import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter_custom_calendar/flutter_custom_calendar.dart'; import 'LogUtil.dart'; /** * 工具类 */ class DateUtil { /** * 判断一个日期是否是周末,即周六日 */ static bool isWeekend(DateTime dateTime) { return dateTime.weekday == DateTime.saturday || dateTime.weekday == DateTime.sunday; } /** * 获取某年的天数 */ static int getYearDaysCount(int year) { if (isLeapYear(year)) { return 366; } return 365; } /** * 获取某月的天数 * * @param year 年 * @param month 月 * @return 某月的天数 */ static int getMonthDaysCount(int? year, int? month) { int count = 0; //判断大月份 if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12) { count = 31; } //判断小月 if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) { count = 30; } //判断平年与闰年 if (month == 2) { if (isLeapYear(year!)) { count = 29; } else { count = 28; } } return count; } /** * 是否是今天 */ static bool isCurrentDay(int? year, int? month, int day) { DateTime now =; return now.year == year && now.month == month && == day; } /** * 是否是闰年 */ static bool isLeapYear(int year) { return ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0); } /** * 本月的第几周 */ static int getIndexWeekInMonth(DateTime dateTime) { DateTime firstdayInMonth = new DateTime(dateTime.year, dateTime.month, 1); Duration duration = dateTime.difference(firstdayInMonth); return (duration.inDays / 7).toInt() + 1; } /** * 本周的第几天 */ static int getIndexDayInWeek(DateTime dateTime) { DateTime firstdayInMonth = new DateTime( dateTime.year, dateTime.month, ); Duration duration = dateTime.difference(firstdayInMonth); return (duration.inDays / 7).toInt() + 1; } /** * 本月第一天,是那一周的第几天,从1开始 * @return 获取日期所在月视图对应的起始偏移量 the start diff with MonthView */ static int getIndexOfFirstDayInMonth(DateTime dateTime, {int offset = 0}) { DateTime firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(dateTime.year, dateTime.month, 1); int week = firstDayOfMonth.weekday + offset; return week; } static List initCalendarForMonthView( int year, int month, DateTime currentDate, int weekStart, {DateModel? minSelectDate, DateModel? maxSelectDate, Map? extraDataMap, int offset = 0}) { print('initCalendarForMonthView start'); weekStart = DateTime.monday; //获取月视图真实偏移量 int mPreDiff = getIndexOfFirstDayInMonth(new DateTime(year, month), offset: offset); //获取该月的天数 int monthDayCount = getMonthDaysCount(year, month); LogUtil.log( TAG: "DateUtil", message: "initCalendarForMonthView:$year年$month月,有$monthDayCount天,第一天的index为${mPreDiff}"); List result = []; int size = 42; DateTime firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(year, month, 1); DateTime lastDayOfMonth = new DateTime(year, month, monthDayCount); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { DateTime temp; DateModel dateModel; if (i < mPreDiff - 1) { if (i < ((mPreDiff / 7).ceil() - 1) * 7) { size++; continue; } //这个上一月的几天 temp = firstDayOfMonth.subtract(Duration(days: mPreDiff - i - 1)); dateModel = DateModel.fromDateTime(temp); dateModel.isCurrentMonth = false; } else if (i >= monthDayCount + (mPreDiff - 1)) { //这是下一月的几天 temp = lastDayOfMonth .add(Duration(days: i - mPreDiff - monthDayCount + 2)); dateModel = DateModel.fromDateTime(temp); dateModel.isCurrentMonth = false; } else { //这个月的 temp = new DateTime(year, month, i - mPreDiff + 2); dateModel = DateModel.fromDateTime(temp); dateModel.isCurrentMonth = true; } //判断是否在范围内 if (dateModel.getDateTime().isAfter(minSelectDate!.getDateTime()) && dateModel.getDateTime().isBefore(maxSelectDate!.getDateTime())) { dateModel.isInRange = true; } else { dateModel.isInRange = false; } //将自定义额外的数据,存储到相应的model中 if (extraDataMap?.isNotEmpty == true) { if (extraDataMap!.containsKey(dateModel)) { dateModel.extraData = extraDataMap[dateModel]; } else { dateModel.extraData = null; } } else { dateModel.extraData = null; } result.add(dateModel); } print('initCalendarForMonthView end'); return result; } /** * 月的行数 */ static int getMonthViewLineCount(int year, int month, int offset) { DateTime firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(year, month, 1); int monthDayCount = getMonthDaysCount(year, month); int preIndex = (firstDayOfMonth.weekday - 1 + offset) % 7; int lineCount = ((preIndex + monthDayCount) / 7).ceil(); LogUtil.log( TAG: "DateUtil", message: "getMonthViewLineCount:$year年$month月:有$lineCount行"); return lineCount; } /** * 获取本周的7个item */ static List initCalendarForWeekView( int? year, int? month, DateTime currentDate, int weekStart, {DateModel? minSelectDate, DateModel? maxSelectDate, Map? extraDataMap, int offset = 0}) { List items = []; int weekDay = currentDate.weekday + offset; //计算本周的第一天 DateTime firstDayOfWeek = currentDate.add(Duration(days: -weekDay)); for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { DateModel dateModel = DateModel.fromDateTime(firstDayOfWeek.add(Duration(days: i))); //判断是否在范围内 if (dateModel.getDateTime().isAfter(minSelectDate!.getDateTime()) && dateModel.getDateTime().isBefore(maxSelectDate!.getDateTime())) { dateModel.isInRange = true; } else { dateModel.isInRange = false; } if (month == dateModel.month) { dateModel.isCurrentMonth = true; } else { dateModel.isCurrentMonth = false; } //将自定义额外的数据,存储到相应的model中 if (extraDataMap?.isNotEmpty == true) { if (extraDataMap!.containsKey(dateModel)) { dateModel.extraData = extraDataMap[dateModel]; } } items.add(dateModel); } return items; } }