['videoOrShortUrl'], nickname: json['user']['nickname'], avatar: json['user']['avatar'], type: json['type'], timestamp: json['createdAt'], status: 'stored', isSend: 0, currentUid: SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.uid), client: json['client'], // thread: Thread.fromVisitorJson(json['thread']), user: User.fromJson(json['user']), answers: robotQaList, answersJson: json['answers'].toString()); } static Message fromJson(dynamic json) { List robotQaList = []; if (json['type'] == BytedeskConstants.MESSAGE_TYPE_ROBOT) { robotQaList = json['answers'] == null ? [] : (json['answers'] as List) .map((item) => Answer.fromJson(item)) .toList(); } return Message( mid: json['mid'], content: json['content'], imageUrl: json['imageUrl'], voiceUrl: json['voiceUrl'], fileUrl: json['fileUrl'], videoUrl: json['videoOrShortUrl'], nickname: json['user']['nickname'], avatar: json['user']['avatar'], type: json['type'], timestamp: json['createdAt'], client: json['client'], currentUid: SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.uid), answers: robotQaList, answersJson: json['answers'].toString()); } // @override // List get props => [mid]; // Convert a Message into a Map. The keys must correspond to the names of the // columns in the database. Map toMap() { return { 'mid': mid, 'content': content, 'imageUrl': imageUrl, 'voiceUrl': voiceUrl, 'videoUrl': videoUrl, 'fileUrl': fileUrl, 'nickname': nickname, 'avatar': avatar, 'type': type, 'topic': thread?.topic, 'status': status, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'isSend': isSend, 'currentUid': currentUid, 'client': client, 'answers': answersJson, 'categories': categoriesJson }; } Message.fromMap(Map map) { mid = map['mid']; content = map['content']; imageUrl = map['imageUrl']; voiceUrl = map['voiceUrl']; videoUrl = map['videoUrl']; fileUrl = map['fileUrl']; nickname = map['nickname']; avatar = map['avatar']; type = map['type']; topic = map['topic']; status = map['status']; timestamp = map['timestamp']; isSend = map['isSend']; client = map['client']; currentUid = SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.uid); } String? channelTitle() { return json.decode(content!)['title']; } String? channelType() { return json.decode(content!)['type']; } String? channelContent() { return json.decode(content!)['content']; } }