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4 years ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Description: 商业智能-排行榜
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: Michael_xu |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\bi\controller;
use app\admin\controller\ApiCommon;
use app\bi\traits\SortTrait;
use think\Hook;
use think\Request;
use think\Db;
use app\bi\model\Customer as CustomerModel;
use app\bi\model\Contract as ContractModel;
use app\bi\logic\ExcelLogic;
class Ranking extends ApiCommon
use SortTrait;
* 用于判断权限
* @permission 无限制
* @allow 登录用户可访问
* @other 其他根据系统设置
public function _initialize()
$action = [
'permission' => [''],
'allow' => [
Hook::listen('check_auth', $action);
$request = Request::instance();
$a = strtolower($request->action());
if (!in_array($a, $action['permission'])) {
if (!checkPerByAction('bi', 'ranking', 'read')) {
header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8');
exit(json_encode(['code' => 102, 'error' => '无权操作']));
* 合同金额排行
* @param
* @return
* @author Michael_xu
public function contract($param = '')
$param = $this->param;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] =$param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$whereArr = $this->com($param, 'contract');
$whereArr['check_status'] = 2;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['excel_type'])) {
new \app\bi\model\Contract,
['field' => 'SUM(`money`)', 'alias' => 'money', 'default' => '0.00'],
return $data;
4 years ago
return $this->handel(
new \app\bi\model\Contract,
['field' => 'SUM(`money`)', 'alias' => 'money', 'default' => '0.00']
* 回款金额排序
* @return
public function receivables($param = '')
$param = $this->param;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$whereArr = $this->com($param, 'receivables');
$whereArr['check_status'] = 2;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['excel_type'])) {
new \app\bi\model\Receivables,
['field' => 'SUM(`money`)', 'alias' => 'money', 'default' => '0.00'],
return $data;
4 years ago
return $this->handel(
new \app\bi\model\Receivables,
['field' => 'SUM(`money`)', 'alias' => 'money', 'default' => '0.00']
* 签约合同排序
* @return
public function signing($param = '')
$param = $this->param;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$whereArr = $this->com($param, 'contract');
$whereArr['check_status'] = 2;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['excel_type'])) {
$data= $this->handel(
new ContractModel,
['field' => 'COUNT(*)', 'alias' => 'count', 'default' => 0],
return $data;
4 years ago
return $this->handel(
new ContractModel,
['field' => 'COUNT(*)', 'alias' => 'count', 'default' => 0]
* 新增客户排序
* @return
public function addCustomer($param = '')
$param = $this->param;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$whereArr = $this->com($param, 'customer');
$poolWhere = $this->getWhereByPool();
$poolId = db('crm_customer')->alias('customer')->where($poolWhere)->column('customer_id');
if (!empty($poolId)) $whereArr['customer_id'] = ['notin', $poolId];
if (!empty($param['excel_type'])) return $this->handel(
new \app\bi\model\Customer,
['field' => 'COUNT(*)', 'alias' => 'count', 'default' => 0],
return $this->handel(
new \app\bi\model\Customer,
['field' => 'COUNT(*)', 'alias' => 'count', 'default' => 0]
* 新增联系人排序
* @return
public function addContacts()
$param = $this->param;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$whereArr = $this->com($param, 'contacts');
if (!empty($param['excel_type'])) return $this->handel(
new \app\bi\model\Contacts,
['field' => 'COUNT(*)', 'alias' => 'count', 'default' => 0],
return $this->handel(
new \app\bi\model\Contacts,
['field' => 'COUNT(*)', 'alias' => 'count', 'default' => 0]
* 跟进次数排行
* @param string $param
* @return array|\think\response\Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function recordNun($param = '')
$param = $this->param;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$whereArr = $this->com($param, 'record');
# 权限内的员工列表
$userData = [];
$userList = db('admin_user')->alias('user')
->field(['', 'user.realname AS user_name', ' AS structure_name'])
->join('__ADMIN_STRUCTURE__ structure', ' = user.structure_id')
->whereIn('', $whereArr['create_user_id'][1])->select();
foreach ($userList AS $key => $value) {
$userData[$value['id']]['user_name'] = $value['user_name'];
