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4 years ago
3 years ago
\think\Hook::add('check_auth', 'app\\common\\behavior\\AuthenticateBehavior');
4 years ago
use think\Db;
* 处理相关团队
* @param types 类型
* @param types 类型ID
* @param type 权限 1只读2读写
* @param user_id [array] 协作人
* @param is_del 1 移除操作, 2编辑操作, 3添加操作
* @param owner_user_id 操作人
* @param is_module 相关 1相关不进行数据权限判断
3 years ago
* @author
4 years ago
3 years ago
function teamUserId($param, $types, $types_id, $type, $user_id, $is_del, $owner_user_id, $is_module = 0)
4 years ago
$userModel = new \app\admin\model\User();
$authIds = [];
3 years ago
switch ($types) {
case 'crm_leads' :
4 years ago
$data_name = 'leads_id';
$authIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'leads', 'teamsave');
3 years ago
case 'crm_customer' :
$data_name = 'customer_id';
4 years ago
$authIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'customer', 'teamsave');
3 years ago
case 'crm_contacts' :
4 years ago
$data_name = 'contacts_id';
3 years ago
$authIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'contacts', 'teamsave');
4 years ago
3 years ago
case 'crm_business' :
$data_name = 'business_id';
4 years ago
$authIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'business', 'teamsave');
3 years ago
case 'crm_contract' :
$data_name = 'contract_id';
4 years ago
$authIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'contract', 'teamsave');
3 years ago
case 'crm_receivables' :
$data_name = 'receivables_id';
$authIds = $userModel->getUserByPer('crm', 'receivables', 'teamsave');
4 years ago
if (!is_array($types_id) && $types_id) {
$types_id = [$types_id];
$errorMessage = [];
3 years ago
foreach ($types_id as $k => $v) {
if ($types == 'crm_receivables') {
$resData = db($types)->where([$data_name => $v])->field('number as name,owner_user_id,rw_user_id,ro_user_id')->find();
} else {
$resData = db($types)->where([$data_name => $v])->field('name,owner_user_id,rw_user_id,ro_user_id')->find();
if (!in_array($resData['owner_user_id'], $authIds) && $resData['owner_user_id'] && $is_module !== 1) {
$errorMessage[] = $resData['name'] . '处理团队操作失败,错误原因:无权限';
4 years ago
3 years ago
$type = $type ?: 1;
4 years ago
$data = [];
3 years ago
$old_rw_user_id = stringToArray($resData['rw_user_id']) ?: []; //去重
4 years ago
3 years ago
$old_ro_user_id = stringToArray($resData['ro_user_id']) ?: []; //去重
4 years ago
if ($is_del == 1) {
$all_rw_user_id = $old_rw_user_id ? array_diff($old_rw_user_id, $user_id) : ''; // 差集
$data['rw_user_id'] = $all_rw_user_id ? arrayToString($all_rw_user_id) : ''; //去空
3 years ago
4 years ago
$all_ro_user_id = $old_ro_user_id ? array_diff($old_ro_user_id, $user_id) : ''; // 差集
$data['ro_user_id'] = $all_ro_user_id ? arrayToString($all_ro_user_id) : ''; //去空
} elseif ($is_del == 2) {
if ($type == 2) {
$all_ro_user_id = $old_ro_user_id ? array_diff($old_ro_user_id, $user_id) : []; // 差集
$all_rw_user_id = $old_rw_user_id ? array_merge($old_rw_user_id, $user_id) : $user_id; // 合并
} else {
$all_rw_user_id = $old_rw_user_id ? array_diff($old_rw_user_id, $user_id) : []; // 差集
$all_ro_user_id = $old_ro_user_id ? array_merge($old_ro_user_id, $user_id) : $user_id; // 合并
$data['rw_user_id'] = $all_rw_user_id ? arrayToString($all_rw_user_id) : ''; //去空
$data['ro_user_id'] = $all_ro_user_id ? arrayToString($all_ro_user_id) : ''; //去空
} else {
$del_ro_user_id = []; //需要删除的只读
$del_rw_user_id = []; //需要删除的读写
3 years ago
foreach ($user_id as $key => $val) {
4 years ago
if (in_array($val, $old_ro_user_id) && !in_array($val, $old_rw_user_id) && $type == 2) {
