setName('pool') ->addArgument('status', Argument::REQUIRED, 'start/stop/reload/status/connections') ->addOption('d', null, Option::VALUE_NONE, 'daemon(守护进程)方式启动') ->setDescription('公海回收定时器'); // 读取数据库配置文件 $filename = ROOT_PATH . 'config' . DS . 'database.php'; // 重新加载数据库配置文件 Config::load($filename, 'database'); } /** * 初始化 * * @param Input $input * @param Output $output */ protected function init(Input $input, Output $output) { global $argv; $argv[1] = $input->getArgument('status') ?: 'start'; if ($input->hasOption('d')) { $argv[2] = '-d'; } else { unset($argv[2]); } } /** * 停止定时器 */ public function stop() { Timer::del($this->timer); } /** * 启动定时器 */ public function start() { $this->timer = Timer::add($this->interval, function () { # 只在凌晨12点至6点间执行 if ((int)date('H') >= 0 && (int)date('H') < 6) { # 公海规则 $ruleList = db('crm_customer_pool_rule')->alias('rule')->field('rule.*') ->join('__CRM_CUSTOMER_POOL__ pool', 'pool.pool_id = rule.pool_id', 'LEFT')->field("pool.customer_type")->where('pool.status', 1)->select(); if (!empty($ruleList)) { # 符合公海条件的客户IDS $customerIds = $this->getQueryCondition($ruleList); # 整理客户公海关联数据 $poolRelationData = $this->getCustomerPoolRelationData($customerIds); # 整理修改客户数据的条件(进入公海时间,前负责人...) $customerWhere = $this->getCustomerQueryCondition($customerIds); Db::startTrans(); try { # 将客户退回公海 if (!empty($poolRelationData)) Db::name('crm_customer_pool_relation')->insertAll($poolRelationData); # 修改客户数据 if (!empty($customerWhere)) { Db::name('crm_customer')->whereIn('customer_id', $customerWhere)->exp('before_owner_user_id', 'owner_user_id')->update([ 'ro_user_id' => '', 'rw_user_id' => '', 'owner_user_id' => 0, 'into_pool_time' => time() ]); } $this->updateInfo($ruleList, $customerWhere); # 删除联系人的负责人 Db::name('crm_contacts')->whereIn('customer_id', $customerWhere)->update(['owner_user_id' => '']); Db::commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); } } } }); } /** * 自动入公海操作记录 * @param $ruleList * @param $customerWhere * * @author alvin guogaobo * @version 1.0 版本号 * @since 2021/6/3 0003 10:38 */ private function updateInfo($ruleList, $customerWhere) { foreach ($ruleList as $k => $v) { $levels = json_decode($v['level'], true); foreach ($levels as $k1 => $v1) { if (!empty($v1['limit_day'])) { $time = $v1['limit_day']; } else { $time = $this->getMinDay($levels); } } foreach ($customerWhere as $val) { if ($v['type'] == 1) updateActionLog(0, 'crm_customer', $val, '', '', '超过' . $time . '天无新建跟进记录自动进入公海'); if ($v['type'] == 2) updateActionLog(0, 'crm_customer', $val, '', '', '超过' . $time . '天无新建商机自动进入公海'); if ($v['type'] == 3) updateActionLog(0, 'crm_customer', $val, '', '', '超过' . $time . '天未成交自动进入公海'); } } } protected function execute(Input $input, Output $output) { # 动态修改运行时参数 set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit', '512M'); $this->init($input, $output); # 创建定时器任务 $task = new Worker(); $task->name = 'pool'; $task->count = 1; $task->onWorkerStart = [$this, 'start']; $task->runAll(); } /** * 整理修改客户数据的条件 * * @param array $customerIds 客户ID * @return array * @since 2021-04-01 * @author fanqi */ private function getCustomerQueryCondition($customerIds) { $result = []; foreach ($customerIds as $k1 => $v1) { foreach ($v1 as $k2 => $v2) { $result[] = $v2; } } return array_unique($result); } /** * 客户公海关联数据 * * @param array $customerIds 客户ID * @return array * @since 2021-04-01 * @author fanqi */ private function getCustomerPoolRelationData($customerIds) { $result = []; # 用于排重 $repeat = []; foreach ($customerIds as $k1 => $v1) { $customerArray = array_unique($v1); foreach ($customerArray as $k2 => $v2) { if (!empty($repeat[$k1][$v2])) continue; $result[] = [ 'pool_id' => $k1, 'customer_id' => $v2 ]; $repeat[$k1][$v2] = $v2; } } return $result; } /** * 获取符合公海条件的客户 * * @param array $rules 公海规则数据 * @return array * @since 2021-04-01 * @author fanqi */ private function getQueryCondition($rules) { $result = []; foreach ($rules as $k => $v) { if (!isset($result[$v['pool_id']])) $result[$v['pool_id']] = []; if ($v['type'] == 1) $result[$v['pool_id']] = array_merge($result[$v['pool_id']], $this->getFollowUpQueryResult($v['level_conf'], $v['level'], $v['deal_handle'], $v['business_handle'], $v['customer_type'])); if ($v['type'] == 2) $result[$v['pool_id']] = array_merge($result[$v['pool_id']], $this->getBusinessQueryResult($v['level_conf'], $v['level'], $v['deal_handle'], $v['customer_type'])); if ($v['type'] == 3) $result[$v['pool_id']] = array_merge($result[$v['pool_id']], $this->getDealQueryResult($v['level_conf'], $v['level'], $v['business_handle'], $v['customer_type'])); } return $result; } /** * N天内无新建跟进记录的客户 * * @param int $type 类型:1 所有用户,不分级别,2 根据用户级别区分 * @param Json $levels 级别数据 * @param int $dealStatus 是否排除成交用户:1 排除,0 不排除 * @param int $businessStatus 是否排除有商机用户:1 排除,0 不排除 * @return array * @since 2021-04-01 * @author fanqi */ private function getFollowUpQueryResult($type, $levels, $dealStatus, $businessStatus, $customerType) { # 转换格式 $levels = json_decode($levels, true); # 默认条件 $where = "`customer`.