You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

79 lines
2.7 KiB

@Deprecated("sh*t assets_image need to be cleaned.")
class AssetsImage {
static const LOCATION = 'assets/icons/location.png';
static const HOUSE = 'assets/icons/house.png';
static const PHONE = 'assets/icons/phone.png';
static const IMAGEADD = 'assets/icons/img_add.png';
static const PROPERTY = 'assets/icons/property.png';
static const SYSTEMNOTICE = 'assets/icons/system_notice.png';
static const COMMENTNOTICE = 'assets/icons/comment_notice.png';
static const SHOPNOTICE = 'assets/icons/shop_notice.png';
static const MINEBG = 'assets/images/mine_bg.png';
static const MEMBERBG = 'assets/images/member_bg.png';
static const HOUSEHEADER = 'assets/images/house_header.png';
static const HOUSEATTESTATION = 'assets/images/house_attestation.png';
static const CARHEADER = 'assets/images/car_header.png';
static const LOGO = 'assets/images/logo.png';
static const PHONELOGO = 'assets/images/phone_logo.png';
static const CODELOGO = 'assets/images/code_logo.png';
static const LICENSE = 'assets/images/license.png';
static const LICENSEBACK = 'assets/images/license_back.png';
static const DRAWINGS = 'assets/images/drawings.png';
static const APPLICATION = 'assets/images/application.png';
static const COMMITMENT = 'assets/images/commitment.png';
static const WXPAY = 'assets/images/wxpay.png';
static const APPADD = 'assets/icons/app_add.png';
static const APPREDUCE = 'assets/icons/app_reduce.png';
static const COMPLAINT = 'assets/icons/complaint.png';
static const CONSULT = 'assets/icons/consult.png';
static const LIKE = 'assets/icons/like.png';
static const PROPOSAL = 'assets/icons/proposal.png';
static const List<Map<String, dynamic>> shopGridList = [
{'title': '居家生活', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/tool_jjsh.png'},
{'title': '数码家电', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/tool_smjd.png'},
{'title': '休闲副食', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/tool_xxfs.png'},
{'title': '滋补保健', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/tool_zbbj.png'},
{'title': '彩妆香水', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/tool_czxs.png'},
{'title': '服饰箱包', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/tool_fsxb.png'},
{'title': '母婴玩具', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/tool_mywj.png'},
{'title': '饮料酒水', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/tool_yljs.png'},
static const List<Map<String, dynamic>> orderGridList = [
{'title': '待付款', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/user_icon_dfk.png'},
{'title': '待发货', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/user_icon_dfh.png'},
{'title': '待收货', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/user_icon_dsh.png'},
{'title': '待评价', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/user_icon_dpj.png'},
{'title': '售后', 'imagePath': 'assets/icons/user_icon_sh.png'},