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4 years ago
* 字段验证(线索、客户、联系人、商机、合同、回款、回访、产品、办公审批)
4 years ago
4 years ago
namespace app\admin\traits;
trait FieldVerificationTrait
* 数据验证
* @param array $param 要验证的数据
* @param int $userId 用户ID
* @param string $types 自定义表栏目类型crm_leads、crm_customer ...
* @param int $dataId 编辑时相应的模块数据的ID
* @param int $typesId 自定义表栏目类型ID
* @return string
4 years ago
* @since 2021-05-18
* @author fanqi
4 years ago
public function fieldDataValidate($param, $types, $userId, $dataId = 0, $typesId = 0)
$error = '';
$grantData = getFieldGrantData($userId); # 字段授权
$userLevel = isSuperAdministrators($userId); # 用户级别
# 查询自定义字段表数据
$fieldList = $this->getFieldList($types, $typesId);
# 验证
4 years ago
foreach ($fieldList as $key => $value) {
4 years ago
# 字段授权,没有读写权限,跳过验证。
if (!$userLevel && !empty($grantData[$types])) {
$status = getFieldGrantStatus($value['field'], $grantData[$types]);
if (empty($status['read']) || (empty($dataId) && empty($status['write']))) continue;
# 验证非明细表格字段数据
if ($value['form_type'] != 'detail_table' && !empty($value['is_null']) && !in_array($value['form_type'], ['detail_table', 'boolean_value','floatnumber']) && (isset($param[$value['field']]) && empty($param[$value['field']]))) {
4 years ago
4 years ago
$error = $value['name'] . '字段不能为空!';
# 验证字段长度
if (!empty($value['max_length']) && $value['form_type'] != 'detail_table' && strlen($param[$value['field']]) > $value['max_length']) {
$error = $value['name'] . '字段超过设定长度!';
# 验证百分数字段长度
if ($value['form_type'] == 'percent' && strlen($param[$value['field']]) > 11) {
$error = $value['name'] . "字段长度不能大于10位";
# 验证数字字段长度
if ($value['form_type'] == 'number' && strlen($param[$value['field']]) > 16) {
$error = $value['name'] . "字段长度不能大于16位";
4 years ago
4 years ago
# 验证明细表格不能为空
if (!empty($value['is_null']) && $value['form_type'] == 'detail_table' && isset($param[$value['field']]) && empty($param[$value['field']])) {
$error = $value['name'] . '数据不能为空!';
# 验证明细表格可以为空,明细表格里的字段不能为空的情况。
if ($value['form_type'] == 'detail_table') {
4 years ago
foreach ($param[$value['field']] as $val) {
foreach ($val as $v) {
if ($v['form_type']!='boolean_value' && !empty($v['is_null']) && empty($v['is_hidden']) && isset($v['value']) && empty($v['value'])) {
4 years ago
$error = $value['name'] . '中的' . $v['name'] . '字段不能为空!';
if (empty($value['is_unique'])) continue;
// 人员、部门、文件、手写签名、描述文字、多选、明细表格跳过验证
4 years ago
if (in_array($value['form_type'], ['file', 'handwriting_sign', 'desc_text', 'checkbox', 'detail_table'])) continue;
4 years ago
$uniqueStatus = false;
# 验证唯一性
if ($value['form_type'] == 'date_interval' && !empty($param[$value['field']])) {
// 日期区间
$uniqueStatus = $this->checkDataUniqueForDateInterval($types, $value['field'], $param[$value['field']], $dataId);
} elseif ($value['form_type'] == 'position' && !empty($param[$value['field']])) {
// 地址
$uniqueStatus = $this->checkDataUniqueForPosition($types, $value['field'], $param[$value['field']], $dataId);
} elseif ($value['form_type'] == 'location' && !empty($param[$value['field']])) {
// 定位
$uniqueStatus = $this->checkDataUniqueForLocation($types, $value['field'], $param[$value['field']], $dataId);
4 years ago
} elseif ($value['form_type'] == 'user' && !empty($param[$value['field']])) {
// 人员
$uniqueStatus = $this->checkDataUniqueForUser($types, $value['field'], $param[$value['field']], $dataId);
} elseif ($value['form_type'] == 'structure' && !empty($param[$value['field']])) {
// 部门
$uniqueStatus = $this->checkDataUniqueForStructure($types, $value['field'], $param[$value['field']], $dataId);
4 years ago
} else {
if (!empty($param[$value['field']])) $uniqueStatus = $this->checkDataUniqueForCommon($types, $value['field'], $param[$value['field']], $dataId);
4 years ago
4 years ago
if (!empty($uniqueStatus)) {
$error = $types == 'crm_customer' ? '(客户/公海)中的' . $value['name'] . "字段值重复!" : $value['name'] . "字段值重复!";