`owner_user_id` > 0"; # 所有用户,不区分级别 if ($type == 1) { foreach ($levels as $k1 => $v1) { if (!empty($v1['limit_day'])) { $time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day']; $where .= " AND ((`customer`.`last_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`last_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `customer`.`last_time`) OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND ISNULL(`customer`.`last_time`)))"; } } } # 根据用户级别设置条件 if ($type == 2) { foreach ($levels as $k1 => $v1) { if (!empty($v1['level']) && !empty($v1['limit_day'])) { $time = (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day']); if ($k1 == 0) { $where .= " AND ( ((`customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "' AND `customer`.`last_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`last_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) OR (`customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "' AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `customer`.`last_time`) OR (`customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "' AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND ISNULL(`customer`.`last_time`)))"; } else { $where .= " OR ((`customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "' AND `customer`.`last_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`last_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) OR (`customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "' AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `customer`.`last_time`) OR (`customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "' AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND ISNULL(`customer`.`last_time`)))"; } } } # 获取最小天数,对于没有设置级别的客户数据使用 $minLimit = $this->getMinDay($levels); $minTime = (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $minLimit); $where .= " OR ((!`customer`.`level` AND `customer`.`last_time` < " . $minTime . " AND `customer`.`last_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) OR (!`customer`.`level` AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $minTime . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `customer`.`last_time`) OR (!`customer`.`level` AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $minTime . " AND ISNULL(`customer`.`last_time`))) )"; } # 选择不进入公海的客户(已成交客户) if (!empty($dealStatus)) $where .= " AND (`customer`.`deal_status` <> '已成交' OR ISNULL(`customer`.`deal_status`))"; # 选择不进入公海的客户(有商机客户) if (!empty($businessStatus)) $where .= " AND ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`)"; # 锁定的客户不提醒 $where .= " AND `customer`.`is_lock` = 0"; # 过滤客户类型 if (!empty($customerType)) { $where .= "And `customer`.`customer_type` in " . $customerType; } # 查询符合条件的客户 return db('crm_customer') ->alias('customer')->join('__CRM_BUSINESS__ business', 'business.customer_id = customer.customer_id', 'LEFT') ->where($where)->column('customer.customer_id'); } /** * N天内无新建商机的客户 * * @param int $type 类型:1 所有用户,不分级别,2 根据用户级别区分 * @param Json $levels 级别数据 * @param int $dealStatus 是否排除成交用户:1 排除,0 不排除 * @return array|false|string * @since 2021-04-01 * @author fanqi */ private function getBusinessQueryResult($type, $levels, $dealStatus, $customerType) { # 转换格式 $levels = json_decode($levels, true); # 默认条件 $where = "`customer`.`owner_user_id` > 0"; # 所有用户,不区分级别 if ($type == 1) { foreach ($levels as $k1 => $v1) { if (!empty($v1['limit_day'])) { $time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day']; $where .= " AND ( (ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . ") OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `business`.`create_time`) OR (`business`.`create_time` < " . $time . " AND `business`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) )"; } } } # 根据用户级别设置条件 if ($type == 2) { foreach ($levels as $k1 => $v1) { if (!empty($v1['level']) && !empty($v1['limit_day'])) { $time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day']; if ($k1 == 0) { $where .= " AND ( ((ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "') OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `business`.`create_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "') OR (`business`.`create_time` < " . $time . " AND `business`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "'))"; } else { $where .