$userData[$value['id']]['structure_name'] = $value['structure_name'];
# 跟进记录列表
$data = [];
$recordWhere['type'] = 1;
$recordWhere['activity_type'] = 2;
$recordWhere['create_user_id'] = ['in', $whereArr['create_user_id'][1]];
$recordWhere['create_time'] = ['between', [$whereArr['create_time'][1][0], $whereArr['create_time'][1][1]]];
$recordList = db('crm_activity')->field(['count(*) as count', 'create_user_id'])->where($recordWhere)
->group('create_user_id')->order('count', 'desc')->select();
foreach ($recordList AS $key => $value) {
$data[] = [
'count' => $value['count'],
'user_name' => $userData[$value['create_user_id']]['user_name'],
'structure_name' => $userData[$value['create_user_id']]['structure_name']
if (!empty($param['excel_type'])) return $data;
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 跟进客户数排行
* @param string $param
* @return mixed|\think\response\Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function recordCustomer($param = '')
$param = $this->param;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] =$param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$whereArr = $this->com($param, 'record');
# 权限内的员工列表
$userData = [];
$userList = db('admin_user')->alias('user')
->field(['', 'user.realname AS user_name', ' AS structure_name'])
->join('__ADMIN_STRUCTURE__ structure', ' = user.structure_id')
->whereIn('', $whereArr['create_user_id'][1])->select();
foreach ($userList AS $key => $value) {
$userData[$value['id']]['user_name'] = $value['user_name'];
$userData[$value['id']]['structure_name'] = $value['structure_name'];
# 跟进记录列表
$data = [];
$recordWhere['type'] = 1;
$recordWhere['activity_type'] = 2;
$recordWhere['create_user_id'] = ['in', $whereArr['create_user_id'][1]];
$recordWhere['create_time'] = ['between', [$whereArr['create_time'][1][0], $whereArr['create_time'][1][1]]];
$recordList = db('crm_activity')->field(['create_user_id', 'activity_type_id'])->where($recordWhere)
->group('create_user_id, activity_type_id')->select();
foreach ($recordList AS $key => $value) {
if (empty($data[$value['create_user_id']]['user_name'])) {
$data[$value['create_user_id']]['user_name'] = $userData[$value['create_user_id']]['user_name'];
$data[$value['create_user_id']]['structure_name'] = $userData[$value['create_user_id']]['structure_name'];
$data[$value['create_user_id']]['count'] = 1;
} else {
$data[$value['create_user_id']]['count'] = $data[$value['create_user_id']]['count'] + 1;
$data = $this->sortCommon($data, 'count', 'desc');
if (!empty($param['excel_type'])) return $data;
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 出差次数排行
* @return
public function examine($param = '')
$param = $this->param;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$whereArr = $this->com($param, 'record');
$whereArr['category_id'] = 3; // 审批类型3出差
$whereArr['check_status'] = 2;
if (!empty($param['excel_type'])) return $this->handel(
new \app\bi\model\Examine,
['field' => 'COUNT(*)', 'alias' => 'count', 'default' => 0],
return $this->handel(
new \app\bi\model\Examine,
['field' => 'COUNT(*)', 'alias' => 'count', 'default' => 0],
* 产品销量排行
* @return
public function product($param = '')
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$productModel = new \app\bi\model\Product();
$param = $this->param;
4 years ago
if (!empty($param['start_time'])) $param['start_time'] = $param['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00';
if (!empty($param['end_time'])) $param['end_time'] = $param['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59';
4 years ago
$list = $productModel->getSortByProduct($param);
$list = array_column($list, null, 'owner_user_id');
$whereArr = $this->com($param, 'contract');
$data = [];
foreach ($whereArr['owner_user_id'][1] as $val) {
$user = $userModel->getUserById($val);
$item = [];
$item['num'] = !empty($list[$val]['num']) ? (int)$list[$val]['num'] : 0;
$item['user_name'] = $user['realname'];
$item['structure_name'] = $user['structure_name'];
$data[] = $item;
# 排序
if (!empty($data)) $data = $this->sortCommon($data, 'num', 'desc');
if (!empty($param['excel_type'])) return $data;
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 查询条件
* @return
private function com($param, $type = '')
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$adminModel = new \app\admin\model\Admin();
$perUserIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('bi', 'ranking', 'read'); //权限范围内userIds
