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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: 安装
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: Michael_xu |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\admin\controller;
use think\Controller;
use think\Request;
use think\Db;
use Env;
class Install extends Controller
// private $count = 100;
// private $now = 0;
public function _initialize()
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']);
header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS');
header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, authKey, sessionId");
$param = Request::instance()->param();
$this->param = $param;
// $request = request();
// $m = strtolower($request->module());
// $c = strtolower($request->controller());
// $a = strtolower($request->action());
// if (!in_array($a, array('upgrade','upgradeprocess','checkversion')) && file_exists(CONF_PATH . "install.lock")) {
// echo "<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'> <script>alert('请勿重复安装!');location.href='".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."';</script>";
// die();
// }
private $upgrade_site = "";
* [index 安装步骤]
* @author Michael_xu
* @param
public function index()
$protocol = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['server_protocol']), 'https') === false ? 'http' : 'https';
if (strpos(request()->url(), "index.php") === false) {
$url = $protocol. "://" .$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/index.php" . request()->url();
header("Location:" . $url);
if (file_exists(CONF_PATH . "install.lock")) {
echo "<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'> <script>alert('请勿重复安装!');location.href='".$protocol."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."';</script>";
if (!file_exists(getcwd() . "/public/sql/5kcrm.sql")) {
echo "<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'> <script>alert('缺少必要的数据库文件!');location.href='".$protocol."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."';</script>";
return $this->fetch('index');
public function step1()
if (strpos(request()->url(), "index.php") === false) {
$protocol = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['server_protocol']), 'https') === false ? 'http' : 'https';
$url = $protocol. "://" .$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/index.php" . request()->url();
header("Location:" . $url);
$data = [];
$data['env'] = self::checkNnv();
$data['dir'] = self::checkDir();
$data['version'] = $this->version();
return $this->fetch('step1');
public function version()
$res = include(CONF_PATH.'version.php');
return $res ? : array('VERSION' => '11.0.0','RELEASE' => '20210219');
public function step2(){
if (session('install_error')){
echo "<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'> <script>alert('环境检测未通过,不能进行下一步操作!');location.href='".$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]."';</script>";
if (strpos(request()->url(), "index.php") === false) {
$protocol = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['server_protocol']), 'https') === false ? 'http' : 'https';
$url = $protocol. "://" .$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/index.php" . request()->url();
header("Location:" . $url);
$data['os'] = PHP_OS;
$data['php'] = phpversion();
$data['version'] = $this->version();
return $this->fetch();
public function step3(){
return $this->fetch();
public function step4(){
if (session('install_error')){
return resultArray(['error' => '环境检测未通过,不能进行下一步操作!']);
if (file_exists(CONF_PATH . "install.lock")) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请勿重复安装!']);
if (!file_exists(getcwd() . "/public/sql/5kcrm.sql")) {
return resultArray(['error' => '缺少必要的数据库文件!']);
$temp = $this->param;
$param = $temp['form'];
$db_config['type'] = 'mysql';
$db_config['hostname'] = $param['databaseUrl'];
$db_config['hostport'] = $param['databasePort'];
$db_config['database'] = $param['databaseName'];
$db_config['username'] = $param['databaseUser'];
