You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

170 lines
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: 任务标签及基础
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: yykun
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\oa\controller;
use think\Request;
use think\Session;
use think\Hook;
use think\Db;
use app\admin\controller\ApiCommon;
class Tasklable extends ApiCommon
* 用于判断权限
* @permission 无限制
* @allow 登录用户可访问
* @other 其他根据系统设置
public function _initialize()
$action = [
'permission'=>[''], //不登录可访问
'allow'=>['index','getwoklist','grouplist','update','delete','save'] //需要登录才能访问
$request = Request::instance();
$a = strtolower($request->action());
if (!in_array($a, $action['permission'])) {
* 添加新标签
public function save()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$lableModel = new \app\work\model\WorkLable();
if (!$param) {
return resultArray(['error'=>'参数错误']);
$param['create_user_id'] = $userInfo['id'];
if (!$lableModel->createData($param)) {
return resultArray(['error'=>$lableModel->getError()]);
return resultArray(['data'=>'添加成功']);
* 返回标签列表
public function index()
$lableModel = new \app\work\model\WorkLable();
$list = $lableModel->getDataList();
return resultArray(['data'=>$list]);
* 根据标签获取项目及任务
* @return
public function getWokList()
$param = $this->param;
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$lable_id = $param['lable_id'];
if (!$lable_id) {
return resultArray(['error'=>'参数错误']);
$taskList = Db::name('Task')
->where('FIND_IN_SET("'.$lable_id.'", lable_id)')
->order('work_id desc')->select();
$lableModel = model('WorkLable');
foreach ($taskList as $k => $v) {
$taskList[$k]['lableList'] = $v['lable_id'] ? $lableModel->getDataByStr($v['lable_id']) : [];
$userDet = [];
$userDet = isset($v['main_user_id']) ? $userModel->getUserById($v['main_user_id']) : [];
$taskList[$k]['main_user_name'] = $userDet ? $userDet['realname'] : '';
$taskList[$k]['main_user_img'] = $userDet ? $userDet['thumb_img'] : '';
$taskList[$k]['stop_time'] = $v['stop_time'] ? : '';
$workArr = [];
$workGroup = $this->group_same_key($taskList);
$newWorkArr = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($workGroup as $key => $value) {
$workDet = Db::name('Work')->where(['work_id' => $key])->find();
$newWorkArr[$i]['work_name'] = $workDet['name'];
$newWorkArr[$i]['work_id'] = $key;
$newWorkArr[$i]['list'] = $value;
return resultArray(['data'=>$newWorkArr]);
public function group_same_key( $arr ) {
$new_arr = array();
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
$new_arr[$v['work_id']][] = $v;
return $new_arr;
public function groupList()
$lableModel = new \app\work\model\WorkLable();
$workList = Db::name('Work')->field('name,work_id')->select();
$temp = array();
foreach ($workList as $key => $value) {
$temp = array();
$taskList = Db::name('Task')->field('task_id,lable_id')->where(['work_id' => $value['work_id']])->select();
foreach ($taskList as $k => $v) {
$temp_temp = $lableModel->getDataByStr($v['lable_id']);
$temp = array_merge($temp,$temp_temp);
$temp = array_filter(array_unique($temp));
$workList[$key]['taskList'] = $temp;
return resultArray(['data' => $workList]);
public function update()
$param = $this->param;
$lableModel = new \app\work\model\WorkLable();
if (!$param['lable_id']) {
return resultArray(['error'=>'参数错误']);
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$param['create_user_id'] = $userInfo['id'];
if ($lableModel->updateDataById($param)) {
return resultArray(['data'=>'编辑成功']);
} else {
return resultArray(['error'=>$lableModel->getError()]);
public function delete()
$param = $this->param;
$lableModel = new \app\work\model\WorkLable();
if (!$param['lable_id']) {
return resultArray(['error'=>'参数错误']);
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$param['create_user_id'] = $userInfo['id'];
if ($lableModel->delDataById($param)) {
return resultArray(['data'=>'删除成功']);
} else {
return resultArray(['error'=>$lableModel->getError()]);