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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: 产品
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: Michael_xu |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\crm\model;
use app\admin\traits\FieldVerificationTrait;
use think\Db;
use app\admin\model\Common;
use app\admin\model\User as UserModel;
use traits\model\SoftDelete;
class Product extends Common
use SoftDelete, FieldVerificationTrait;
protected $deleteTime = 'delete_time';
* 为了数据库的整洁同时又不影响Model和Controller的名称
* 我们约定每个模块的数据表都加上相同的前缀比如CRM模块用crm作为数据表前缀
protected $name = 'crm_product';
protected $createTime = 'create_time';
protected $updateTime = 'update_time';
protected $autoWriteTimestamp = true;
* [getDataList 产品list]
* @param $request
* @return array
public function getDataList($request)
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$structureModel = new \app\admin\model\Structure();
$fieldModel = new \app\admin\model\Field();
$search = $request['search'];
$user_id = $request['user_id'];
$is_excel = $request['is_excel']; //导出
$scene_id = (int)$request['scene_id'];
$order_field = $request['order_field'];
$order_type = $request['order_type'];
$isStatus = !empty($request['is_status']) ? $request['is_status'] : 0;
$request = $this->fmtRequest($request);
$requestMap = $request['map'] ?: [];
$sceneModel = new \app\admin\model\Scene();
if ($scene_id) {
$sceneMap = $sceneModel->getDataById($scene_id, $user_id, 'product') ?: [];
} else {
$sceneMap = $sceneModel->getDefaultData('crm_product', $user_id) ?: [];
if ($search || $search == '0') {
$sceneMap['name'] = ['condition' => 'contains', 'value' => $search, 'form_type' => 'text', 'name' => '产品名称'];
$map = $requestMap ? array_merge($sceneMap, $requestMap) : $sceneMap;
$map = advancedQuery($map, 'crm', 'product', 'index');
if (!empty($isStatus)) {
$map['product.status'] = '上架';
if (empty($map['product.delete_user_id'])) {
$map['product.delete_user_id'] = 0;
$a = 'index';
if ($is_excel) $a = 'excelExport';
$auth_user_ids = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'product', $a);
if (isset($map['product.owner_user_id']) && $map['product.owner_user_id'][0] != 'like') {
if (!is_array($map['product.owner_user_id'][1])) {
$map['product.owner_user_id'][1] = [$map['product.owner_user_id'][1]];
if (in_array($map['product.owner_user_id'][0], ['neq', 'notin'])) {
$auth_user_ids = array_diff($auth_user_ids, $map['product.owner_user_id'][1]) ?: []; //取差集
} else {
$auth_user_ids = array_intersect($map['product.owner_user_id'][1], $auth_user_ids) ?: []; //取交集
$auth_user_ids = array_merge(array_unique(array_filter($auth_user_ids))) ?: ['-1'];
$authMap['product.owner_user_id'] = ['in', $auth_user_ids];
$indexField = $fieldModel->getIndexField('crm_product', $user_id, 1) ?: ['name'];
$userField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'user'); //人员类型
$structureField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'structure'); //部门类型
$datetimeField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'datetime'); //日期时间类型
$booleanField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'boolean_value'); //布尔值
$dateIntervalField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'date_interval'); // 日期区间类型字段
$positionField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'position'); // 地址类型字段
$handwritingField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'handwriting_sign'); // 手写签名类型字段
$locationField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'location'); // 定位类型字段
$boxField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'checkbox'); // 多选类型字段
$floatField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'floatnumber'); // 货币类型字段
# 处理人员和部门类型的排序报错问题(前端传来的是包含_name的别名字段)
$temporaryField = str_replace('_name', '', $order_field);
if (in_array($temporaryField, $userField) || in_array($temporaryField, $structureField)) {
$order_field = $temporaryField;
if ($order_type && $order_field) {
$order = $fieldModel->getOrderByFormtype('crm_product', 'product', $order_field, $order_type);
} else {