return $error;
* 验证唯一性(通用)
* 单行文本、多行文本、网址、布尔值、单选、数字
* 手机、邮箱、日期、日期时间、货币、百分数
* @param string $types 栏目类型
* @param string $field 字段名称
* @param string $value 字段值
* @param int $dataId 更新时传来的数据ID
* @return float|mixed|string
4 years ago
* @since 2021-05-18
* @author fanqi
4 years ago
private function checkDataUniqueForCommon($types, $field, $value, $dataId = 0)
if (empty($value)) return false;
# 主键
$primaryKey = getPrimaryKeyName($types);
# 查询条件
$where[$field] = $value;
if (!empty($dataId)) $where[$primaryKey] = ['neq', $dataId];
return db($types)->where($where)->value($primaryKey);
* 验证唯一性(日期区间)
* @param string $types 栏目类型
* @param string $field 字段名称
* @param array $value 字段值
* @param int $dataId 更新时传来的数据ID
* @return float|mixed|string
4 years ago
* @since 2021-05-18
* @author fanqi
4 years ago
private function checkDataUniqueForDateInterval($types, $field, $value, $dataId = 0)
if (empty($value)) return false;
# 主键
$primaryKey = getPrimaryKeyName($types);
# 查询条件
$where[$field] = implode('_', $value);
if (!empty($dataId)) $where[$primaryKey] = ['neq', $dataId];
return db($types)->where($where)->value($primaryKey);
* 验证唯一性(地址)
* @param string $types 栏目类型
* @param string $field 字段名称
* @param array $value 字段值
* @param int $dataId 更新时传来的数据ID
* @return float|mixed|string
4 years ago
* @since 2021-05-18
* @author fanqi
4 years ago
private function checkDataUniqueForPosition($types, $field, $value, $dataId = 0)
if (empty($value)) return false;
# 主键
$primaryKey = getPrimaryKeyName($types);
# 查询条件
$where[$field] = implode(',', array_column($value, 'name'));
if (!empty($dataId)) $where[$primaryKey] = ['neq', $dataId];
return db($types)->where($where)->value($primaryKey);
* 验证唯一性(定位)
* @param string $types 栏目类型
* @param string $field 字段名称
* @param array $value 字段值
* @param int $dataId 更新时传来的数据ID
* @return float|mixed|string
4 years ago
* @since 2021-05-18
* @author fanqi
4 years ago
private function checkDataUniqueForLocation($types, $field, $value, $dataId = 0)
if (empty($value['address'])) return false;
# 主键
$primaryKey = getPrimaryKeyName($types);
# 查询条件
$where[$field] = $value['address'];
if (!empty($dataId)) $where[$primaryKey] = ['neq', $dataId];
return db($types)->where($where)->value($primaryKey);
4 years ago
* 验证唯一性(部门)
* @param string $types 栏目类型
* @param string $field 字段名称
* @param string $value 字段值
* @param int $dataId 更新时传来的数据ID
* @return float|mixed|string
* @since 2021-05-18
* @author fanqi
private function checkDataUniqueForStructure($types, $field, $value, $dataId = 0)
if (empty($value)) return false;
# 主键
$primaryKey = getPrimaryKeyName($types);
# 查询条件
$where[$field] = ',' . $value . ',';
if (!empty($dataId)) $where[$primaryKey] = ['neq', $dataId];
return db($types)->where($where)->value($primaryKey);
* @param $types 栏目类型
* @param $field 字段名称
* @param $value 字段值
* @param int $dataId 更新时传来的数据ID
* @return false|float|mixed|string|null
* @since 2021-05-18
* @author fanqi
private function checkDataUniqueForUser($types, $field, $value, $dataId = 0)
if (empty($value)) return false;
# 主键
$primaryKey = getPrimaryKeyName($types);
# 查询条件
$where[$field] = ',' . $value . ',';
if (!empty($dataId)) $where[$primaryKey] = ['neq', $dataId];
return db($types)->where($where)->value($primaryKey);
4 years ago
* 自定义字段列表
* @param string $types 自定义表栏目类型crm_leads、crm_customer ...
* @param int $typesId 自定义表栏目类型ID
* @return bool|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Collection
4 years ago
* @since 2021-05-18
* @author fanqi
4 years ago
private function getFieldList($types, $typesId)
# 查询条件
$where = [
4 years ago
'types' => $types,
'types_id' => $typesId,
4 years ago
'is_hidden' => 0,
'form_type' => ['neq', 'desc_text']
# 查询字段
$fields = ['field', 'name', 'form_type', 'is_unique', 'is_null', 'max_length'];
return db('admin_field')->field($fields)->where($where)->select();
4 years ago
4 years ago