import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'bubble.dart'; const Duration _kMenuDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 300); const Color _kMenuBackgroundColor = Color(0xFF2E2E2E); const Color _kMenuBackgroundLightColor = Color(0xD1F8F8F8); const EdgeInsets _kMenuButtonPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 12.0, horizontal: 18.0); const double _kMenuScreenPadding = 8.0; const double _kMenuMaxWidth = 5.0 * _kMenuWidthStep; const double _kMenuMinWidth = 2.0 * _kMenuWidthStep; const double _kMenuWidthStep = 56.0; const double _kMenuCloseIntervalEnd = 2.0 / 3.0; const double _kMenuHeight = 36.0; const double _kMenuButtonMinHeight = 22; const TextStyle _kToolbarButtonFontStyle = TextStyle( inherit: false, fontSize: 14.0, letterSpacing: -0.11, fontWeight: FontWeight.w300, color: CupertinoColors.white, ); typedef FLBubbleMenuItemBuilder = List>? Function( BuildContext context); typedef FLBubbleMenuCancelled = void Function(); typedef FLBubbleMenuItemSelected = void Function(T value); enum FLBubbleMenuInteraction { tap, longPress } class FLBubbleMenuWidget extends StatefulWidget { FLBubbleMenuWidget( {Key? key, @required this.itemBuilder, this.onSelected, this.onCancelled, this.interaction = FLBubbleMenuInteraction.longPress, @required this.child, this.offset =}) : assert(itemBuilder != null), assert(child != null), assert(offset != null), super(key: key); final FLBubbleMenuInteraction? interaction; final FLBubbleMenuItemBuilder? itemBuilder; final FLBubbleMenuItemSelected? onSelected; final FLBubbleMenuCancelled? onCancelled; final Widget? child; final Offset? offset; @override _FLBubbleMenuWidgetState createState() => _FLBubbleMenuWidgetState(); } class _FLBubbleMenuWidgetState extends State> { void showButtonMenu() { final RenderBox? button = context.findRenderObject() as RenderBox?; final RenderBox? overlay = Overlay.of(context)?.context.findRenderObject() as RenderBox?; final RelativeRect position = RelativeRect.fromRect( Rect.fromPoints( button!.localToGlobal(widget.offset!, ancestor: overlay), button.localToGlobal(button.size.bottomRight(, ancestor: overlay), ), & overlay!.size); showBubbleMenu( context: context, position: position, items: widget.itemBuilder!(context)) .then((T? value) { if (!mounted) return null; if (value == null) { if (widget.onCancelled != null) widget.onCancelled!(); return null; } if (widget.onSelected != null) widget.onSelected!(value); }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return InkWell( onTap: (widget.interaction == FLBubbleMenuInteraction.tap) ? showButtonMenu : null, onLongPress: (widget.interaction == FLBubbleMenuInteraction.longPress) ? showButtonMenu : null, child: widget.child); } } Future showBubbleMenu({ @required BuildContext? context, @required RelativeRect? position, @required List>? items, String? semanticLabel, }) { assert(context != null); assert(position != null); assert(items != null && items.isNotEmpty); assert(debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context!)); String label = semanticLabel!; switch (defaultTargetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.iOS: label = semanticLabel; break; case case TargetPlatform.fuchsia: case TargetPlatform.linux: case TargetPlatform.macOS: case label = semanticLabel; // ?? MaterialLocalizations.of(context!).popupMenuLabel; } return Navigator.push( context!, _FLBubblePopupRoute( position: position!, items: items!, semanticLabel: label, barrierLabel: MaterialLocalizations.of(context).modalBarrierDismissLabel)); } class FLBubbleMenuItem { FLBubbleMenuItem({@required this.text, @required this.value}); final String? text; final T? value; } class _FLBubbleMenu extends StatelessWidget { _FLBubbleMenu( {Key? key, this.route, this.semanticLabel, this.from = FLBubbleFrom.bottom, @required this.items}) : super(key: key); final _FLBubblePopupRoute? route; final String? semanticLabel; final FLBubbleFrom? from; final List? items; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final isDarkMode = Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.dark; final List children = []; for (int i = 0; i < route!.items!.length; i += 1) { final CurvedAnimation opacity = CurvedAnimation( parent: route!.animation!, curve: Interval(0.0, 1.0 / 3.0)); FLBubbleMenuItem item = route!.items![i]; Widget itemWidget = _buildMenuButton(context, item, isDarkMode); children.add(_transitionWrapper(itemWidget, opacity)); if (i != route!.items!.length - 