$db_config['password'] = $param['databasePwd'];
$db_config['prefix'] = '5kcrm_';
// $db_config['prefix'] = $param['databaseTable'];
$username = $param['root'];
$password = $param['pwd'];
$wkcode = $param['wkcode'];
if (empty($db_config['hostname'])) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请填写数据库主机!']);
if (empty($db_config['hostport'])) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请填写数据库端口!']);
if (preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $db_config['hostport'])) {
return resultArray(['error' => '数据库端口只能是数字!']);
if (empty($db_config['database'])) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请填写数据库名!']);
if (empty($db_config['username'])) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请填写数据库用户名!']);
if (empty($db_config['password'])) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请填写数据库密码!']);
if (empty($db_config['prefix'])) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请填写表前缀!']);
if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_]/i', $db_config['prefix'])) {
return resultArray(['error' => '表前缀只能包含数字、字母和下划线!']);
if (empty($username)) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请填写管理员用户名!']);
if (empty($wkcode)) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请填写序列号!']);
$resCheckData = checkWkCode($wkcode);
if (!$resCheckData) {
return resultArray(['error' => '序列号错误!']);
$resData = object_to_array(json_decode($resCheckData));
if ($resData['date'] != date('Y-m-d')) {
return resultArray(['error' => '序列号已失效,请前往悟空官网个人中心获取最新数据!']);
if (empty($password)) {
return resultArray(['error' => '请填写管理员密码!']);
$database = $db_config['database'];
$connect = Db::connect($db_config);
// 检测数据库连接
$ret = $connect->execute('select version()');
}catch(\Exception $e){
return resultArray(['error' => '数据库连接失败,请检查数据库配置!']);
$check = $connect->execute("SELECT * FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name='".$database."'");
if (!$check && !$connect->execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `".$database."` default collate utf8_general_ci ")) {
return resultArray(['error' => '没有找到您填写的数据库名且无法创建!请检查连接账号是否有创建数据库的权限!']);
$db_config['database'] = $database;
$C_Patch = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],0,-10);
$sql = file_get_contents( $C_Patch.'/public/sql/5kcrm.sql');
$sqlList = parse_sql($sql, 0, ['5kcrm_' => $db_config['prefix']]);
if ($sqlList) {
$sqlList = array_filter($sqlList);
$install_count = count($sqlList);
foreach ($sqlList as $k=>$v) {
$install_now = $k+1;
try {
$temp_sql = $v.';';
} catch(\Exception $e) {
// return resultArray(['error' => '请启用InnoDB数据引擎并检查数据库是否有DROP和CREATE权限']);
return resultArray(['error' => '数据库sql安装出错请操作数据库手动导入sql文件']);
$salt = substr(md5(time()),0,4);
$password = user_md5(trim($password), $salt, $username);
Db::connect($db_config)->query("insert into ".$db_config['prefix']."admin_user (username, password, salt, img, thumb_img, realname, create_time, num, email, mobile, sex, status, structure_id, post, parent_id, type, authkey, authkey_time ) values ( '".$username."', '".$password."', '".$salt."', '', '', '管理员', ".time().", '', '', '".$username."', '', 1, 1, 'CEO', 0, 1, '', 0 )");
Db::connect($db_config)->query("insert into ".$db_config['prefix']."hrm_user_det (user_id, join_time, type, status, userstatus, create_time, update_time, mobile, sex, age, job_num, idtype, idnum, birth_time, nation, internship, done_time, parroll_id, email, political, location, leave_time ) values ( 1, ".time().", 1, 1, 2, ".time().", ".time().", '".$username."', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', 0 )");
touch(CONF_PATH . "install.lock");
return resultArray(['data'=>'安装成功']);
* 安装成功界面
* @author fnqi
* @date 2021-03-11
* @return mixed
public function step5()
return $this->fetch();
* 安装超时界面
* @author fanqi
* @date 2021-03-11
* @return mixed
public function step6()
return $this->fetch();
//ajax 进度条
public function progress()
$data['length'] = session('install_count');
$data['now'] = session('install_now');
