You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

330 lines
11 KiB

4 years ago
class API {
static const String host = '';
static const String baseURL = '$host/IntelligentCommunity/app';
static String get resource => '$host/static';
4 years ago
static String image(String? path) => '$resource$path';
static String file(String? path) => '$resource$path';
4 years ago
static const int networkTimeOut = 10000;
static _Login login = _Login();
static _User user = _User();
static _Manager manager = _Manager();
static _Upload upload = _Upload();
static _Community community = _Community();
static _Message message = _Message();
4 years ago
static _Market market = _Market();
4 years ago
class _Login {
/// 获取手机验证码
String get sendSMSCode => '/login/sendMMSLogin';
/// 通过验证码短信登陆
4 years ago
String get loginBySMS => '/login/loginSMSUser';
/// 查询楼栋ID
String get buildingInfo => '/login/findAllBuildingIAN';
String get unitInfo => '/login/findEstateIANByBuilding';
/// app用户注册
String get signUp => '/login/register';
String get sendNewMSCode => '/user/personalData/sendTelUpdateCode';
class _User {
String get userProfile => '/user/personalData/findPersonalData';
String get userDetail => '/user/personalData/getUserDetail';
String get setSex => '/user/personalData/updateSex';
String get setBirthday => '/user/personalData/updateBirthday';
String get logout => '/user/signOut';
String get updateNickName => '/user/personalData/updateNickName';
String get updateTel => '/user/personalData/updateTel';
String get udpdateAvatar => '/user/personalData/updateHeadPortrait';
String get feedback => '/user/feedback/submit';
String get authHouse => '/user/myHouse/authentication';
String get houseList => '/user/myHouse/list';
String get deleteHouse => '/user/myHouse/falseDelete';
String get changeSelectExanmineId => '/user/myHouse/changeSelectExamineId';
String get carParkingList => '/user/myParkingSpace/list';
String get carList => '/user/myCar/list';
4 years ago
class _Manager {
_Facility facility = _Facility();
String get commiteeStaff => '/ownersCommittee/findAll';
String get convenientPhone => '/convenientTelephone/list';
String get fixedSubmit => '/user/reportRepair/list';
String get insertVisitorInfo => '/user/visitorAccess/insertVisitorInfo';
String get shareInvite => '/user/visitorInvite/share';
String get visitorAccessList => '/user/visitorAccess/list';
String get articleOut => '/user/articleOut/list';
String get reportRepairInsert => '/user/reportRepair/insert';
String get reportRepairDelete => '/user/reportRepair/falseDelete';
///咨询建议/投诉表扬查询所有的app建议咨询/投诉表扬 信息(包含条件搜索 type 【类型(1.咨询2.建议3.投诉4.表扬)】)
String get advice => '/user/advice/list';
String get reportRepairFindBYLD => '/user/reportRepair/findById';
/// 咨询建议/投诉表扬:添加建议咨询/投诉表扬 信息
String get addAdvice => '/user/advice/insert';
String get adviceDetail => '/user/advice/findAdviceDetailByAdviceId';
String get adviceQuestion => '/user/advice/reQuestion';
String get adviceEvaluate => '/user/advice/evaluate';
String get deleteAdvice => '/user/advice/falseDelete';
String get reportRepairCancel => '/user/reportRepair/cancel';
/// 报事报修:确认完成订单
String get reportRepairComplete => '/user/reportRepair/completeOrder';
String get reportRepairEvaluate => '/user/reportRepair/evaluate';
String get getMovingCompanyTel => '/user/articleOut/getMovingCompanyTel';
String get articleOutSubmit => '/user/articleOut/submit';
String get getQRcode => '/user/articleOut/getQRCode';
4 years ago
String get articleOutDelete => '/user/articleOut/falseDelete';
String get articleBorrow => '/user/articleBorrow/list';
String get articleBorrowMylist => '/user/articleBorrow/myList';
4 years ago
String get fromLoss => '/user/articleBorrow/frmLoss';
String get articleBorrowFindDetail => '/user/articleBorrow/findDetailById';
String get articleBorrowGoods => '/user/articleBorrow/borrow';
String get articleReturnGoods => '/user/articleBorrow/articleReturn';
String get articleReturnList => '/articleBorrow/findBorrowByUserId';
String get dailyPaymentList => '/user/dailyPayment/list';
String get findEstatelsPament => '/user/dailyPayment/findEstateIsPayment';
String get enventVotingList => '/user/eventVoting/list';
String get voteDetail => '/user/eventVoting/voteDetail';
String get vote => '/user/eventVoting/vote';
String get questionnaireList => '/user/questionnaire/list';
String get questionnairefindById => '/user/questionnaire/findById';
String get questionnaireSubmit => '/user/questionnaire/submit';
String get paymentRecord => '/user/dailyPayment/paymentRecord';
class _Community {
String get activityList => '/user/activity/list';
String get activityDetail => '/user/activity/findById';
String get activityPeopleList => '/user/activity/participantsList';
String get boardList => '/user/announcement/list';
String get boardDetail => '/user/announcement/findById';
String get topicList => '/user/gambit/listGambit';
String get eventByTopicId => '/user/gambit/listByGambitId';
String get newEventList => '/user/gambit/list';
///社区活动: 写帖子(添加主题信息)
String get addEvent => '/user/gambit/writePost';
String get like => '/user/gambit/likes';
String get hotTopic => '/user/gambit/findActivityGambit';
String get myEvent => '/user/gambit/myTidings';
String get deleteMyEvent => '/user/gambit/falseDelete';
String get getEventDetail => '/user/gambit/GambitThemeDetail';
String get sendAComment => '/user/gambit/comment';
String get signUpActivity => '/user/activity/signUp';
4 years ago
class _Market {
String get category => '/user/shop/findAllCategory';
String get list => '/user/shop/findGoodsByCategoryId';
String get hotTop => '/user/shop/findTopGoods';
String get search => '/user/shop/goodsSearch';
4 years ago
class _Upload {
String get uploadAdvice => '/user/upload/uploadAdvice';
String get uploadAvatar => '/user/upload/appHeadSculpture';
///上传报事报修信息 报事报修照片
String get uploadRepair => '/user/upload/uploadRepair';
String get uploadEvent => '/user/upload/uploadGambit';
class _Message {
///消息中心:消息中心 获取系统通知未读数量和标题
String get center => '/user/message/messageCenter';
String get sysMessageList => '/user/message/sysMessageList';
String get allRead => '/user/message/allRead';
///消息中心:阅读消息(未读 -> 已读)
String get readMessage => '/user/message/readMessage';
String get getSystemMessageDetial => '/user/message/sysMessageDetail';
String get commentMessageList => '/user/message/sysCommentMessageList';
String get allReadComment => '/user/message/allReadComment';
class _Facility {
String get type => '/user/facilitiesAppointment/findCategoryList';
///设施预约:查询所有的设施预约 (包含搜索条件)
String get appointment => '/user/facilitiesAppointment/list';
String get add => '/user/facilitiesAppointment/insert';
String get scan => '/user/facilitiesAppointment/signIn';
String get cancel => '/user/facilitiesAppointment/cancel';
String get stop => '/user/facilitiesAppointment/useStop';
String get detailType =>