$order = 'product.update_time desc';
$join = [
['__CRM_PRODUCT_CATEGORY__ product_category', 'product_category.category_id = product.category_id', 'LEFT'],
$map['product.delete_user_id'] = 0;
$list = db('crm_product')->alias('product')
->limit($request['offset'], $request['length'])
->field('product.*, as category_name')
$dataCount = db('crm_product')->alias('product')
# 扩展数据
$extraData = [];
$product_id_list = !empty($list) ? array_column($list, 'product_id') : [];
$extraList = db('crm_product_data')->whereIn('product_id', $product_id_list)->select();
foreach ($extraList AS $key => $value) {
$extraData[$value['product_id']][$value['field']] = $value['content'];
$grantData = getFieldGrantData($user_id);
foreach ($grantData['crm_product'] as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $ke => $va) {
$fieldGrant[$ke]['maskType'] = $va['maskType'];
$fieldGrant[$ke]['form_type'] = $va['form_type'];
$fieldGrant[$ke]['field'] = $va['field'];
foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
$list[$k]['create_user_id_info'] = isset($v['create_user_id']) ? $userModel->getUserById($v['create_user_id']) : [];
$list[$k]['owner_user_id_info'] = isset($v['owner_user_id']) ? $userModel->getUserById($v['owner_user_id']) : [];
$list[$k]['create_user_name'] = !empty($list[$k]['create_user_id_info']['realname']) ? $list[$k]['create_user_id_info']['realname'] : '';
$list[$k]['owner_user_name'] = !empty($list[$k]['owner_user_id_info']['realname']) ? $list[$k]['owner_user_id_info']['realname'] : '';
foreach ($userField as $key => $val) {
$usernameField = !empty($v[$val]) ? db('admin_user')->whereIn('id', stringToArray($v[$val]))->column('realname') : [];
$list[$k][$val . '_name'] = implode($usernameField, ',');
foreach ($structureField as $key => $val) {
$structureNameField = !empty($v[$val]) ? db('admin_structure')->whereIn('id', stringToArray($v[$val]))->column('name') : [];
$list[$k][$val . '_name'] = implode($structureNameField, ',');
foreach ($datetimeField as $key => $val) {
$list[$k][$val] = !empty($v[$val]) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v[$val]) : null;
foreach ($booleanField as $key => $val) {
$list[$k][$val] = !empty($v[$val]) ? (string)$v[$val] : '0';
// 处理日期区间类型字段的格式
foreach ($dateIntervalField AS $key => $val) {
$list[$k][$val] = !empty($extraData[$v['product_id']][$val]) ? json_decode($extraData[$v['product_id']][$val], true) : null;
// 处理地址类型字段的格式
foreach ($positionField AS $key => $val) {
$list[$k][$val] = !empty($extraData[$v['product_id']][$val]) ? json_decode($extraData[$v['product_id']][$val], true) : null;
// 手写签名类型字段
foreach ($handwritingField AS $key => $val) {
$handwritingData = !empty($v[$val]) ? db('admin_file')->where('file_id', $v[$val])->value('file_path') : null;
$list[$k][$val] = ['url' => !empty($handwritingData) ? getFullPath($handwritingData) : null];
// 定位类型字段
foreach ($locationField AS $key => $val) {
$list[$k][$val] = !empty($extraData[$v['product_id']][$val]) ? json_decode($extraData[$v['product_id']][$val], true) : null;
// 多选框类型字段
foreach ($boxField AS $key => $val) {
$list[$k][$val] = !empty($v[$val]) ? trim($v[$val], ',') : null;
// 货币类型字段
foreach ($floatField AS $key => $val) {
$list[$k][$val] = $v[$val]!='0.00' ? (string)$v[$val] : null;
foreach ($fieldGrant AS $key => $val){
if ($val['maskType']!=0 && $val['form_type'] == 'mobile') {
$pattern = "/(1[3458]{1}[0-9])[0-9]{4}([0-9]{4})/i";
$rs = preg_replace($pattern, "$1****$2", $v[$val['field']]);
$list[$k][$val['field']] = !empty($v[$val['field']]) ? (string)$rs : null;
} elseif ($val['maskType']!=0 && $val['form_type'] == 'email') {
$email_array = explode("@", $v[$val['field']]);
$prevfix = (strlen($email_array[0]) < 4) ? "" : substr($v[$val['field']], 0, 2); //邮箱前缀
$str = preg_replace('/([\d\w+_-]{0,100})@/', "***@", $v[$val['field']], -1, $count);
$rs = $prevfix . $str;
$list[$k][$val['field']] = !empty($v[$val['field']]) ?$rs: null;
} elseif ($val['maskType']!=0 && in_array($val['form_type'],['position','floatnumber'])) {
