import 'dart:async'; // import 'dart:io'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/http/bytedesk_device_api.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/http/bytedesk_thread_api.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/model/app.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/model/jsonResult.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/model/thread.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/model/userJsonResult.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/model/wechatResult.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/ui/channel/provider/channel_provider.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/ui/chat/page/chat_webview_page.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/ui/chat/provider/chat_im_provider.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/ui/chat/provider/chat_thread_provider.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/ui/faq/provider/help_provider.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/ui/feedback/provider/feedback_provider.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/ui/leavemsg/provider/leavemsg_provider.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/ui/ticket/provider/ticket_provider.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/http/bytedesk_user_api.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/ui/chat/provider/chat_kf_provider.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/util/bytedesk_utils.dart'; import 'package:bytedesk_kefu/util/bytedesk_constants.dart'; import 'package:sp_util/sp_util.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'model/user.dart'; class BytedeskKefu { // static const MethodChannel _channel = const MethodChannel('bytedesk_kefu'); static Future get platformVersion async { final String version = await _channel.invokeMethod('getPlatformVersion'); return version; } // 下面为 自定义接口 static void init(String appKey, String subDomain) async { anonymousLogin(appKey, subDomain); } // 支持自定义用户名,方便跟APP业务系统对接 static void initWithUsername( String username, String appKey, String subDomain) async { initWithUsernameAndNickname(username, "", appKey, subDomain); } static void initWithUsernameAndNickname( String username, String nickname, String appKey, String subDomain) async { initWithUsernameAndNicknameAndAvatar( username, nickname, "", appKey, subDomain); } static void initWithUsernameAndNicknameAndAvatar(String username, String nickname, String avatar, String appKey, String subDomain) async { /// sp初始化 await SpUtil.getInstance(); // 首先检测是否是第一次,如果是第一此启动 String? spusername = SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.username); String? sppassword = SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.password); if (spusername!.isNotEmpty) { // 登录 userLogin(spusername, sppassword!, appKey, subDomain); } else { // 调用注册接口 // 默认密码同用户名 String password = username; await BytedeskUserHttpApi() .registerUser(username, nickname, password, avatar, subDomain); // 注册成功之后,调用登录接口 String usernameCompose = username + "@" + subDomain; userLogin(usernameCompose, password, appKey, subDomain); } } // 判断是否已经登录 static bool isLogin() { String? accessToken = SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.accessToken); if (accessToken!.isEmpty) { return false; } return true; } // 访客匿名登录接口 static void anonymousLogin(String appKey, String subDomain) async { /// sp初始化 await SpUtil.getInstance(); // 首先检测是否是第一次,如果是第一此启动 String? username = SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.username); String? unionid = SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.unionid); if (username!.isEmpty && unionid!.isEmpty) { // 第一此启动, 则调用注册接口,否则调用登录接口 User user = await BytedeskUserHttpApi().registerAnonymous(subDomain); visitorLogin(user.username!, appKey, subDomain); } else if (username.isNotEmpty) { // 用户名登录,非微信登录 visitorLogin(username, appKey, subDomain); } else if (unionid!.isNotEmpty) { // 微信登录 unionidOAuth(unionid); } else { // 验证码登录其他账号,非当前匿名登录账户 otherOAuth(); } } // 匿名访客登录 static void visitorLogin(String username, String appkey, String subDomain) { String password = username; login( username, password, appkey, subDomain, BytedeskConstants.ROLE_VISITOR); } // 开发者自定义用户名登录接口 static void userLogin( String username, String password, String appkey, String subDomain) { login( username, password, appkey, subDomain, BytedeskConstants.ROLE_VISITOR); } // 用户名登录 static void login(String username, String password, String appkey, String subDomain, String role) async { // SpUtil.putString(BytedeskConstants.role, role); if (role == BytedeskConstants.ROLE_ADMIN) { if (!username.contains("@")) { username = username + "@" + subDomain; } } await BytedeskUserHttpApi().oauth(username, password); // 登录成功之后,建立长连接 connect(); // if (role == BytedeskConstants.ROLE_ADMIN) { // // TODO: 如果是客服账号,加载个人信息 // } // 上传设备信息 await BytedeskDeviceHttpApi().setDeviceInfo(); } // 微信unionid登录 static void unionidOAuth(String unionid) async { // await BytedeskUserHttpApi().unionIdOAuth(unionid); // 登录成功之后,建立长连接 connect(); // 上传设备信息 await BytedeskDeviceHttpApi().setDeviceInfo(); } // 直接建立长连接 