= " OR ((ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "') OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `business`.`create_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "') OR (`business`.`create_time` < " . $time . " AND `business`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "'))"; } } } # 获取最小天数,对于没有设置级别的客户数据使用 $minLimit = $this->getMinDay($levels); $minTime = (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $minLimit); $where .= " OR ((ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $minTime . " AND !`customer`.`level`) OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $minTime . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `business`.`create_time` AND !`customer`.`level`) OR (`business`.`create_time` < " . $minTime . " AND `business`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND !`customer`.`level`)) )"; } # 选择不进入公海的客户(已成交客户) if (!empty($dealStatus)) $where .= " AND (`customer`.`deal_status` <> '已成交' OR ISNULL(`customer`.`deal_status`))"; # 锁定的客户不提醒 $where .= " AND `customer`.`is_lock` = 0"; # 过滤客户类型 if (!empty($customerType)) { $where .= "And `customer`.`customer_type` in " . $customerType; } # 查询匹配条件的客户 return db('crm_customer')->alias('customer') ->join('__CRM_BUSINESS__ business', 'business.customer_id = customer.customer_id', 'LEFT') ->where($where)->column('customer.customer_id'); } /** * N天内没有成交的客户 * * @param int $type 类型:1 所有用户,不分级别,2 根据用户级别区分 * @param Json $levels 级别数据 * @param int $businessStatus 是否排除有商机用户:1 排除,0 不排除 * @return array|false|string * @since 2021-04-01 * @author fanqi */ private function getDealQueryResult($type, $levels, $businessStatus, $customerType) { # 转换格式 $levels = json_decode($levels, true); # 默认条件 $where = "`customer`.`owner_user_id` > 0"; # 所有用户,不区分级别 if ($type == 1) { foreach ($levels as $k1 => $v1) { if (!empty($v1['limit_day'])) { $time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day']; $where .= " AND ( (ISNULL(`contract`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . ") OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `contract`.`create_time`) OR (`contract`.`create_time` < " . $time . " AND `contract`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time`) )"; } } } # 根据用户级别设置条件 if ($type == 2) { foreach ($levels as $k1 => $v1) { if (!empty($v1['level']) && !empty($v1['limit_day'])) { $time = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $v1['limit_day']; if ($k1 == 0) { $where .= " AND ( ((ISNULL(`contract`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "') OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `contract`.`create_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "') OR (`contract`.`create_time` < " . $time . " AND `contract`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "'))"; } else { $where .= " OR ((ISNULL(`contract`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "') OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $time . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `contract`.`create_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "') OR (`contract`.`create_time` < " . $time . " AND `contract`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND `customer`.`level` = '" . $v1['level'] . "'))"; } } } # 获取最小天数,对于没有设置级别的客户数据使用 $minLimit = $this->getMinDay($levels); $minTime = (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * $minLimit); $where .= " OR ((ISNULL(`contract`.`customer_id`) AND `customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $minTime . " AND !`customer`.`level`) OR (`customer`.`obtain_time` < " . $minTime . " AND `customer`.`obtain_time` > `contract`.`create_time` AND !`customer`.`level`) OR (`contract`.`create_time` < " . $minTime . " AND `contract`.`create_time` > `customer`.`obtain_time` AND !`customer`.`level`)) )"; } # 选择不进入公海的客户(有商机客户) if (!empty($businessStatus)) $where .= " AND ISNULL(`business`.`customer_id`)"; # 锁定的客户不提醒 $where .= " AND `customer`.`is_lock` = 0"; # 过滤客户类型 if (!empty($customerType)) { $where .= "And `customer`.`customer_type` in " . $customerType; } # 查询符合条件的客户 return db('crm_customer')->alias('customer') ->join('__CRM_BUSINESS__ business', 'business.customer_id = customer.customer_id', 'LEFT') ->join('__CRM_CONTRACT__ contract', 'contract.customer_id = customer.customer_id', 'LEFT') ->where($where)->column('customer.customer_id'); } /** * 获取公海规则最小数字(最快进入公海天数) * * @param $data * @return int * @since 2021-04-19 * @author fanqi */ private function getMinDay($data) { $number = 1; foreach ($data as $k1 => $v1) { if (empty($number) || $v1['limit_day'] < $number) $number = $v1['limit_day']; } return $number; } }