$list[$k][$val['field']] = !empty($v[$val['field']]) ? (string)substr_replace($v[$val['field']], '*****',0,strlen($v[$val['field']])) : null;
$list[$k]['category_id_info'] = $v['category_name'];
# 处理日期格式
$list[$k]['create_time'] = !empty($v['create_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['create_time']) : null;
$list[$k]['update_time'] = !empty($v['update_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['update_time']) : null;
# 系统字段 负责人部门 zjf 20210726
$list[$k]['owner_user_structure_name'] = $list[$k]['owner_user_id_info']['structure_name'];
$data = [];
$data['list'] = $list;
$data['dataCount'] = $dataCount ?: 0;
return $data;
* 创建产品主表信息
* @param
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function createData($param)
// 产品扩展表数据
$productData = [];
$fieldModel = new \app\admin\model\Field();
$productCategoryModel = model('ProductCategory');
$productStatus = false;
if (!empty($param['excel'])) {
$productStatus = db('crm_product')->where(['name' => $param['name'], 'delete_user_id' => 0])->value('product_id');
// 数据验证
if (empty($param['excel']) || $productStatus) {
$validateResult = $this->fieldDataValidate($param, $this->name, $param['create_user_id']);
if (!empty($validateResult)) {
$this->error = $validateResult;
return false;
// 处理部门、员工、附件、多选类型字段
$arrFieldAtt = $fieldModel->getArrayField('crm_product');
foreach ($arrFieldAtt as $k => $v) {
$param[$v] = arrayToString($param[$v]);
// 处理日期date类型
$dateField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'date');
if (!empty($dateField)) {
foreach ($param as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($key, $dateField) && empty($value)) $param[$key] = null;
// 处理手写签名类型
$handwritingField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'handwriting_sign');
if (!empty($handwritingField)) {
foreach ($param AS $key => $value) {
if (in_array($key, $handwritingField)) {
$param[$key] = !empty($value['file_id']) ? $value['file_id'] : '';
// 处理地址、定位、日期区间、明细表格类型字段
$positionField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType($this->name, 'position');
$locationField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType($this->name, 'location');
$dateIntervalField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType($this->name, 'date_interval');
$detailTableField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType($this->name, 'detail_table');
foreach ($param AS $key => $value) {
// 处理地址类型字段数据
if (in_array($key, $positionField)) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$productData[] = [
'field' => $key,
'content' => json_encode($value, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK),
'create_time' => time()
$positionNames = array_column($value, 'name');
$param[$key] = implode(',', $positionNames);
} else {
$param[$key] = '';
// 处理定位类型字段数据
if (in_array($key, $locationField)) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$productData[] = [
'field' => $key,
'content' => json_encode($value, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK),
'create_time' => time()
$param[$key] = $value['address'];
} else {
$param[$key] = '';
// 处理日期区间类型字段数据
if (in_array($key, $dateIntervalField)) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$productData[] = [
'field' => $key,
'content' => json_encode($value, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK),
'create_time' => time()
$param[$key] = implode('_', $value);
} else {
$param[$key] = '';
// 处理明细表格类型字段数据
if (in_array($key, $detailTableField)) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$productData[] = [
'field' => $key,
'content' => json_encode($value, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK),
'create_time' => time()
$param[$key] = $key;
} else {
$param[$key] = '';
$category_id = $param['category_id'];
if (is_array($category_id)) {
$param['category_id'] = $productCategoryModel->getIdByStr($category_id);
$param['category_str'] = arrayToString($category_id);
if (!is_int($category_id)) {
$list = db('crm_product_category')->column('category_id', 'name');
foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
if ($k == $param['category_id']) {
$param['category_id'] = $v;
