@ -8,19 +8,52 @@ We should know that in order to achieve Gif in flutter, we can use Image, but we

# Usage(Simple)
add in pubspec
flutter_gifimage: ^1.0.0
simple usage
controller4= GifController(vsync: this);
GifController controller= GifController(vsync: this);
controller: controller,
image: MemoryImage(base64Decode(base64_url)),
image: AssetImage("images/animate.gif" ),
GifController is just a AnimationController, usage is the same with AnimationController,If you want to play animate Between two frames ,you just called 'repeat(min: max:)','period' can change the repeat speed
,If you want to stop in one frame , call 'controller.value = .. '
list the most common operate in GifController:
// loop from 0 frame to 29 frame
// jumpTo thrid frame(index from 0)
controller.value = 0;
// from current frame to 26 frame
If you need to preCache gif,try this
// put imageProvider
# Thanks
* [gif_ani ](https://github.com/hyz1992/gif_ani ) (thanks for giving me idea)