308 lines
12 KiB
308 lines
12 KiB
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: OA工作台
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: Michael_xu | gengxiaoxu@5kcrm.com
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\oa\controller;
use app\admin\controller\ApiCommon;
use think\Hook;
use think\Request;
use think\Db;
class Index extends ApiCommon
* 用于判断权限
* @permission 无限制
* @allow 登录用户可访问
* @other 其他根据系统设置
public function _initialize()
$action = [
$request = Request::instance();
$a = strtolower($request->action());
if (!in_array($a, $action['permission'])) {
* 工作圈
* @author
* @return
public function index()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$structureModel = new \app\admin\model\Structure();
$fileModel = new \app\admin\model\File();
$commonModel = new \app\admin\model\Comment();
$BusinessModel = new \app\crm\model\Business();
$ContactsModel = new \app\crm\model\Contacts();
$ContractModel = new \app\crm\model\Contract();
$CustomerModel = new \app\crm\model\Customer();
if ($param['type'] == 1) { //日志
$where = ' controller_name = "log" and module_name = "oa" ';
} elseif ($param['type'] == 2) { //日程
$where = ' controller_name = "event" and module_name = "oa" ';
} elseif ($param['type'] == 3) { //公告
$where = ' controller_name = "announcement" and module_name = "oa" ';
} elseif ($param['type'] == 4) { //任务
$where = ' ( controller_name = "task" and module_name = "oa" ) ';
} elseif ($param['type'] == 5) { //审批
$where = ' ( controller_name = "examine" and module_name = "oa" ) ';
} else { //全部
$where = ' ( module_name = "oa" ) ';
$limit = $param['limit'] ? : '15' ;
$page = $param['page'] ? : '1' ;
$auth_user_ids = getSubUserId();
$auth_user_ids = implode(',',$auth_user_ids);
$actionList = Db::name('AdminActionLog')
->where( $where.' and ( action_delete != 1 ) and ( user_id IN ('.$auth_user_ids.') or join_user_ids like "%,'.$userInfo['id'].',%" or structure_ids like "%,'.$userInfo['structure_id'].',%" )')
->page($page, $limit)
->order('create_time desc')
$actionCount = Db::name('AdminActionLog')
->where( $where.' and ( action_delete != 1 ) and ( user_id IN ('.$auth_user_ids.') or join_user_ids like "%,'.$userInfo['id'].',%" or structure_ids like "%,'.$userInfo['structure_id'].',%" )')
foreach ($actionList as $key=>$value) {
$actionList[$key]['create_user_info'] = $userModel->getUserById($value['user_id']);
$actionList[$key]['action_content'] = $value['content'] ? : '';
if ($value['controller_name'] == 'log') {
$logInfo = [];
$logInfo = Db::name('OaLog')->where('log_id = '.$value['action_id'].'')->find();
if ($logInfo) {
$actionList[$key]['title'] = $logInfo['title'];
$actionList[$key]['today'] = $logInfo['today'];
$actionList[$key]['category_id'] = $logInfo['category_id'];
$actionList[$key]['content'] = $logInfo['content'];
$actionList[$key]['tomorrow'] = $logInfo['tomorrow'];
$actionList[$key]['question'] = $logInfo['question'];
$fileList = [];
$imgList = [];
$where = [];
$where['module'] = 'oa_log';
$where['module_id'] = $value['action_id'];
$newFileList = [];
$newFileList = $fileModel->getDataList($where);
foreach ($newFileList['list'] as $val) {
if ($val['types'] == 'file') {
$fileList[] = $val;
} else {
$imgList[] = $val;
$actionList[$key]['fileList'] = $fileList ? : [];
$actionList[$key]['imgList'] = $imgList ? : [];