if ($this->data($param)->allowField(true)->isUpdate(false)->save()) {
$data['product_id'] = $this->product_id;
updateActionLog($param['create_user_id'], 'crm_product', $this->product_id, '', '', '创建了产品');
RecordActionLog($param['create_user_id'], 'crm_product', 'save', $param['name'], '', '', '新增了产品' . $param['name']);
// 添加产品扩展数据
array_walk($productData, function (&$val) use ($data) {
$val['product_id'] = $data['product_id'];
return $data;
} else {
$this->error = '添加失败';
return false;
* 编辑产品主表信息
* @param
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function updateDataById($param, $product_id = '')
// 产品扩展表数据
$productData = [];
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$dataInfo = $this->getDataById($product_id);
$productCategoryModel = model('ProductCategory');
if (!$dataInfo) {
$this->error = '数据不存在或已删除';
return false;
$auth_user_ids = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'product', 'update');
if (!in_array($dataInfo['owner_user_id'], $auth_user_ids)) {
$this->error = '无权操作';
return false;
$param['product_id'] = $product_id;
$unUpdateField = ['create_user_id', 'is_deleted'];
foreach ($unUpdateField as $v) {
$fieldModel = new \app\admin\model\Field();
// 数据验证
$validateResult = $this->fieldDataValidate($param, $this->name, $param['user_id'], $param['product_id']);
if (!empty($validateResult)) {
$this->error = $validateResult;
return false;
// 处理部门、员工、附件、多选类型字段
$arrFieldAtt = $fieldModel->getArrayField('crm_product');
foreach ($arrFieldAtt as $k => $v) {
if (isset($param[$v])) $param[$v] = arrayToString($param[$v]);
// 处理日期date类型
$dateField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'date');
if (!empty($dateField)) {
foreach ($param as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($key, $dateField) && empty($value)) $param[$key] = null;
// 处理手写签名类型
$handwritingField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'handwriting_sign');
if (!empty($handwritingField)) {
foreach ($param AS $key => $value) {
if (in_array($key, $handwritingField)) {
$param[$key] = !empty($value['file_id']) ? $value['file_id'] : '';
// 处理地址、定位、日期区间、明细表格类型字段
$positionField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType($this->name, 'position');
$locationField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType($this->name, 'location');
$dateIntervalField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType($this->name, 'date_interval');
$detailTableField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType($this->name, 'detail_table');
foreach ($param AS $key => $value) {
// 处理地址类型字段数据
if (in_array($key, $positionField)) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$productData[] = [
'field' => $key,
'content' => json_encode($value, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK),
'create_time' => time()
$positionNames = array_column($value, 'name');
$param[$key] = implode(',', $positionNames);
} else {
$param[$key] = '';
// 处理定位类型字段数据
if (in_array($key, $locationField)) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$productData[] = [
'field' => $key,
'content' => json_encode($value, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK),
'create_time' => time()
$param[$key] = $value['address'];
} else {
$param[$key] = '';
// 处理日期区间类型字段数据
if (in_array($key, $dateIntervalField)) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$productData[] = [
'field' => $key,
'content' => json_encode($value, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK),
'create_time' => time()
$param[$key] = implode('_', $value);
} else {
$param[$key] = '';
// 处理明细表格类型字段数据
if (in_array($key, $detailTableField)) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$productData[] = [
'field' => $key,
'content' => json_encode($value, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK),
'create_time' => time()
$param[$key] = $key;
} else {
$param[$key] = '';
$category_id = $param['category_id'];
// if (is_array($category_id)) {
// $param['category_id'] = $productCategoryModel->getIdByStr($category_id);
// $param['category_str'] = arrayToString($category_id);