$whereData = $adminModel->getWhere($param, '', $perUserIds); //统计条件
$userIds = $whereData['userIds'];
$between_time = $whereData['between_time'];
if ($type == 'contract') {
$where_time = 'order_date';
} elseif (in_array($type, ['record', 'customer', 'contacts'])) {
$where_time = 'create_time';
} elseif ($type == 'receivables') {
$where_time = 'return_time';
} else {
$where_time = 'start_time';
if ($type == 'contract' || $type == 'receivables') {
$whereArr[$where_time] = array('between', array(date('Y-m-d', $between_time[0]), date('Y-m-d', $between_time[1])));
} else {
$whereArr[$where_time] = array('between', array($between_time[0], $between_time[1]));
if (in_array($type, ['customer', 'contract', 'receivables', 'contacts'])) {
$whereArr['owner_user_id'] = ['IN', $userIds];
} else {
$whereArr['create_user_id'] = ['IN', $userIds];
return $whereArr;
* 查询统计数据
* @param model $model
* @param array $whereArr
* @return void
* @author Ymob
* @datetime 2019-11-25 11:11:59
private function handel($model, $whereArr, $field, $excel_type = '', $user_field = 'owner_user_id')
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$sql = $model->field([
$field['field'] => $field['alias']
$list = queryCache($sql);
$list = array_column($list, null, $user_field);
$data = [];
foreach ($whereArr[$user_field][1] as $val) {
$user = $userModel->getUserById($val);
$item = [];
$item[$field['alias']] = $list[$val][$field['alias']] ?: $field['default'];
$item['user_name'] = $user['realname'];
$item['structure_name'] = $user['structure_name'];
$data[] = $item;
array_multisort($data, SORT_DESC, array_column($data, $field['alias']));
if (!empty($excel_type)) return $data;
return resultArray(['data' => $data]);
* 导出
* @param $type
* @param $types
public function excelExport()
$param = $this->param;
$excel_type = $param['excel_type'];
$type = [];
$type['excel_types'] = $param['excel_types'];
switch ($param['excel_types']) {
case 'contract':
$list = $this->contract($param);
4 years ago
$param['type'] = '合同金额排行';
4 years ago
4 years ago
case 'receivablesRanKingExport':
4 years ago
$list = $this->receivables($param);
4 years ago
$param['type'] = '回款金额排行';
4 years ago
case 'signing':
$list = $this->signing($param);
4 years ago
$param['type'] = '签约合同排行';
4 years ago
case 'product':
$list = $this->product($param);
4 years ago
$param['type'] = '产品销量排行';
4 years ago
case 'addCustomer':
$list = $this->addCustomer($param);
4 years ago
$param['type'] = '新增客户数排行';
4 years ago
case 'addContacts':
$list = $this->addContacts($param);
4 years ago
$param['type'] = '新增联系人数排行';
4 years ago
case 'recordNun':
$list = $this->recordNun($param);
4 years ago
$param['type'] = '跟进次数排行';
4 years ago
case 'recordCustomer':
$list = $this->recordCustomer($param);
4 years ago
$param['type'] = '跟进客户数排行';
4 years ago
case 'examine':
$list = $this->examine($param);
4 years ago
$param['type'] = '出差次数排行';
4 years ago
return resultArray(['data'=>'数据不存在']);
$excelLogic = new ExcelLogic();
4 years ago
foreach ($list as $key => $v) {
$list[$key]['id'] = $key + 1;
4 years ago
$data = $excelLogic->rankingExcle($param, $list);
return $data;
* [客户公海条件]
* @author Michael_xu
* @param
* @return
public function getWhereByPool()
$configModel = new \app\crm\model\ConfigData();
$configInfo = $configModel->getData();
$config = $configInfo['config'] ? : 0;
$follow_day = $configInfo['follow_day'] ? : 0;
$deal_day = $configInfo['deal_day'] ? : 0;
$whereData = [];
if ($config == 1) {
$data['follow_time'] = time()-$follow_day*86400;
$data['deal_time'] = time()-$deal_day*86400;
$data['deal_status'] = '未成交';
if ($follow_day < $deal_day) {
$whereData = function($query) use ($data){
->whereOr(function ($query) use ($data) {
$query->where(function ($query) use ($data) {
$query->where(['customer.update_time' => array('elt',$data['follow_time'])])
->whereOr(['customer.deal_time' => array('elt',$data['deal_time'])]);
->where(['customer.is_lock' => 0])
->where(['customer.deal_status' => ['neq','已成交']]);
} else {
$whereData = function($query) use ($data){
->whereOr(function ($query) use ($data) {
$query->where(function ($query) use ($data) {
$query->where(['customer.deal_time' => array('elt',$data['deal_time'])]);
->where(['customer.is_lock' => 0])
->where(['customer.deal_status' => ['neq','已成交']]);
} else {
$whereData['customer.owner_user_id'] = 0;
return $whereData ? : '';