You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: 商业智能-日志分析
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: Michael_xu |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\bi\controller;
use app\admin\controller\ApiCommon;
use think\Db;
use think\Hook;
use think\Request;
class Log extends ApiCommon
* 用于判断权限
* @permission 无限制
* @allow 登录用户可访问
* @other 其他根据系统设置
public function _initialize()
$action = [
$request = Request::instance();
$a = strtolower($request->action());
if (!in_array($a, $action['permission'])) {
if (!checkPerByAction('bi', 'oa', 'read')) {
header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8');
* 日志统计列表
* @return
public function statistics()
$param = $this->param;
if ($param['type']) {
$timeArr = getTimeByType($param['type']);
$param['start_time'] = $timeArr[0];
$param['end_time'] = $timeArr[1];
} else {
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] = strtotime($param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] = strtotime($param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59');
$loglModel = new \app\bi\model\Log();
$list = $loglModel->getStatistics($param) ? : [];
return resultArray(['data'=>$list]);
* 统计导出
* @author Michael_xu
* @param
* @return
public function excelExport()
$param = $this->param;
$excelModel = new \app\admin\model\Excel();
// 导出的字段列表
$field_list = [
'0' => ['field' => 'realname','name' => '员工'],
'1' => ['field' => 'count','name' => '填写数'],
'2' => ['field' => 'unReadCont','name' => '接收人未读数'],
'3' => ['field' => 'unCommentCount','name' => '未评论数'],
'4' => ['field' => 'commentCount','name' => '已评论数'],
// 文件名
$file_name = '5kcrm_log_'.date('Ymd');
$excelModel->dataExportCsv($file_name, $field_list, function($list) use ($param){
$loglModel = new \app\bi\model\Log();
if ($param['type']) {
$timeArr = getTimeByType($param['type']);
$param['start_time'] = $timeArr[0];
$param['end_time'] = $timeArr[1];
$list = $loglModel->getStatistics($param);
return $list ? : [];