static void otherOAuth() async { // 登录成功之后,建立长连接 connect(); // 上传设备信息 await BytedeskDeviceHttpApi().setDeviceInfo(); } // 建立长连接 static bool connect() { return BytedeskUtils.mqttConnect(); } // 重连 static bool reconnect() { return BytedeskUtils.mqttReConnect(); } // 断开 static void disconnect() { BytedeskUtils.mqttDisconnect(); } // 判断长连接状态 static bool isConnected() { return BytedeskUtils.isMqttConnected(); } // 技能组客服会话 static void startWorkGroupChat( BuildContext context, String wid, String title) { startChatDefault( context, wid, BytedeskConstants.CHAT_TYPE_WORKGROUP, title, false); } static void startWorkGroupChatV2Robot( BuildContext context, String wid, String title) { startChatDefault( context, wid, BytedeskConstants.CHAT_TYPE_WORKGROUP, title, true); } // 发送附言消息 static void startWorkGroupChatPostscript( BuildContext context, String wid, String title, String postScript) { startChat(context, wid, BytedeskConstants.CHAT_TYPE_WORKGROUP, title, '', postScript, false, null); } // 电商接口,携带商品参数 // type/title/content/price/url/imageUrl/id/categoryCode static void startWorkGroupChatShop( BuildContext context, String wid, String title, String commodity) { startChatShop(context, wid, BytedeskConstants.CHAT_TYPE_WORKGROUP, title, commodity, null); } static void startWorkGroupChatShopCallback(BuildContext context, String wid, String title, String commodity, ValueSetter customCallback) { startChatShop(context, wid, BytedeskConstants.CHAT_TYPE_WORKGROUP, title, commodity, customCallback); } // 指定客服会话 static void startAppointedChat( BuildContext context, String uid, String title) { startChatDefault( context, uid, BytedeskConstants.CHAT_TYPE_APPOINTED, title, false); } // 发送附言消息 static void startAppointedChatPostscript( BuildContext context, String uid, String title, String postScript) { startChat(context, uid, BytedeskConstants.CHAT_TYPE_APPOINTED, title, '', postScript, false, null); } // 电商接口,携带商品参数 static void startAppointedChatShop( BuildContext context, String uid, String title, String commodity) { startChatShop(context, uid, BytedeskConstants.CHAT_TYPE_APPOINTED, title, commodity, null); } static void startAppointedChatShopCallback(BuildContext context, String uid, String title, String commodity, ValueSetter customCallback) { startChatShop(context, uid, BytedeskConstants.CHAT_TYPE_APPOINTED, title, commodity, customCallback); } // 默认设置商品信息和附言为空 static void startChatDefault(BuildContext context, String uuid, String type, String title, bool isV2Robot) { startChat(context, uuid, type, title, '', '', isV2Robot, null); } // 电商对话-自定义类型(技能组、指定客服) static void startChatShop(BuildContext context, String uuid, String type, String title, String commodity, ValueSetter? customCallback) { startChat(context, uuid, type, title, commodity, '', false, customCallback); } // 发送附言消息-自定义类型(技能组、指定客服) static void startChatPostscript(BuildContext context, String uuid, String type, String title, String postScript) { startChat(context, uuid, type, title, '', postScript, false, null); } // 客服会话-自定义类型(技能组、指定客服) static void startChat( BuildContext context, String uuid, String type, String title, String commodity, String postScript, bool isV2Robot, ValueSetter? customCallback) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new ChatKFProvider( wid: uuid, aid: uuid, type: type, title: title, custom: commodity, postscript: postScript, isV2Robot: isV2Robot, customCallback: customCallback, ); })); } // 从历史会话或者点击通知栏进入 static void startChatThread(BuildContext context, Thread thread, {String title = ''}) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new ChatThreadProvider( thread: thread, title: title, ); })); } // 应用内打开H5客服页面 static void startH5Chat(BuildContext context, String url, String title) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new ChatWebViewPage( url: url, title: title, ); })); } // 应用内打开网页 static void openWebView(BuildContext context, String url, String title) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new ChatWebViewPage( url: url, title: title, ); })); } // TODO: 好友一对一聊天 static void startContactChat(BuildContext context, String cid, String title) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new ChatIMProvider( // cid: cid, title: title, ); })); } // TODO: 好友一对一,携带商品参数 // static void startContactChatShop( // BuildContext context, String cid, String title, String commodity) { // Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { // return new ChatIMProvider( // // cid: cid, // title: title, // custom: commodity, // ); // })); // } // TODO: 客服端-进入接待访客对话页面 static void startChatThreadIM(BuildContext context, Thread thread) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new ChatIMProvider( thread: thread, isThread: true, ); })); } // 常见问题列表 static void showFaq(BuildContext context, String uid) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new HelpProvider(uid: uid); })); } // 意见反馈 static void showFeedback(BuildContext context, String uid) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new FeedbackProvider(uid: uid); })); } // TODO: 提交工单 static void showTicket(BuildContext context, String uid) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new