1) { children.add(_transitionWrapper(_divider(isDarkMode), opacity)); } } final CurveTween opacity = CurveTween(curve: const Interval(0.0, 1.0 / 3.0)); final Color backgroundColor = isDarkMode ? _kMenuBackgroundLightColor : _kMenuBackgroundColor; final Widget child = ConstrainedBox( constraints: const BoxConstraints( minWidth: _kMenuMinWidth, maxWidth: _kMenuMaxWidth, ), child: IntrinsicWidth( stepWidth: _kMenuWidthStep, child: Semantics( scopesRoute: true, namesRoute: true, explicitChildNodes: true, label: semanticLabel, child: FLBubble( from: from!, padding:, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: children, )), ), ), ); return AnimatedBuilder( animation: route!.animation!, builder: (BuildContext? context, Widget? child) { return Opacity( opacity: opacity.evaluate(route!.animation!), child: Material( color: Colors.transparent, child: child, ), ); }, child: child, ); } CupertinoButton _buildMenuButton( BuildContext context, FLBubbleMenuItem menuItem, bool isDarkMode) { TextStyle textStyle = isDarkMode ? _kToolbarButtonFontStyle.copyWith(color: : _kToolbarButtonFontStyle; return CupertinoButton( child: Text(menuItem.text!, style: textStyle), minSize: _kMenuButtonMinHeight, padding: _kMenuButtonPadding, borderRadius: null, pressedOpacity: 0.7, onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context, menuItem.value); }, ); } Widget _divider(bool isDarkMode) { Color dividerColor = isDarkMode ? Colors.blueGrey : Colors.white; return Container(width: 1 / 2.0, height: _kMenuHeight, color: dividerColor); } Widget _transitionWrapper(Widget child, CurvedAnimation opacity) { return FadeTransition(opacity: opacity, child: child); } } // Positioning of the menu class _FLBubbleMenuRouteLayoutDelegate extends SingleChildLayoutDelegate { _FLBubbleMenuRouteLayoutDelegate({this.position, this.from}); final RelativeRect? position; final FLBubbleFrom? from; // only support top/bottom @override BoxConstraints getConstraintsForChild(BoxConstraints constraints) { // return BoxConstraints.loose(constraints.biggest - Size(_kMenuScreenPadding * 2.0, _kMenuScreenPadding * 2.0)); Size size = Size(constraints.biggest.width - _kMenuScreenPadding * 2.0, constraints.biggest.width - _kMenuScreenPadding * 2.0); return BoxConstraints.loose(size); } @override Offset getPositionForChild(Size size, Size childSize) { // vertical position double y = (from == FLBubbleFrom.bottom) ? position!.top - childSize.height : size.height - position!.bottom; // horizontal position double pW = size.width - position!.right - position!.left; double x = position!.left + (pW - childSize.width) / 2; // check horizontal edge if (x < _kMenuScreenPadding) x = _kMenuScreenPadding; else if (x + childSize.width > size.width - _kMenuScreenPadding) x = size.width - childSize.width - _kMenuScreenPadding; // vertical if (y < _kMenuScreenPadding) y = _kMenuScreenPadding; else if (y + childSize.height > size.height - _kMenuScreenPadding) y = size.height - childSize.height - _kMenuScreenPadding; return Offset(x, y); } @override bool shouldRelayout(_FLBubbleMenuRouteLayoutDelegate oldDelegate) { return position != oldDelegate.position; } } class _FLBubblePopupRoute extends PopupRoute { _FLBubblePopupRoute({ this.position, this.items, this.barrierLabel, this.semanticLabel, }); final RelativeRect? position; final List>? items; final String? semanticLabel; @override Animation createAnimation() { return CurvedAnimation( parent: super.createAnimation(), curve: Curves.linear, reverseCurve: const Interval(0.0, _kMenuCloseIntervalEnd)); } @override Duration get transitionDuration => _kMenuDuration; @override bool get barrierDismissible => true; @override Color? get barrierColor => null; @override final String? barrierLabel; @override Widget buildPage(BuildContext context, Animation animation, Animation secondaryAnimation) { // triangle direction FLBubbleFrom from = _determineBubbleFrom(position); // retrieve menu Widget menu = _FLBubbleMenu( route: this, semanticLabel: semanticLabel, from: from, items: items, ); return MediaQuery.removePadding( context: context, removeTop: true, removeLeft: true, removeBottom: true, removeRight: true, child: Builder( builder: (BuildContext context) { return CustomSingleChildLayout( delegate: _FLBubbleMenuRouteLayoutDelegate( position: position!, from: from), child: menu, ); }, )); } FLBubbleFrom _determineBubbleFrom(RelativeRect? position) { return (position!.top > (35 // estimated value + kToolbarHeight + _kMenuHeight + _kMenuScreenPadding)) ? FLBubbleFrom.bottom :; } }