$actionList[$key]['sendUserList'] = $userModel->getDataByStr($logInfo['send_user_ids']) ? : [];
$actionList[$key]['sendStructList'] = $structureModel->getDataByStr($logInfo['send_structure_ids']) ? : [];
$commonParam = [];
$commonParam['type_id'] = $logInfo['log_id'];
$commonParam['type'] = 'oa_log';
$actionList[$key]['replyList'] = $commonModel->read($commonParam);
$actionList[$key]['type'] = 1;
$actionList[$key]['type_name'] = "日志";
} else {
} elseif ($value['controller_name'] == 'event') {
$eventInfo = Db::name('OaEvent')->field('event_id,title,remark,start_time,end_time,owner_user_ids')->where('event_id = '.$value['action_id'].'')->find();
if ($eventInfo) {
$actionList[$key]['title'] = $eventInfo['title'] ? : '';
$actionList[$key]['remark'] = $eventInfo['remark'] ? : '';
$actionList[$key]['start_time'] = $eventInfo['start_time'];
$actionList[$key]['end_time'] = $eventInfo['end_time'];
$actionList[$key]['ownerList'] = $userModel->getDataByStr($eventInfo['owner_user_ids']);
$actionList[$key]['type'] = 2;
$actionList[$key]['type_name'] = "日程";
$relation = Db::name('OaEventRelation')->where('event_id ='.$value['action_id'])->find();
$actionList[$key]['businessList'] = $relation['business_ids'] ? $BusinessModel->getDataByStr($relation['business_ids']) : []; //商机
$actionList[$key]['contactsList'] = $relation['contacts_ids'] ? $ContactsModel->getDataByStr($relation['contacts_ids']) : []; //联系人
$actionList[$key]['contractList'] = $relation['contract_ids'] ? $ContractModel->getDataByStr($relation['contract_ids']) : []; //合同
$actionList[$key]['customerList'] = $relation['customer_ids'] ? $CustomerModel->getDataByStr($relation['customer_ids']) : []; //客户
} else {
} elseif ($value['controller_name'] == 'announcement') {
$announcementInfo = Db::name('OaAnnouncement')->field('announcement_id,title,content')->where('announcement_id = '.$value['action_id'].'')->find();
if ($announcementInfo) {
$actionList[$key]['title'] = $announcementInfo['title'] ? : '';
$actionList[$key]['ann_content'] = $announcementInfo['content'] ? : '';
$actionList[$key]['type'] = 3;
$actionList[$key]['type_name'] = "公告";
} else {
} elseif ($value['controller_name'] == 'task') {
$taskInfo = Db::name('Task')->field('task_id,name')->where('ishidden =0 and task_id = '.$value['action_id'].'')->find();
if (!$taskInfo || $taskInfo['pid']) {
} else {
$actionList[$key]['pname'] = '';
$actionList[$key]['title'] = $taskInfo['name'] ? : '查看详情';
$actionList[$key]['type'] = 4;
$actionList[$key]['type_name'] = "任务";
} elseif ($value['controller_name'] == 'examine') {
$examineInfo = db('oa_examine')->where(['examine_id' => $value['action_id']])->find();
if ($examineInfo) {
$actionList[$key]['title'] = $examineInfo['content'] ? : '查看详情';
$actionList[$key]['type'] = 5;
$actionList[$key]['type_name'] = "审批";
} else {
$actionList = $actionList ? array_merge($actionList) : [];
$data = [];
$data['list'] = $actionList ? : [];
$data['dataCount'] = $actionCount ? : 0;
return resultArray(['data'=>$data]);
* 任务展示
* @author
* @return
public function taskList()
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$count = Db::name('Task')->where('( main_user_id = '.$userInfo['id'].' or create_user_id ='.$userInfo['id'].' or owner_user_id like "%,'.$userInfo['id'].',%") and status=1 and ishidden=0')->count();