TicketProvider(uid: uid); })); } // TODO: 留言 static void showLeaveMessage( BuildContext context, String uuid, String type, String tip) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new LeaveMsgProvider( wid: uuid, aid: uuid, type: type, tip: tip, ); })); } // 频道消息 static void showChannel(BuildContext context, Thread thread) { Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return new ChannelProvider( thread: thread, ); })); } // 获取个人资料 static Future getProfile() async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().getProfile(); } // 设置用户昵称 static Future updateNickname(String nickname) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().updateNickname(nickname); } // 设置用户头像 static Future updateAvatar(String avatar) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().updateAvatar(avatar); } // 设置用户备注 static Future updateDescription(String description) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().updateDescription(description); } // 一个接口,设置:昵称、头像、备注 static Future updateProfile( String nickname, String avatar, String description) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().updateProfile(nickname, avatar, description); } // 查询技能组在线状态 static Future getWorkGroupStatus(String workGroupWid) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().getWorkGroupStatus(workGroupWid); } // 查询客服在线状态 static Future getAgentStatus(String agentUid) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().getAgentStatus(agentUid); } // 查询当前用户-某技能组wid或指定客服未读消息数目 static Future getUnreadCount(String wid) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().getUnreadCount(wid); } // 访客端-查询访客所有未读消息数目 static Future getUnreadCountVisitor() async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().getUnreadCountVisitor(); } // 客服端-查询客服所有未读消息数目 static Future getUnreadCountAgent() async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().getUnreadCountAgent(); } // 访客历史会话 static Future> getVisitorThreads(int page, int size) async { return BytedeskThreadHttpApi().getVisitorThreads(page, size); } // 消息提示设置 static bool? getPlayAudioOnSendMessage() { return SpUtil.getBool(BytedeskConstants.PLAY_AUDIO_ON_SEND_MESSAGE, defValue: true); } static void setPlayAudioOnSendMessage(bool flag) { SpUtil.putBool(BytedeskConstants.PLAY_AUDIO_ON_SEND_MESSAGE, flag); } static bool? getPlayAudioOnReceiveMessage() { return SpUtil.getBool(BytedeskConstants.PLAY_AUDIO_ON_RECEIVE_MESSAGE, defValue: true); } static void setPlayAudioOnReceiveMessage(bool flag) { SpUtil.putBool(BytedeskConstants.PLAY_AUDIO_ON_RECEIVE_MESSAGE, flag); } static bool? getVibrateOnReceiveMessage() { return SpUtil.getBool(BytedeskConstants.VIBRATE_ON_RECEIVE_MESSAGE, defValue: true); } static void setVibrateOnReceiveMessage(bool flag) { SpUtil.putBool(BytedeskConstants.VIBRATE_ON_RECEIVE_MESSAGE, flag); } // 上传ios devicetoken static Future uploadIOSDeviceToken( String appkey, String deviceToken) async { BytedeskDeviceHttpApi() .updateIOSDeviceToken(appkey,, deviceToken); } // build的值只有两种情况,测试设置为:debug 或 线上设置为:release // static Future uploadIOSDeviceToken( // String appkey, String build, String deviceToken) async { // BytedeskDeviceHttpApi().updateIOSDeviceToken(appkey, build, deviceToken); // } // build的值只有两种情况,测试设置为:debug 或 线上设置为:release static Future deleteIOSDeviceToken(String build) async { BytedeskDeviceHttpApi().deleteIOSDeviceToken(build); } // The package version. `CFBundleShortVersionString` on iOS, `versionName` on Android. static Future getAppVersion() { return BytedeskDeviceHttpApi().getAppVersion(); } // The build number. `CFBundleVersion` on iOS, `versionCode` on Android. static Future getAppBuildNumber() { return BytedeskDeviceHttpApi().getAppBuildNumber(); } // 从服务器检测当前APP是否有新版 static Future checkAppVersion(String androidKey, String iosKey) { if (BytedeskUtils.isWeb) { // FIXME: 仅用于占位,待修改 return BytedeskUserHttpApi().checkAppVersion(iosKey); } else if (BytedeskUtils.isAndroid) { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().checkAppVersion(androidKey); } return BytedeskUserHttpApi().checkAppVersion(iosKey); } // 退出登录 static Future logout() { // 断开长链接 disconnect(); // 通知服务器,并清空本地数据 return BytedeskUserHttpApi().logout(); } // 以下为专用接口,普通用户请忽略 // 通过token获取手机号-良师app-专用 static Future getAliyunOneKeyLoginMobile(String token) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().getAliyunOneKeyLoginMobile(token); } // 匿名登录之后,绑定手机号-良师app-专用 static Future bindMobile(String mobile) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().bindMobile(mobile); } // 微信登录之后,获取微信用户信息-良师app-专用 static Future getWechatUserinfo(String code) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().getWechatUserinfo(code); } // 手机端注册微信登录用户-并绑定手机号-良师app-专用 static Future registerWechatMobile(String mobile, String nickname, String avatar, String unionid, String openid) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi() .registerWechatMobile(mobile, nickname, avatar, unionid, openid); } // 将unionid绑定到已经存在的手机账号-良师app-专用 static Future bindWeChatMobile( String mobile, String unionid) async { return BytedeskUserHttpApi().bindWeChatMobile(mobile, unionid); } }