freeSignName = $freeSignName; $this->templateCode = $templateCode; $this->smsParams = $smsParams; } public function setFreeSignName($freeSignName) { $this->freeSignName = $freeSignName; } public function getFreeSignName() { return $this->freeSignName; } public function setTemplateCode($templateCode) { $this->templateCode = $templateCode; } public function getTemplateCode() { return $this->templateCode; } public function addReceiver($phone, $params) { if (!is_array($params)) { throw new MnsException(400, "Params Should be Array!"); } if ($this->smsParams == null) { $this->smsParams = array(); } $this->smsParams[$phone] = $params; } public function getSmsParams() { return $this->smsParams; } public function writeXML(\XMLWriter $xmlWriter) { $jsonArray = array("Type" => "multiContent"); if ($this->freeSignName !== NULL) { $jsonArray[Constants::FREE_SIGN_NAME] = $this->freeSignName; } if ($this->templateCode !== NULL) { $jsonArray[Constants::TEMPLATE_CODE] = $this->templateCode; } if ($this->smsParams != null) { if (!is_array($this->smsParams)) { throw new MnsException(400, "SmsParams should be an array!"); } if (!empty($this->smsParams)) { $jsonArray[Constants::SMS_PARAMS] = json_encode($this->smsParams, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); } } if (!empty($jsonArray)) { $xmlWriter->writeElement(Constants::DIRECT_SMS, json_encode($jsonArray)); } } } ?>