// }
if (!is_int($category_id)) {
$list = db('crm_product_category')->column('category_id', 'name');
$param['category_id'] = 1;
foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
if ($k == $category_id) {
$param['category_id'] = $v;
if ($this->update($param, ['product_id' => $product_id], true)) {
$data['product_id'] = $product_id;
updateActionLog($param['user_id'], 'crm_product', $product_id, $dataInfo, $param);
RecordActionLog($param['user_id'], 'crm_product', 'update', $dataInfo['name'], $dataInfo, $param);
// 添加产品扩展数据
db('crm_product_data')->where('product_id', $product_id)->delete();
array_walk($productData, function (&$val) use ($product_id) {
$val['product_id'] = $product_id;
return $data;
} else {
$this->error = '编辑失败';
return false;
* 产品数据
* @param string $id
* @return Common|array|bool|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function getDataById($id = '', $userId = 0,$model='')
$map['product_id'] = $id;
$map['delete_user_id'] = 0;
$dataInfo = db('crm_product')->where($map)->find();
if (!$dataInfo) {
$this->error = '暂无此数据';
return false;
if(empty($model) && $model!='update'){
$grantData = getFieldGrantData($userId);
foreach ($grantData['crm_product'] as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $ke => $va) {
$fieldGrant[$ke]['maskType'] = $va['maskType'];
$fieldGrant[$ke]['form_type'] = $va['form_type'];
$fieldGrant[$ke]['field'] = $va['field'];
foreach ($fieldGrant AS $key => $val){
if ($val['maskType']!=0 && $val['form_type'] == 'mobile') {
$pattern = "/(1[3458]{1}[0-9])[0-9]{4}([0-9]{4})/i";
$rs = preg_replace($pattern, "$1****$2", $dataInfo[$val['field']]);
$dataInfo[$val['field']] = !empty($dataInfo[$val['field']]) ? (string)$rs : null;
} elseif ($val['maskType']!=0 && $val['form_type'] == 'email') {
$email_array = explode("@", $dataInfo[$val['field']]);
$prevfix = (strlen($email_array[0]) < 4) ? "" : substr($dataInfo[$val['field']], 0, 2); //邮箱前缀
$str = preg_replace('/([\d\w+_-]{0,100})@/', "***@", $dataInfo[$val['field']], -1, $count);
$rs = $prevfix . $str;
$dataInfo[$val['field']] = !empty($dataInfo[$val['field']]) ?$rs: null;
} elseif ($val['maskType']!=0 && in_array($val['form_type'],['position','floatnumber'])) {
$dataInfo[$val['field']] = !empty($dataInfo[$val['field']]) ? (string)substr_replace($dataInfo[$val['field']], '*****',0,strlen($dataInfo[$val['field']])) : null;
# 获取封面图片
$dataInfo['cover_images'] = $this->getProductImages($dataInfo['cover_images']);
# 获取详情图片
$dataInfo['details_images'] = $this->getProductImages($dataInfo['details_images']);
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$dataInfo['create_user_id_info'] = $userModel->getUserById($dataInfo['create_user_id']);
$dataInfo['category_id_info'] = db('crm_product_category')->where(['category_id' => $dataInfo['category_id']])->value('name');
# 处理日期格式
$fieldModel = new \app\admin\model\Field();
$datetimeField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_product', 'datetime'); //日期时间类型
foreach ($datetimeField as $key => $val) {
$dataInfo[$val] = !empty($dataInfo[$val]) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dataInfo[$val]) : null;
$dataInfo['create_time'] = !empty($dataInfo['create_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dataInfo['create_time']) : null;
$dataInfo['update_time'] = !empty($dataInfo['update_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dataInfo['update_time']) : null;
// 字段授权
if (!empty($userId)) {
$grantData = getFieldGrantData($userId);
$userLevel = isSuperAdministrators($userId);
foreach ($dataInfo as $key => $value) {
if (!$userLevel && !empty($grantData['crm_product'])) {
$status = getFieldGrantStatus($key, $grantData['crm_product']);
# 查看权限
if ($status['read'] == 0) unset($dataInfo[$key]);
return $dataInfo;
* 获取产品图片
* @param $fileIds
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
private function getProductImages($fileIds)
$files = Db::name('admin_file')->whereIn('file_id', $fileIds)->select();
foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
$files[$key]['file_path'] = getFullPath($value['file_path']);
