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4 years ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: Api基础类验证权限
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author:
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\admin\controller;
use think\Request;
use think\Db;
use app\common\adapter\AuthAdapter;
use app\common\controller\Common;
class ApiCommon extends Common
public function _initialize()
$header = Request::instance()->header();
$request = Request::instance();
$authKey = $header['authkey'];
$sessionId = $header['sessionid'];
$paramArr = $request->param();
$platform = $paramArr['platform'] ? '_'.$paramArr['platform'] : ''; //请求平台(mobile,ding)
$cache = cache('Auth_'.$authKey.$platform);
// 校验sessionid和authKey
if (empty($sessionId) || empty($authKey) || empty($cache) || ($cache['sessionId'] !== $sessionId)) {
header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8');
exit(json_encode(['code' => 302, 'data' => ['extra' => 1, 'extraTime' => $dataTime], 'msg' => '请先登录!']));
$cacheConfig = config('cache');
$loginExpire = $cacheConfig['expire'] ? : 86400*3;
// 检查账号有效性
$userInfo = $cache['userInfo'];
$map['id'] = $userInfo['id'];
$map['status'] = array('in',['1','2']);
$userData = Db::name('admin_user')->where($map)->find();
if (!$userData) {
header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8');
exit(json_encode(['code'=>103, 'data' => [], 'msg'=>'账号已被删除或禁用']));
session('user_id', $userInfo['id']);
// 更新缓存
cache('Auth_'.$authKey, $cache, $loginExpire);
// $GLOBALS['userInfo'] = $userInfo;