$del_ro_user_id[] = $val;
if (in_array($val, $old_rw_user_id) && !in_array($val, $old_ro_user_id) && $type == 1) {
$del_rw_user_id[] = $val;
3 years ago
4 years ago
if ($type == 2) {
$all_rw_user_id = $old_rw_user_id ? array_diff(array_merge($old_rw_user_id, $user_id), $del_rw_user_id) : $user_id; // 合并
$all_ro_user_id = $old_ro_user_id ? array_diff($old_ro_user_id, $del_ro_user_id) : $user_id; // 合并
$data['rw_user_id'] = $all_rw_user_id ? arrayToString($all_rw_user_id) : ''; //去空
if ($del_ro_user_id) {
$data['ro_user_id'] = $all_ro_user_id ? arrayToString($all_ro_user_id) : ''; //去空
3 years ago
4 years ago
} else {
$all_rw_user_id = $old_rw_user_id ? array_diff($old_rw_user_id, $del_rw_user_id) : $user_id; // 合并
$all_ro_user_id = $old_ro_user_id ? array_diff(array_merge($old_ro_user_id, $user_id), $del_ro_user_id) : $user_id; // 合并
$data['ro_user_id'] = $all_ro_user_id ? arrayToString($all_ro_user_id) : ''; //去空
if ($del_rw_user_id) {
$data['rw_user_id'] = $all_rw_user_id ? arrayToString($all_rw_user_id) : ''; //去空
3 years ago
4 years ago
3 years ago
$res = !empty($param['user_id']) ?$param['user_id'] :[];
$types_data = ['crm_leads' => 6, 'crm_customer' => 1, 'crm_contacts' => 2, 'crm_business' => 3, 'crm_contract' => 4, 'crm_receivables' => 5];
$target_time = $param['target_time'];
$request = [];
foreach ($res as $val) {
$request['team_user_id'] = $val;
$request['target_time'] = $target_time;
$request['auth'] = $type;
$request['target_id'] = $v;
$dataInfo = db('crm_team')->where(['target_id' => $v, 'types' => $types_data[$types],'team_user_id'=>$val])->find();
if ($dataInfo) {
$res = db('crm_team')->where(['target_id' => $v, 'types' => $types_data[$types],'team_user_id'=>$val])->update($request);
} else {
$request['types'] = $types_data[$types];
$res = db('crm_team')->insert($request);
4 years ago
$upData = db($types)->where([$data_name => $v])->update($data);
3 years ago
if (!$upData && !$res) {
$errorMessage[] = $resData['name'] . '处理团队操作失败';
4 years ago
3 years ago
return $errorMessage ?: 1;
4 years ago
function getYearByTime($start_time, $end_time)
$yearArr = [];
$monthArr = monthList($start_time, $end_time);
foreach ($monthArr as $v) {
3 years ago
$yearArr[date('Y', $v)] = date('Y', $v);
4 years ago
return $yearArr;
function getmonthByTime($start_time, $end_time)
$monthList = [];
$monthArr = monthList($start_time, $end_time);
foreach ($monthArr as $v) {
3 years ago
$monthList[date('Y', $v)][] = date('m', $v);
4 years ago
return $monthList;
3 years ago
function encrypt($data, $key)
$key = md5($key);
$x = 0;
$len = mb_strlen($data);
$l = mb_strlen($key);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if ($x == $l) {
$x = 0;
$char .= $key{$x};
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$str .= chr(ord($data{$i}) + (ord($char{$i})) % 256);
return base64_encode($str);
* [对加密的数据进行解密]
* @E-mial
* @TIME 2017-04-07
* @WEB
* @param [数据] $data [已经进行加密的数据]
* @param [密钥] $key [解密的唯一方法]
function decrypt($data, $key = '72-crm')
$key = md5($key);
$x = 0;
$data = base64_decode($data);
$len = mb_strlen($data);
$l = mb_strlen($key);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if ($x == $l) {
$x = 0;
$char .= mb_substr($key, $x, 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if (ord(mb_substr($data, $i, 1)) < ord(mb_substr($char, $i, 1))) {
$str .= chr((ord(mb_substr($data, $i, 1)) + 256) - ord(mb_substr($char, $i, 1)));
} else {
$str .= chr(ord(mb_substr($data, $i, 1)) - ord(mb_substr($char, $i, 1)));
return $str;