$files[$key]['file_path_thumb'] = getFullPath($value['file_path_thumb']);
$files[$key]['size'] = format_bytes($value['size']);
return $files;
* 相关产品创建(商机、合同相关产品数据)
* @param types 类型
* @param param['product'] 产品相关数据
* @param price 产品单价
* @param sales_price 销售价格
* @param num 数量
* @param discount 折扣
* @param subtotal 小计(折扣后价格)
* @param unit 单位
* @param total_price 折扣后整单总价
* @param discount_rate 整单折扣
* @param objId 关联对象ID
* @return
public function createObject($types, $param, $objId)
switch ($types) {
case 'crm_business' :
$db = 'crm_business_product';
$rDb = 'crm_business';
$db_id = 'business_id';
case 'crm_contract' :
$db = 'crm_contract_product';
$rDb = 'crm_contract';
$db_id = 'contract_id';
default :
$this->error = '参数错误';
return false;
$total_price = 0;
if ($param['product']) {
$product = [];
// 启动事务
try {
foreach ($param['product'] as $key => $value) {
$discount = 0;
// $discount = ((100 - $value['discount']) > 0) ? (100 - $value['discount'])/100 : 0; //折扣
$product[$key]['product_id'] = $value['product_id'];
$product[$key]['price'] = $value['price']; //产品单价
$product[$key]['sales_price'] = $value['sales_price']; //售价
$product[$key]['num'] = $value['num']; //数量
$product[$key]['discount'] = $value['discount']; //折扣
$product[$key]['unit'] = $value['unit'] ?: ''; //单位
$product[$key]['subtotal'] = $value['subtotal'];
// $total_price += $product[$key]['subtotal'] = round(($value['price'] * $value['num']) * $discount); //总价
$product[$key][$db_id] = $objId;
db($db)->where([$db_id => $objId])->delete(); //原数据删除
$rData = [];
$rData['discount_rate'] = !empty($param['discount_rate']) ? $param['discount_rate'] : 0.00; //整单折扣
$discount_rate = ((100 - $rData['discount_rate']) > 0) ? (100 - $rData['discount_rate']) / 100 : 0;
// $rData['total_price'] = $total_price ? $total_price*$discount_rate : '0.00'; //整单合计
$rData['total_price'] = $param['total_price'] ?: '0.00'; //整单合计
db($rDb)->where([$db_id => $objId])->update($rData);
// 提交事务
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->error = '产品数据创建出错';
// 回滚事务
return false;
} else {
db($db)->where([$db_id => $objId])->delete();
return true;
* [产品统计]
* @param $param
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function getStatistics($param)
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$adminModel = new \app\admin\model\Admin();
$perUserIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('bi', 'product', 'read'); //权限范围内userIds
$whereData = $adminModel->getWhere($param, '', $perUserIds); //统计条件
$userIds = $whereData['userIds'];
$between_time = $whereData['between_time'];
$where = [];
$where['contract.create_time'] = ['between', $between_time];
$where['contract.owner_user_id'] = ['in', $userIds];
$join = [
['__CRM_CONTRACT__ contract', 'contract.contract_id = a.contract_id', 'LEFT'],
['__CRM_PRODUCT__ product', 'product.product_id = a.product_id', 'LEFT'],
['__CRM_PRODUCT_CATEGORY__ product_category', 'product_category.category_id = product.category_id', 'LEFT'],
$sql = db('crm_contract_product')
a.product_id, as product_name,
product_category.category_id, as category_id_info,
count(a.r_id) as contract_product_sum,
sum( contract_money,
sum(a.num) as product_sum'
$list = queryCache($sql);
$contract_product_sum = 0;
$product_sum = 0;
$contract_money = 0;
foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
$contract_product_sum += $v['contract_product_sum'];
$product_sum += (int)$v['product_sum'];
$contract_money += $v['contract_money'];
$data['total'] = [
'realname' => '总计',
'contract_product_sum' => $contract_product_sum,
'product_sum' => $product_sum,
'contract_money' => $contract_money];
return $data;
* 产品销售分析列表
* @param $param
* @author alvin guogaobo
* @version 1.0 版本号
* @since 2021/4/20 0020 16:14
public function listProduct($param){
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$fieldModel = new \app\admin\model\Field();
$receivablesModel = new \app\crm\model\Receivables();
$adminModel = new \app\admin\model\Admin();
$perUserIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('bi', 'product', 'read'); //权限范围内userIds
