part of ansu_ui; class AS2DatePicker extends StatefulWidget { AS2DatePicker({Key key}) : super(key: key); @override _AS2DatePickerState createState() => _AS2DatePickerState(); } class _AS2DatePickerState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin { int _selectedDay = 0; DateTime get now =>; TabController _tabController; DateTimeRange get singleHour => DateTimeRange( start: now, end: now.add(Duration(hours: 1)), ); Widget _buildDayButton(int index, String title) { bool sameDay = _selectedDay == index; return MaterialButton( elevation: 0, disabledElevation: 0, focusElevation: 0, highlightElevation: 0, hoverElevation: 0, color: sameDay ? kForegroundColor : kForegroundColor.withOpacity(0), onPressed: () => setState(() => _selectedDay = index), materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap, height: 70.w, child: .size(16) .copyWith(fontWeight: sameDay ? FontWeight.bold : FontWeight.normal), ); } Widget get _renderCheckBox => Container( height: 14.w, width: 14.w, decoration: BoxDecoration( color: kSecondaryColor, borderRadius: 7.radius, ), child: Icon(Icons.check, size: 12.w), ); @override void initState() { super.initState(); _tabController = TabController(length: 3, vsync: this); } @override void dispose() { _tabController?.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return SizedBox( height: 340.w, child: Material( color: kForegroundColor, child: Column( children: [ Row( children: [ SizedBox( width: 112.w, child: Material( color: Color(0xFFF2F2F2), child: ListView( children: [ _buildDayButton(0, '今天'), _buildDayButton(1, '明天'), _buildDayButton(2, '后天'), ], ), ), ), Expanded(child: SizedBox()), ], ).expanded, Container( margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: 24.w, vertical: 18.w, ), child: ASLongButton.solid( title: '确认', onPressed: () {}, ), ), ], ), ), ); } }