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77 lines
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4 years ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: 日志统计
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: zhi |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\bi\model;
use think\Db;
use app\admin\model\Common;
use think\Request;
use app\admin\model\User as UserModel;
class Log extends Common
* 为了数据库的整洁同时又不影响Model和Controller的名称
* 我们约定每个模块的数据表都加上相同的前缀比如CRM模块用crm作为数据表前缀
protected $name = 'oa_log';
* [getDataList 日志统计]
* @author Michael_xu
* @param
* @return
public function getStatistics($param)
$start_time = $param['start_time'] ? : strtotime(date('Y-m-d',time()));
$end_time = $param['end_time'] ? : strtotime(date('Y-m-d',time()))+86399;
$create_time = array('between',array($start_time,$end_time));
$where = ['type' => 1];
getWhereUserByParam($where, 'id');
$userList = UserModel::where($where)
foreach ($userList as $k=>$v) {
$log_list = [];
$count = 0; //填写数
$unReadCont = 0; //接收人未读数
$unCommentCount = 0; //未评论数
$commentCount = 0; //已评论数
$log_list = $this->where(['create_time' => $create_time,'create_user_id' => $v['id']])->field('send_user_ids,read_user_ids,log_id')->select();
$count = count($log_list);
if ($log_list) {
$w_c['ac.type'] = 'oa_log';
$log_ids = $this->alias('l')
->join('AdminComment ac', 'ac.type_id = l.log_id', 'LEFT')
foreach ($log_list as $key=>$val) {
if (stringToArray($val['send_user_ids']) && !array_intersect(stringToArray($val['send_user_ids']),stringToArray($val['read_user_ids']))) {
$unReadCont += 1;
if (in_array($val['log_id'], $log_ids) ) {
$commentCount += 1;
} else {
$unCommentCount += 1;
$userList[$k]['count'] = $count;
$userList[$k]['unReadCont'] = $unReadCont;
$userList[$k]['unCommentCount'] = $unCommentCount;
$userList[$k]['commentCount'] = $commentCount;
return $userList ? : [];