$whereData = $adminModel->getWhere($param, '', $perUserIds); //统计条件
$userIds = $whereData['userIds'];
$between_time = $whereData['between_time'];
$where = [];
$where['contract.create_time'] = ['between', $between_time];
$where['contract.owner_user_id'] = ['in', $userIds];
$join = [
['__CRM_BUSINESS__ business','contract.business_id = business.business_id','LEFT'],
['CrmReceivables receivables','receivables.contract_id = contract.contract_id AND receivables.check_status = 2','LEFT'],
['__CRM_CONTACTS__ contacts','contract.contacts_id = contacts.contacts_id','LEFT'],
['__CRM_CUSTOMER__ customer','contract.customer_id = customer.customer_id','LEFT'],
$indexField = $fieldModel->getIndexField('crm_contract', '', 1) ? : array('name');
foreach ($indexField AS $kk => $vv) {
if ($vv == 'contract.customer_name') unset($indexField[(int)$kk]);
if ($vv == 'contract.business_name') unset($indexField[(int)$kk]);
if ($search) {
$searchWhere = function ($query) use ($search) {
$query->where(function ($query) use ($search){
$query->whereLike('', '%' . $search . '%');
})->whereOr(function ($query) use ($search) {
$query->whereLike('contract.num', '%' . $search . '%');
})->whereOr(function ($query) use ($search) {
$query->whereLike('', '%' . $search . '%');
->field(array_merge($indexField, [
'' => 'customer_name',
'' => 'business_name',
'' => 'contacts_name',
'ifnull(SUM(, 0)' => 'done_money',
'( - ifnull(SUM(, 0))' => 'un_money',
$userField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_contract', 'user');
$structureField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_contract', 'structure'); //部门类型
$datetimeField = $fieldModel->getFieldByFormType('crm_contract', 'datetime'); //日期时间类型
$readAuthIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'contract', 'read');
$updateAuthIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'contract', 'update');
$deleteAuthIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'contract', 'delete');
foreach ($list as $k=>$v) {
$list[$k]['create_user_id_info'] = isset($v['create_user_id']) ? $userModel->getUserById($v['create_user_id']) : [];
$list[$k]['owner_user_id_info'] = isset($v['owner_user_id']) ? $userModel->getUserById($v['owner_user_id']) : [];
$list[$k]['create_user_name'] = !empty($list[$k]['create_user_id_info']['realname']) ? $list[$k]['create_user_id_info']['realname'] : '';
$list[$k]['owner_user_name'] = !empty($list[$k]['owner_user_id_info']['realname']) ? $list[$k]['owner_user_id_info']['realname'] : '';
foreach ($userField as $key => $val) {
$usernameField = !empty($v[$val]) ? db('admin_user')->whereIn('id', stringToArray($v[$val]))->column('realname') : [];
$list[$k][$val.'_name'] = implode($usernameField, ',');
foreach ($structureField as $key => $val) {
$structureNameField = !empty($v[$val]) ? db('admin_structure')->whereIn('id', stringToArray($v[$val]))->column('name') : [];
$list[$k][$val.'_name'] = implode($structureNameField, ',');
foreach ($datetimeField as $key => $val) {
$list[$k][$val] = !empty($v[$val]) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v[$val]) : null;
$list[$k]['business_id_info']['business_id'] = $v['business_id'];
$list[$k]['business_id_info']['name'] = $v['business_name'];
$list[$k]['customer_id_info']['customer_id'] = $v['customer_id'];
$list[$k]['customer_id_info']['name'] = $v['customer_name'];
$list[$k]['contacts_id_info']['contacts_id'] = $v['contacts_id'];
$list[$k]['contacts_id_info']['name'] = $v['contacts_name'];
$moneyInfo = [];
$moneyInfo = $receivablesModel->getMoneyByContractId($v['contract_id']);
$list[$k]['unMoney'] = $moneyInfo['doneMoney'] ? : '0.00';
if ($list[$k]['un_money'] < 0) $list[$k]['un_money'] = '0.00';
$planInfo = [];
$planInfo = db('crm_receivables_plan')->where(['contract_id' => $v['contract_id']])->find();
$list[$k]['receivables_id'] = $planInfo['receivables_id'] ? : '';
$list[$k]['remind_date'] = $planInfo['remind_date'] ? : '';
$list[$k]['return_date'] = $planInfo['return_date'] ? : '';
$roPre = $userModel->rwPre($user_id, $v['ro_user_id'], $v['rw_user_id'], 'read');
