// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace think\testing; use think\Db; use think\Session; trait ApplicationTrait { public function withSession(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { Session::set($key, $value); } return $this; } public function clearSession() { Session::clear(); } protected function seeInDatabase($table, array $data) { $count = Db::name($table)->where($data)->count(); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $count, sprintf( 'Unable to find row in database table [%s] that matched attributes [%s].', $table, json_encode($data) )); return $this; } protected function notSeeInDatabase($table, array $data) { $count = Db::name($table)->where($data)->count(); $this->assertEquals(0, $count, sprintf( 'Found unexpected records in database table [%s] that matched attributes [%s].', $table, json_encode($data) )); return $this; } }