$list = Db::name('Task')->field('task_id,name,stop_time,priority,create_time,pid')->where(' ( main_user_id = '.$userInfo['id'].' or create_user_id ='.$userInfo['id'].' or owner_user_id like "%,'.$userInfo['id'].',%") and status=1 and ishidden=0')->select();
foreach ($list as $k=>$v) {
if ($v['pid']) {
$ptask = Db::name('Task')->field('task_id,name')->where('ishidden = 0 and task_id ='.$v['pid'].'')->find();
$list[$k]['pname'] = $ptask['name'];
} else {
$list[$k]['pname'] = '';
} else {
$list[$k]['pname'] = '';
if ($v['stop_time']) {
if ($v['stop_time'] < time()) {
$list[$k]['task_status'] = '2';
$list[$k]['task_remark'] = '已逾期';
} else {
$list[$k]['task_status'] = '1';
$list[$k]['task_remark'] = '进行中';
} else {
$list[$k]['task_status'] = '0';
$list[$k]['task_remark'] = '未设置截至时间';
$data['count'] = $count;
$data['list'] = $list;
return resultArray(['data'=>$data]);
* 日程展示
* @author
* @return
public function eventList()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
if($param['start_time'] && $param['end_time']) {
$start_time = $param['start_time'];
$end_time = $param['end_time'];
} else {
$start_time = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),1,date('Y'));
$end_time = mktime(23,59,59,date('m'),date('t'),date('Y'));
$where = '( ( start_time BETWEEN '.$start_time.' AND '.$end_time.' ) AND ( create_user_id = '.$userInfo['id'].' or owner_user_ids like "%,'.$userInfo['id'].',%" ) ) OR ( ( end_time BETWEEN '.$start_time.' AND '.$end_time.' ) AND ( create_user_id = '.$userInfo['id'].' or owner_user_ids like "%,'.$userInfo['id'].',%" ) ) OR ( start_time < '.$start_time.' AND end_time > '.$end_time.' AND ( create_user_id = '.$userInfo['id'].' or owner_user_ids like "%,'.$userInfo['id'].',%" ) )';
$event_date = Db::name('OaEvent')->where($where)->select();
$date_array = dateList($start_time,$end_time,2);
$temp = array();
foreach($date_array as $k1=>$v1){
$temp[$k1]['date'] = date('Y-m-d',$v1['sdate']);
$temp[$k1]['status'] = 0;
$event_arr = array();
foreach ($event_date as $val) {
$date_arr = array();
$date_arr = dateList($val['start_time'],$val['end_time'],2);
if ($date_arr) {
foreach ($date_arr as $k=>$v) {
foreach($temp as $k2=>$v2){
if( $temp[$k2]['date'] == date('Y-m-d',$v['sdate']) ){
$temp[$k2]['status'] = 1;
} else {
foreach ($temp as $k2=>$v2) {
if (date('Y-m-d',$val['start_time'])) {
if ($temp[$k2]['date'] == date('Y-m-d',$val['start_time'])) {
$temp[$k2]['status'] = 1;
} elseif (date('Y-m-d',$val['end_time'] )) {
if ($temp[$k2]['date'] == date('Y-m-d',$val['end_time'])) {
$temp[$k2]['status'] = 1;
return resultArray(['data'=>$temp]);
* 日程详情
* @author
* @return
public function event()
$param = $this->param;
$userInfo = $this->userInfo;
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
if ($param['start_time']){
$where['start_time'] = ['<=',$param['start_time']+3600*24 ];
$where['end_time'] = ['>=',$param['start_time']];
$eventList = Db::name('OaEvent')
->where(function($query) use($userInfo){
$query->where(['owner_user_ids' => ['like','%,'.$userInfo['id'].',%']])
->whereOr(['create_user_id' => $userInfo['id']]);
if (count($eventList)) {
foreach ($eventList as $k=>$v){
$eventList[$k]['ownList']= $userModel->getDataByStr($v['owner_user_ids']);
return resultArray(['data' => $eventList]);
} else {
return resultArray(['error'=>'参数错误']);
} |