return resultArray(['data'=>$data]);
private function mkDatabase(array $data)
$code = <<<INFO
return [
// 数据库类型
'type' => 'mysql',
// 服务器地址
'hostname' => '{$data['hostname']}',
// 数据库名
'database' => '{$data['database']}',
// 用户名
'username' => '{$data['username']}',
// 密码
'password' => '{$data['password']}',
// 端口
'hostport' => '{$data['hostport']}',
// 连接dsn
'dsn' => '',
// 数据库连接参数
'params' => [],
// 数据库编码默认采用utf8
'charset' => 'utf8',
// 数据库表前缀
'prefix' => '{$data['prefix']}',
// 数据库调试模式
'debug' => true,
// 数据库部署方式:0 集中式(单一服务器),1 分布式(主从服务器)
'deploy' => 0,
// 数据库读写是否分离 主从式有效
'rw_separate' => false,
// 读写分离后 主服务器数量
'master_num' => 1,
// 指定从服务器序号
'slave_no' => '',
// 自动读取主库数据
'read_master' => false,
// 是否严格检查字段是否存在
'fields_strict' => true,
// 数据集返回类型
'resultset_type' => 'array',
file_put_contents( CONF_PATH.'database.php', $code);
// 判断写入是否成功
$config = include CONF_PATH.'database.php';
if (empty($config['database']) || $config['database'] != $data['database']) {
return resultArray(['error' => '[config/database.php]数据库配置写入失败!']);
return true;
public function check_dir_iswritable($dir_path){
$dir_path=str_replace( '\\','/',$dir_path);
if (!is_dir($dir_path)) {
return $is_writale;
} else {
if (!$file_hd) {
return $is_writale;
$dir_hd = opendir($dir_path);
while (false !== ($file=readdir($dir_hd))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if (is_file($dir_path.'/'.$file)) {
if (!is_writable($dir_path.'/'.$file)) {
return 0;
} else {
if (!$file_hd2) {
return $is_writale;
return $is_writale;
* [checkVersion 检查升级]
* @author Michael_xu
* @param
public function checkVersion(){
$version = Config::load('version');
$info = sendRequest($this->upgrade_site.'index.php?m=version&a=checkVersion', $version['VERSION']);
if ($info){
return resultArray(['data' => $info]);
} else {
return resultArray(['error' => '检查新版本出错!']);
* 环境检测
* @return array
private function checkNnv()
$items = [
'os' => ['操作系统', PHP_OS, '类Unix', 'ok'],
'php' => ['PHP版本', PHP_VERSION, '7.3 ( <em style="color: #888; font-size: 12px;">>= 7.0</em> )', 'ok','性能更佳'],
'gd' => ['gd', '开启', '开启', 'ok'],
'openssl' => ['openssl', '开启', '开启', 'ok'],
'pdo' => ['pdo', '开启', '开启', 'ok'],
if (substr($items['php'][1],0,3) < '7.0') {
$items['php'][3] = 'error';
session('install_error', true);
if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
$items['gd'][1] = '未开启';
$items['gd'][3] = 'error';
session('install_error', true);
if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) {
$items['openssl'][1] = '未开启';
$items['openssl'][3] = 'error';
session('install_error', true);
if (!extension_loaded('pdo')) {
$items['pdo'][1] = '未开启';
$items['pdo'][3] = 'error';
session('install_error', true);
// dump($items);die;
return $items;
* 目录权限检查
* @return array
private function checkDir()
$items = [
['dir', $this->root_path.'application', 'application', '读写', '读写', 'ok'],
['dir', $this->root_path.'extend', 'extend', '读写', '读写', 'ok'],
['dir', $this->root_path.'runtime', './temp', '读写', '读写', 'ok'],
['dir', $this->root_path.'public', './upload', '读写', '读写', 'ok'],
['file', $this->root_path.'config', 'config', '读写', '读写', 'ok'],
foreach ($items as &$v) {
if ($v[0] == 'dir') {// 文件夹
if (!is_writable($v[1])) {
if (is_dir($v[1])) {
$v[4] = '不可写';
$v[5] = 'no';
} else {
$v[4] = '不存在';
$v[5] = 'no';
session('install_error', true);
} else {// 文件
if (!is_writable($v[1])) {
$v[4] = '不可写';
$v[5] = 'no';
session('install_error', true);
return $items;
* 验证序列号
* @param
* @return
public function checkCodeOld($username) {
$encryption = md5($username);
$substr = substr($username, strlen($username)-6);
$subArr = str_split($substr, 1);
$code = '';
for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++) {
$code .= $encryption[$subArr[$i]];
return $code;
private function mkLicense($wkcode)
file_put_contents( CONF_PATH.'license.dat', $wkcode);
// 判断写入是否成功
// $config = include CONF_PATH.'license.dat';
// if (empty($config)) {
// return resultArray(['error' => 'license配置写入失败']);
// }
return true;