$rwPre = $userModel->rwPre($user_id, $v['ro_user_id'], $v['rw_user_id'], 'update');
$permission = [];
$is_read = 0;
$is_update = 0;
$is_delete = 0;
if (in_array($v['owner_user_id'],$readAuthIds) || $roPre || $rwPre) $is_read = 1;
if (in_array($v['owner_user_id'],$updateAuthIds) || $rwPre) $is_update = 1;
if (in_array($v['owner_user_id'],$deleteAuthIds)) $is_delete = 1;
$permission['is_read'] = $is_read;
$permission['is_update'] = $is_update;
$permission['is_delete'] = $is_delete;
$list[$k]['permission'] = $permission;
# 下次联系时间
$list[$k]['next_time'] = !empty($v['next_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['next_time']) : null;
# 日期
$list[$k]['create_time'] = !empty($v['create_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['create_time']) : null;
$list[$k]['update_time'] = !empty($v['update_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['update_time']) : null;
$list[$k]['last_time'] = !empty($v['last_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['last_time']) : null;
$list[$k]['order_date'] = ($v['order_date']!='0000-00-00') ? $v['order_date'] : null;
$list[$k]['start_time'] = ($v['start_time']!='0000-00-00') ? $v['start_time'] : null;
$list[$k]['end_time'] = ($v['end_time']!='0000-00-00') ? $v['end_time'] : null;
# 签约人姓名
$orderNames = Db::name('admin_user')->whereIn('id', trim($v['order_user_id'], ','))->column('realname');
$list[$k]['order_user_name'] = implode(',', $orderNames);
$data = [];
$data['list'] = $list;
$data['dataCount'] = $dataCount ? : 0;
return $data;
* [根据产品类别ID查询父级ID]
* @param
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function getPidStr($category_id, $idArr, $first = '')
if ($first == 1) $idArr = [];
$idArr[] = $category_id;
$pid = db('crm_product_category')->where(['category_id' => $category_id])->value('pid');
if ($pid) {
$idArr[] = $pid;
$this->getPidStr($pid, $idArr);
$arr = array_reverse($idArr);
$resStr = ',' . implode(',', $arr) . ',';
return $resStr;
* 删除当前的记录
* @overwrite 重写 traits\model\SoftDelete\delete
* @param boolean $force 是否强制删除
* @return integer
* @author Ymob
* @datetime 2019-10-24 15:02:22
public function delete($force = false)
if (false === $this->trigger('before_delete', $this)) {
return false;
$name = $this->getDeleteTimeField();
if ($name && !$force) {
// 软删除
$this->data[$name] = $this->autoWriteTimestamp($name);
$this->data['delete_user_id'] = UserModel::userInfo('id');
$result = $this->isUpdate()->save();
} else {
// 强制删除当前模型数据
$result = $this->getQuery()->where($this->getWhere())->delete();
// 关联删除
if (!empty($this->relationWrite)) {
foreach ($this->relationWrite as $key => $name) {
$name = is_numeric($key) ? $name : $key;
$result = $this->getRelation($name);
if ($result instanceof Model) {
} elseif ($result instanceof Collection || is_array($result)) {
foreach ($result as $model) {
$this->trigger('after_delete', $this);
// 清空原始数据
$this->origin = [];
return $result;
* 获取系统信息
* @param $id
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function getSystemInfo($id)
# 产品
$product = Db::name('crm_product')->field(['create_user_id','owner_user_id', 'create_time', 'update_time'])->where('product_id', $id)->find();
# 创建人
$realname = Db::name('admin_user')->where('id', $product['create_user_id'])->value('realname');
# zjf 20210726
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$ownerUserInfo = $userModel->getUserById($product['owner_user_id']);
# 负责人部门
$ownerStructureName = $ownerUserInfo['structure_name'];
# 负责人
$ownerUserName = $ownerUserInfo['realname'];
return [
'create_user_id' => $realname,
'owner_user_id' => $ownerUserName,
'create_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $product['create_time']),
'update_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $product['update_time']),
'owner_user_structure_name' => $ownerStructureName
* 转移
* @param $param
* @return int|string
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public function transfer($param)
return Db::name('crm_product')->whereIn('product_id', $param['product_id'])->update(['owner_user_id' => $param['owner_user_id']]);